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GraffitiSuite Acquires HTML Edit

GraffitiSuite announces the acquisition of HTML Edit by Tim Parnell.

"We have reached an agreement with Tim to take over development of his HTML Edit classes for Web and Desktop," said Anthony G. Cyphers, Sole Proprietor of CyphersTECH Consulting.

"As of Release 23, which is also going out to customers today, HTML Edit 2.0 is now included in GraffitiSuite as GraffitiHTMLEditor and GraffitiWebHTMLEditor. We've also added a bunch of new classes, fixed a plethora of bugs, made serving up scripts for GraffitiSuite faster, and moved our documentation to a Wiki format. We're confident that these efforts will help our customers in more ways than we can possibly imagine."

When asked about the acquisition, Tim Parnell had the following to say: "I'm happy that HTML Edit will be able to live on and receive the attention it deserves."

Product: GraffitiSuite

Platforms: All

Price: Starting at $149/year

Website: http://www.GraffitiSuite.com/

Omegabundle for Xojo 2017 Dev Tools Bundle

Get the top developer tools and third party components for the Xojo cross-platform development platform for a limited time for over 89% savings!

Omegbundle for Xojo 2017 is a collection of 14 (90+ individual items!) of the most useful tool sets, add-ons, digital books, training material, and components for use with Xojo Inc's Xojo development environment. If purchased separately and not including any additional offers, the total cost would be over $3700. Omegabundle for Xojo 2017 costs $399.

Included Products:

AprendeXojo GuancheMOS. The toolkit you need for application serialization and validation.

Monkeybread Complete Plugins. 60 plugins that extend Xojo with capabilities you want and need to build professional, native OS applications

Jeremie LeRoy Software Desktop Bundle. Nine visual components for building superior user interfaces for desktop apps, plus bonus iOS components!

Monkeybread Software DynaPDF Starter. Create, import and modify PDF files on Mac, Windows, Linux

xDev Library. Two books, several key how to articles plus a heavily documented LDAP Xojo module!

Paradigma Software Valentina Studio Pro. Ultimate reports designer and database administration tool that runs on all three operating systems - Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Ohanaware App Wrapper. Make your Xojo based applications ready for distribution on Mac App Store

Ohanaware Retina Kit. Retina Kit is the best add-on for making your Xojo applications Retina ready, with fall back solution for Windows, Linux

Ohanaware Sandbox Kit. A necessity for selling on the Mac App Store - makes sure your application complies with the Mac App Store requirements for sandboxing

Paradigma Software Valentina DB ADK for Xojo. Embed the ultra-fast, object-relational Valentina database into your applications and deploy royalty free - Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, including Raspberry PI!

Paradigma Software Valentina Reports ADK for Xojo. Generate visually rich reports as graphics, web pages or PDF from your Xojo applications on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux including Raspberry PI!

Paradigma Software Valentina Server Unlimited. 3-in-1 Reports Server along with two database servers: one built on object-relational Valentina Database and the other on SQLite. Report serving works with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server and the included Valentina and SQLite servers

xDev Magazine. One-year subscription to xDev Magazine, the professional's magazine for developing with Xojo with topical articles by professional Xojo developers

Product: Omegabundle 2017 for Xojo

Platforms: All

Price: $399

Website: http://www.omegabundle.net/

DataView and piDogScrollingCanvas Updated

piDog Software releases version 1.8.2 of DataView and piDogScrollingCanvas. DataView has been updated to fix several bugs and improve behaviors. This release also adds CellPicture functions. In this Update:

[New] Added cellPicture functionality

[All] Added support for Page Up/Down and Home/End keys

[All] Resizing columns now much faster and smoother

[All] Resizing columns with % or * values should no longer snap or bump after release

[All] Fix for dragging rows/cells not drawing rows, or drawing wrong rows.

[All] Fixes for gridline locations when resizing columns.

[Bug] GridX no longer contains an extra coord in GridlinePaint event

[Win] [Bug] Fixed checkbox drawing with high-contrast and classic theme on Windows

[Win] [Bug] Fixed possible crash when resizing DateChooser columns on Windows

[Win] Native Scrollers and progressbars now drawn more accurately on Windows Classic and high contrast themes

[Linux] Fix for scrollers in HIDPI

[Linux][Win] Minor fixes for DateChooser

Product: DataView and piDogScrollingCanvas

Platforms: All

Price: $99 (encrypted), $349 (source code)

Website: http://www.pidog.com/piDogScrollingCanvas/DataView.shtml

Server Ranger 1.5 Released

LibertyApp Ltd. announce the immediate release of Server Ranger 1.5, the latest version of the company's website and server monitoring solution for the macOS platform, proudly developed using Xojo.

Get alerts when things go wrong with your devices. No subscriptions, no monthly fees, no in-app purchases, and no adverts. Any number of servers or devices.

New In Version 1.5:

Modern integrated main window. The server log now has its own pane on the main window

New filters on the server logs. Logs can now be filtered to show 'Everything' (all checks), 'Alerts' (Warning or Offline) or just 'Offline'

Just want to run manual checks? Automated checks can now be switched off in Preferences. Check as and when you choose

Middle detail pane now shows the average latency for the selected server

New menu bar icon for fast checking of your servers

Product: Server Ranger 1.5

Platforms: OSX

Price: $39.99

Website: http://www.serverranger.com/

MBS Xojo UDP Socket Kit

The MBS Xojo UDP Socket Kit provides you with a new socket class to use UDP Sockets in your Xojo iOS application.

UDP Socket class:

Create socket

Send message

Listen on a port for incoming data

DataAvailable event for incoming data

Wrapper Features:

For Xojo 2015r1 or later

Using exception handling to track error

Test code included

All classes with MB postfix to avoid name conflicts.

All module definitions are protected to avoid conflicts

Inline documentation

Full Source code, no encryption

Works for 32bit and 64bit targets.

Product: MBS Xojo UDP Socket Kit

Platforms: iOS

Price: $99

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/UDPSocketKit/

Xojo 2017 Release 1.1

Xojo 2017 Release 1 is now available! Release 1 adds more than 230 improvements, with a major focus on debugging, including 64-bit debugging and Raspberry Pi Remote Debugging.

Xojo 2017 Release 1 features:

64-bit debugging for macOS and Linux

Remote debugging to Raspberry Pi

Improved printing support on Windows (now using Direct2D)

Improved Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket on Windows

Code Editor improvements, such as more automatic code formatting, optional line number display and improved tab handling

Menu shortcut editor allows you to set and change all IDE menu shortcuts

WebKit HTMLViewer on Windows is now much faster and standard-compliant (uses Chromium Embedded Framework 3)

Support for HTML in text-based web controls

Product: Xojo IDE

Platforms: All

Price: Free IDE (deployment of built applications requires a one-time fee, $99-$1999, depending on targets)

Website: http://www.xojo.com/download

LexingControl Updated

LexingControl has been updated to version 3.5.6. It is a code editor for the Mac and Windows platforms. Its main feature is to colorize text according to the rules of programming syntax, such as C/C++, XojoScript, PHP, SQL, HTML, and so on.

The look and feel of the Editor is finally correctly appreciated by setting your project to be Hi-DPI aware. Fonts on Mac OS-X are crisp, not blurred, a feature that was already present two years ago in Scintilla, but never showed in applications build with Xojo versions before 2016r4. On Windows it showed the font quality already, yet scaling on Windows could not be accomplished until Xojo 2016r4.

Current users of the plugin can upgrade to this plugin with a minimum fee.

Product: LexingControl

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: $30 ($10 upgrade)

Website: http://vanhoekplugins.com/REALStudio/Lexing.html

MBS Plugins 17.1 Released

The MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the Xojo (Real Studio) development environment with 2,400 classes featuring over 62,000 documented functions. Our plugins support all three platforms Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with all project types desktop, web and console including 64-bit and ARM targets.

Some of the highlights on the 17.1 update:

The new NSOutlineControlMBS and the improved NSTableControlMBS controls allow you to implement modern table controls based on Apple's Cocoa controls. Included with the plugins are example projects to show how to replace the standard listbox with our replacements.

For CURL we now have three variants: CURLS classes come with an internal CURL, SSL and SSH library, so you can use it without installation extra libraries. For Mac and Windows the CURLN classes allow you to use native SSL. And the CURL classes without N or S allow you to use your own library files. Our examples mostly demonstrate using CURLS to show you the same behavior cross platform.

Our new ParseDateMBS function parses date and time. You specify the format of the date to parse. Same format can be used with FormatDateMBS function to format a date or time in as specific format.

The functions to edit word files can now extend tables. If your template contains a table and you want to flexible add rows and fill them, you can now duplicate a row as needed and insert it below or on the end of the table.

For Windows we implemented a new class WindowsProcessMBS as a native shell class replacement. You can launch processes and receive their output as string as well as send input to them. Optionally you can use cmd.exe to run shell commands.

You can use the WinNotificationMBS class to draw into a MDI parent window of your application. Our example shows how to draw a picture there. This class is mostly used to be notified about global events like screen resolution changes.

We updated the controls in the plugin and added new mouse events. The cocoa controls got FrameChanged and BoundsChanged events to recognize size changes.

Finally we updated PortMidi, Tidy to version 5.3.15, DynaPDF to, SQLite to 3.17.0 and CURL to 7.53.1.

Product: MBS Xojo and Real Studio plugins

Platforms: All

Price: $29-$299

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/realbasic/plugins.shtml

Windows Declares Book Updated

Eugene Dakin has updated his "I Wish I Knew How To... Implement Declares with Xojo on Windows" to version 1.4 (March 2017). The book has more than 14 chapters and contains over 350 pages with over 70 example programs. New content includes:

Added more C++ to Xojo Data type conversions (Appendix A)

Added API MessageBox Function for AppX Windows Store compatibility (Example 6-9) - 32 and 64 bit compatible

Added enable and disable functionality for Window Close, Minimize, Maximize buttons (Example 6-10) - 32 and 64 bit compatible

Added GetKeyState for keyboard values (Example 14-1) - 32 and 64 bit compatible

Added GetAsyncKeyState for keyboard values (Example 14-2) - 32 and 64 bit compatible

Added GetCursorPos for mouse coordinate values (Example 14-3) - 32 and 64 bit compatible

Added ChooseColor dialogue box (Example 15-1) - 32 and 64 bit compatible

Added ColourIndex conversion to Colour (Example 15-1) - 32 and 64 bit compatible

Added Colour conversion to ColourIndex (Example 15-1) - 32 and 64 bit compatible

Product: Implement Declares with Xojo on Windows (book)

Platforms: Win

Price: $11.99

Website: http://xdevlibrary.com

xDev Archive 14 Available for Pre-Order

This 578-page printed book contains all of Year 14 of xDev Magazine (Jan. 2016-Dec. 2016). Through March 17, 2017, the book may be pre-ordered for 25% off! Existing xDev subscribers can save an additional 25% off, making this the best time to purchase the book. The book will ship to buyers in late March, 2017.

Product: xDev Archive 14 (printed book)

Platforms: All

Price: $44.99 (pre-order price)

Website: http://xdevmag.com/bookpreorder.shtml

Website (subscribers): http://xdevmag.com/bookpreorder-subscriber.shtml

XojoApp Available

Xojo developers can use XojoApp to quickly create Mac, Windows or iOS applications.

The desktop class library is an updated version of the RbApp product. It includes Xojo classes for flexible grid control, large text editing, vector drawing environment, command undo/redo, horizontal/vertical tool palettes, dynamic charts and graphs, high-speed XML, plus string and file manipulation.

The iOS class library contains iOS versions of classes from the Desktop edition. It adds classes and functions to simplify migration from Desktop to iOS apps. For example, iosDate for iOS is mutable and functionally equivalent to the Date object for desktop applications.

XojoApp iOS adds dozens of functions for Text to mimic those available for String. XojoApp iOS adds MsgBox, HttpGet and HttpPost functions. The iosObject2D and iosGroup2D class collection, together with the iosXojoDraw class replicates the Desktop vector drawing environment on iOS.

Product: XojoApp Desktop, XojoApp iOS

Platforms: All

Price: $295 each

Website: http://www.excelsoftware.com/xojoapp

XDC 2016 Videos Now Available

If you missed out on XDC 2016, now's your chance to see the presentations you missed. Videos of all 34 sessions are now available at a special introductory price. XDC attendees get free access to the videos via your Xojo account. Presentation slides and example projects are included to help you follow along. For the complete list of sessions, see the website.

Product: XDC 2016 Videos

Platforms: All

Price: $349 (introductory price)

Website: https://xojo.com/store/#conference

Valentina 7 for Xojo

Paradigma Software announces the release of Valentina Release 7 with features that can dramatically enhance application development for Xojo developers targeting Windows, Mac OS, Linux (x86), and Raspberry Pi (ARM 7, Debian).

Valentina Server 7 is a server solution that combines three different enterprise ready servers into one package for providing advanced database and business analytics technology on Linux (x86 and ARM7 for Raspberry PI), Windows and MacOS X. These three servers include: Valentina Reports Server, for transforming data from many data sources into visually rich reports as web pages, graphics, PDF and more, Valentina DB Server, based on Paradigma Software's blazingly fast object-relational database technology, and Valentina SQLite Server, which allows developers to scale up their SQLite based applications into a true, client-server or server only application solution.

Valentina ADKs for Xojo and Valentina Server 7 adds the following new features to this robust solution:

Key-Value Storage. Valentina DB Server and Valentina DB ADK for Xojo now incorporate a key-value storage system that takes advantage of other Valentina DB Server features such as journaling, temporary tables and more.

Variant Fields. This flexible field type can store variable sized objects of differing types, with optional compression and included in Valentina DB ADK and Valentina Server 7

Scriptable Report Objects. Report objects, the visual elements of reports served, such as barcodes, charts and graphs have pre- and post- load scripts attached to them; added to Valentina Reports ADK for Xojo and Valentina Server 7

Improved Bar Codes. New bar-codes include Aztec, DataMatrix, Han Xin, QR and Micro QR formats and can also utilize outline fonts; added to Valentina Reports ADK for Xojo and Valentina Server 7

As a part of the Valentina 7 technology release, Valentina Server 7 works with the database continuous integration tools that are a part of Valentina Studio Pro 7, the ultimate database management and visual reports builder, also released by Paradigma Software. Valentina Server 7 also incorporates numerous performance improvements. Valentina Server is available as a standalone server solution for $299, and as a part of Valentina Developer Network, which allows developers to re-deploy unlimited copies of Valentina Server as a part of their own solutions for $599. Special versions are available at no cost for academic and educational use.

Product: Valentina 7 for Xojo

Platforms: All

Price: $299-$599

Website: http://www.valentina-db.com

Scripts Plugin 3.0

This version contains a novel class "Basic" with a different syntax (sample Basic files are included) compared to XojoScript/Xojo. It has the same functionality and capabilities, such as connecting it to a context. Basic can read multiple files using the keyword import. Sample projects will show how to implement interactive scripting with the Threadsafe class, with either XojoScript or Basic(Script). Interactive scripting requires a blocking thread in a Desktop application as is shown in sample projects, but not in a Console application, given that the Terminal waits for input in a while loop. More information is available once the plugin is installed in the Plugins Folder of Xojo. In the IDE, navigate to Help > Plugin References > Script. Note that many sample projects use the Lexing plugin, which is also available for downloading. Lexing is often as the Text Editor when dealing with programming code, but be assured Scripts plugin is not dependent on Lexing. These are free downloads, but if you plan to build applications with them, then get a license.

Product: Scripts Plugin 3.0

Platforms: All

Price: $35 (free demo)

Website: http://vanhoekplugins.com./

ComplexMatrixPlugin Updated

ComplexMatrixPlugin 4.6 has a much more powerful testComplexMatrix project which produces the application MatrixCalc.


can be used for 32- and 64-bit Xojo applications.

has all the functionality of my Complex and Matrix plugins and adds the ability to handle complex matrices and polynomials.

allows you to construct programs which can handle complex numbers, real matrices, and complex matrices much like doubles and integers are handled.

has many math functions can handle square matrices, such as Exp, Log, Sin, Asin, Sinh, Asinh, Pow, etc.

Product: ComplexMatrixPlugin

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://delaneyrm.com/ComplexMatrixPlugin.html

HDRtist NX 1.0

HDRtist NX is the third installment in the HDRtist series of applications that Ohanaware started back in 2009. NX is the absolute latest and most advanced version to date, featuring brand new technology and functionality that Ohanaware been refining in the last 7 years. What makes HDRtist NX so special?

Turbo charged 128-Bit image processing with high precision, utilizing multi-core processors and accelerated graphics hardware.

Next generation futuristic interface, making the application feel like it's directly from a modern science fiction movie.

Large live editor with split view, providing near real time performance while the images are being edited.

1-Click Styles, allow the customer to pick and choose one of our pre-made styles. Alternatively customers can create and share their own.

Master slider (with 4 settings) and fine grained control, give customers a single slider to help choose their look, while still giving access to the individual elements.

Multiple exposures, single images and even iPhone HDRs can be used with HDRtist NX.

Built-in online sharing, so customers can quickly share their images on their favorite social media sites.

Editable HDR image, when images are saved in the HDRtist NX format, customers can re-edit their HDRs without having to start again.

Ohanaware's Magic effect version 3.0, helps to boost the luminosity, vibrance and reduce minor imperfections of an image.

Supports "Drag and Drop" from Apple's "Photos" photo organizing application.

Tested with HDR images upto 101 megapixel in size.

Product: HDRtist NX 1.0

Platforms: OSX

Price: $29.99

Website: http://www.machdr.com/

Save the Date for XDC 2018

Xojo is happy to announce the dates for XDC 2018 which will take place April 25-27, 2018 in Denver, Colorado at the Magnolia Hotel. More information will be available in the coming months, but please mark your calendar. We want this to be the biggest XDC ever.

Product: XDC 2018

Platforms: All

Price: N/A

Website: http://xojo.com/xdc/

XojoUnit 6.3

XojoUnit 6.3 is now available on GitHub. Changes include:

Added TestGroup.StopTestOnFail property. If True, the first Fail will stop a test. A TestGroup can be set to stop when it is first added, it can be set in the Setup event, or an individual test can set it for that lone test.

Modified projects to properly report tests that did not return a result.

Modified ExportTestResults to be more compatible with JUnit.

Product: XojoUnit

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: https://github.com/xojo/XojoUnit

Window Placement and Screen Extensions

Domador Software has just released a new product for Xojo developers, a set of modules called the Window Placement and Screen Extensions. These collections of methods extend the Window and Screen classes and give developers finer control over their windows' positions and dimensions. Our goal is to help make window management ever easier for you.

These extensions can be tried out for free in debug builds. Using them in production builds and compiled applications requires a license, currently available at an introductory price of $22. A license includes a year of updates. The modules were designed primarily for use on Windows, but most methods also work on Mac and Linux.

Product: Window Placement and Screen Extensions

Platforms: All

Price: $22 (free for debug builds)

Website: http://www.domador.net/products/components-for-xojo/

EverWeb 2.0 Brings New Blogging Platform

RAGE Software announced today a major update to EverWeb, the easy to use website design and publishing tool for macOS. EverWeb removes all the hurdles from creating and publishing professional websites with a complete drag and drop user interface combined with one-click publishing. EverWeb 2.0 introduces the much anticipated blogging platform which provides a no setup solution to starting a blog.

Starting from a professionally designed template, or from a blank canvas, users can design a website with modern features including; blogging, drop down menus, image galleries, e-commerce stores, social networking features and more. Under the hood, EverWeb creates fast loading, HTML5 and CSS3 websites that are compatible with all major desktop and mobile web browsers.

EverWeb 2.0 focuses on the new blogging platform which makes it easy to start a blog with social network enabled comments. The all new blogging platform does not require any setup and can even import older iWeb blogs or WordPress blogs.

EverWeb 2.0 also introduces character spacing and an advanced contact form making it easy to add fully customized contact forms with any number of fields to collect data from your customers.

Product: EverWeb

Platforms: OSX

Price: $79.95 ($99.95/year with hosting)

Website: http://everwebapp.com/features.html

xDevLibrary Announces New OpenGL Book

xDevLibrary is delighted to announce the release of a new book by Eugene Dakin, I Wish I Knew How To... Program OpenGL Core 32-bit with Xojo on Windows and OSX.

There are many impressive games that have been created with OpenGL, such as Doom 3, Counter-Strike, various Medal of Honor titles, Need for Speed, and many others. This book will provide you with the basics to start your own OpenGL core projects on Xojo. Watch the video clips (http://scispec.ca/ in the Books Section)! The table of contents for I Wish I Knew How To... Program OpenGL Core 32-bit with Xojo on Windows and OSX are available for preview on the website.

OpenGL is one of the few standards for creating a powerful software interface. There is a great deal of reusable code and material on the internet that can be adapted to Xojo.

This book builds a strong foundation on programming graphics. This is an advanced graphics book and it is highly recommended to understand the Xojo programming language first. An intermediate book called *I Wish I Knew How to... Program the Canvas Control with Xojo Desktop* is a good book to study and understand before learning OpenGL. Examples in this book have been created and tested on Windows 10 and OSX El Capitan operating systems. This book is focused on 32-bit programming. Much of the code works with a timer to provide smooth graphics and animation. Below are a few videos of examples that are included in this book. These examples are currently 32-bit.

Examples include:

Many primitives (quads, triangles, etc.)

Fundamentals of colours

Movement and rotation


Starting a graph and chart

Beginning lighting

Lots of texturing

Blender models


Camera viewing

An introductory understanding of threads

Collision detection

Xojo Blocks game

A first person viewer (no shooting)

...and more

There are over 550 pages with 23 chapters and more than 80 example programs with this book. This ebook is pdf formatted and all examples are included as Xojo code. It is assumed that you have an intermediate understanding of both Graphics programming and of the Xojo language.

Interested readers can find out more and purchase this book and many others at xDevLibrary (http://www.xdevlibrary.com) for instant delivery via GumRoad.

Book: I Wish I Knew How to... Program OpenGL Core 32-bit with Xojo on Windows and OSX

Platforms: All

Price: $14.99

Website: http://gum.co/SzsJ

MBS Xojo Event Kit 1.1 Released

Monkeybread Software releases version 1.1 of the MBS Xojo Event Kit, a wrapper for iOS/Mac EventKit framework. This provides useful classes for using the calendar in your Xojo iOS applications. New in version 1.1:

Updated for Xojo 2016r3.

Added retain/release for arrays in methods to not get them freed too early.

Worked around Feedback case #44874 by using CFDate functions now.

Query/Get access to the internal calendar and reminder database

Create, modify and delete reminders and events

Handle multiple sources of calendar data

Query participants for events

Asynchronously fetch events or reminders

Build search parameters using predicates

Handle recurrence rules in various aspects

The MBS Xojo Event Kit:

Requires Xojo 2015r1 or later

Includes full Source code (no encryption)

Works for 32-bit and 64-bit targets.

Product: MBS Xojo Event Kit

Platforms: All

Price: $99

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/EventKit/

Basecamp for Software Developers from XDC Speaker Susan Fennema

"Basecamp for Software Developers" is now available to the Xojo Community. While it is applicable to most software platforms, it was designed with Xojo users in mind. Based on past project management experience, this proven method has been rolled out to help teams finish projects within scope, on time and on budget. Whether you are an in-house developer, a solopreneur, or managing a small team, this package will help you repeat your successes. Even if you have a project manager in place already, this system and process are easy to pick up and run with.

If you need a non-intrusive, streamlined way to achieve satisfactory completion of projects, this process is for you. Here's what's included:

Introductory Session

Process, Project Template, and Client Communications Basecamp Implementation

Two Training Sessions (post implementation)

Two Coaching Sessions (to customize the process to your team's needs)

Subscription to an exclusive newsletter, Staying Beyond the Chaos, which provides ongoing tips and reminders

Within a week, you can be on your way to better project management, helping to ensure your clients' satisfaction.

If you are interested in talking about this proven method, please let Susan know. Email her at susan@beyondthechaos.biz or choose a time that works for your schedule (http://www.calendly.com/beyondthechaos/btc) and let's meet to talk about your situation.

Product: Basecamp for Software Developers

Platforms: All

Price: NA

Website: http://www.calendly.com/beyondthechaos/btc

WebGen Lets You Make WebControlWrapper Objects

WebGen creates a WebControlWrapper subclass pre-set with basic constants, navigator and layout icons, and will even set up library loading. Set up, generate, and drag the XML file into your Xojo Web project! Getting started with a custom web control is now quick and easy.

In this update the LayoutEditorIcon will tell you if your image is too big when making a tray item. Additionally, the HTMLHeader method is now more complete when adding a jQuery library.

Created as a side project during the course of XDC 2016, WebGen will help both new and experienced Xojo users create Web controls.

WebGen goes a step beyond to make your control well rounded.

Generate a Namespace to be sure your control works in all versions of Xojo Web

Create icons for the IDE, and be sure they fit within guidelines from the documentation.

Automatically create the code to load Frameworks

Hide developer events from end users with the tick of a box.

Product: WebGen

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free

Website: http://webgen.timi.me/

MonkeyBread Software Releases the Videos from Xojo conference in Koblenz

Monkeybread Software organized a Xojo related conference earlier this year in beautiful Koblenz, Germany. We recorded most of the conference sessions and those are now available to attendees. Included are slides, example projects, and audio recordings.

Our next conference will be take place in metropolitan Berlin, Germany. We meet in the lovely Ellington hotel in the center of west Berlin. The hotel is near Kurfurstendamm, the Zoo and KaDeWe. Beside our two conference days we have accompanying social programme with our dinner event and optional two training days. For the evenings we have casual get-together in the hotel bar or beer garden.

If you register for the Berlin conference, you can get access to the conference materials from the Koblenz conference. Or if you can't attend the Berlin conferences in person, you can get a video-only ticket for the same price.

Product: MBS Xojo Conference Videos

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/events/berlin-2017-event.shtml

Quick License Manager Protects Windows Apps

Soraco Technologies is happy to let the Xojo development community know that their software license protection tool, Quick License Manager, can now protect Xojo Windows apps.

Product: Quick License Manager

Platforms: Win

Price: $200-$800

Website: https://soraco.co

gPDF graphics class for Xojo

gPDF is a custom class designed for developers using the Xojo programming environment and is designed to work with applications written for use with Apple OSX/macOS , Microsoft Windows, Linux, Console, and Web applications. For OSX it requires version 10.7 or above, and for Windows version 7.

gPDF uses the same Graphics syntax you have been using for the Xojo Canvas and Picture object, making it very easy to create complex PDF documents without having to learn a new and complex framework. The gPDF users guide gives details on all the commands, and any enhancements or restrictions as compared to their use with Xojo graphic objects.

Product: gPDF graphics class for Xojo

Platforms: All

Price: $129

Website: http://www.rdsisemore.com/gpdf

FileName Extreme

FileName Extreme has been release on the Apple AppStore by Holy Mackerel Software. FileName Extreme is a 64-bit Xojo application for renaming file names, folders and extensions based on their internal picture and audio metadata. It also allows over 30 renaming types including case, remove, find and replace, sequential numbering, hashes and truncation.

Apart from renaming you can export reports of your file data to CSV, PDF, Tab and XML. It uses many MBS functions to get access to additional file data, RegEx, Sparkle updates and SQLite databases. It uses threads to keep the interface responsive. It uses Einhugur Window Splitters to keep the interface flexible. It uses the Rowlands/Tempelman code for Apple AppStore Receipt verification.

Of particular interest to many may be the ability to export the EXIF (Mac only) and Audio metadata including iTunes Artwork and Lyrics.

Product: FileName Extreme

Platforms: OSX

Price: $20

Website: http://www.filenameextreme.com/

Mac App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/filename-extreme/id1159638311

Bitrot Detector 2016 Release 2

Domador Software has published Bitrot Detector 2016 Release 2. With this release, Bitrot Detector scans files and folders much, much faster than before.

Bitrot Detector is a great complement to just about any backup scheme (on a Windows computer). Bitrot Detector creates a profile of files on your computer and scans them periodically, notifying you of potentially unwanted changes, while there's still time to restore the unaltered, original files from your backup. You can specify which files and folders you'd like to track and how often to rescan them. Thanks to Bitrot Detector, you can identify and repair otherwise unnoticeable data loss, and make the most out of your backups.

Product: Bitrot Detectora

Platforms: Win

Price: Free Trial/$24

Website: http://www.domador.net/products/brd/

Xojo Design Awards Winners

Congratulations to the 2016 Xojo Design Awards winners!

Best Overall: EverWeb (http://www.everwebapp.com/)

Best Business App: Light Blue (https://www.lightbluesoftware.com/)

Best Consumer App: Alinof Timer Pro (https://www.alinofsoftware.ch/apps/products-timerpro/index.html)

Best Cross-Platform App: PubCoder (https://www.pubcoder.com/)

Best iOS App: Studiometry Touch (http://oranged.net/studiometrytouch/)

Best Developer Tool: Everweb (http://www.everwebapp.com/)

Product: Xojo Design Awards Winners

Price: Free

Clutch Identifies Xojo As Top Cross-Platform Development Tool

Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews firm based in Washington, DC, has identified Xojo as a top cross-platform development tool. Their research findings were based on a number of factors, including breadth of platform features, ease of use, client reviews and market presence.

"People have always wanted faster ways to build software and that's why we created Xojo," commented Geoff Perlman, Founder and CEO of Xojo, Inc. "Our philosophy has always been to make development faster by offering native, cross-platform solutions. Xojo enables anyone to build for the platforms that are important to them by abstracting them from having to learn several languages."

"In the course of our research on the leading app development software products, we saw there was a real need for tools that could do more than simple app-builders, but weren't as complex as full-scale enterprise platforms," explained Chandler Dunklin, Research Analyst at Clutch. "We thought Xojo was a prime example of this kind of tool. This was confirmed by the client reviews we completed for Xojo that rated the platform a perfect 5 stars."

Website: https://clutch.co/press-releases/clutch-identifies-top-cross-platform-app-development-tools

Introducing Liquid Database

Liquid Database lets you manage your personal collection of Liquids (Liquid Receipts), Flavors, Bases, and Distributors, and keep track of your storage. It features:

Liquids Database

Flavour Database

Bases Database

Distributors Database


Just enter your Flavours, Bases, and Distributors once and use them to manage your Liquids and your personal Liquid Receipts. For each Item you can store additional Informations like up to 5 Flavours, a Base and Distributor and a graphical Illustration (Picture) for each Liquid or the share value of PG, VG and Water for each Base and more.

For each Item you can set an amount Value and the unit of measurement and if this amount Value is greater then 0, the Item will automatically be added to your Storage Database.

Product: Liquid Database 1.0

Platforms: OSX

Price: $2.99

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/app/liquid-database/id1149829246

MBS Xojo Conference 2017 in Berlin

Monkeybread Software is pleased to announce the European MBS Xojo Conference in metropolitan Berlin, Germany on May 4-5, 2017.

We will meet in the lovely Ellington hotel in the center of west Berlin. The hotel is near Kurfurstendamm, the Zoo, and KaDeWe. Beside our two conference days we have accompanying social programme with our dinner event and optional two training days. For the evenings we have casual get-together in the hotel bar or beer garden.

We will have Xojo engineers join our conference. Stephane Pinel from France will be there to talk about Xojo. Jens Boschulte, our PDF specialist and creator of the DynaPDF library will be available for questions. And of course we have a few other well-known Xojo developers coming.

Sessions are to be held in English. Our conference is conceived as a networking event for the Xojo community. The conference is an ideal opportunity for sharing your thoughts and your own development experience with fellow users and developers. If you like to hold a presentation, please contact us as soon as possible. Speaker receive discounted tickets.

Product: MBS Berlin Xojo Conference

Platforms: All

Price: 299 Euros (until Dec. 4, 2017)

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/events/berlin-2017-event.shtml


ArchiveXojo is the composite of several things. It is a version control system. It is a project documentation tool. It is a central code repository making it easy to find and reuse code created in any of your Xojo projects.

ArchiveXojo stores code, as it is being developed, into an independent text file. At intervals, you can bring the content of this text file into the ArchiveXojo database.

Storing all your code changes as you work, the use of ArchiveXojo removes some of the anxiety inherent in altering code. It is easy to "unravel" a bad decision.

ArchiveXojo is also a resource. All your old code from all your projects is available in one place for possible reuse in new projects. Refactoring old code and reusing old code is part and parcel of being a Xojo programmer. The ArchiveXojo database has all the tools of a database to find and grab bits of your previous work.

Product: ArchiveXojo

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free

Website: http://www.bearboat.net/ArchiveXojo/ArchiveXojo.html

Take Control of Your Dynamic IP Addresses with xProDDNS

Monitor your pubic and private IP addresses. Receive email and text message alerts when they change. Update your hosts with Dyn, No-IP, OpenDNS and DNS-O-Matic. Remotely manage and view activity from your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

Product: xProDDNS

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://fwroller.com/xproddns/

XojoThemes 2.0

Gavin Smith is pleased to announce the release and immediate availability of XojoThemes 2.0, now also for Windows for the first time. XojoThemes allows you to choose or create themes for the Xojo IDE's code editor. For example, you might want to have one theme for the daytime and a different one for the evening, such Sunset and Solarized Dark.

XojoThemes 2.0 brings the ability to import and export themes! Themes are created as .xojo_theme files and allow for easy sharing amongst your colleagues or other computers, whether they are on macOS or Windows.

Product: XojoThemes

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: Free

Website: http://www.libertyapp.com/xojothemes/

Snippery 1.2

Snippery 1.2 adds Syntax Highlighting for HTML, JavaScript, PHP, and Xojo programming languages (more to come!); Color Schemes to customize the main editor window background, language keywords and other elements; self-update feature and a new Finder menu item that simplifies even more the creation of a new entry from the selected text into Snippery.

In addition, Snippery 1.2 also includes improvements for seven of previously existing features, and six bug fixes. For example, now it is possible to switch and copy the HTML rendering from the Preview Window.

Using Snippery you will save a lot of keystrokes and repetitive work thanks to the "Text Expander" feature! Define text templates, use placeholders, and "expand" them when you need to use them... typing only the text that really changes.

Write your snippets using Markdown syntax, apply style format, insert images, links, tables... and export them as PDF, Word, Pages, RTF or HTML files.

Preview your Snippets (with Markdown syntax, HTML or plain text) with a simple click of the mouse, switching from Preview Mode to Edition Mode on the Main Window... or use the dedicated Preview Window instead.

Save all your private and sensible data from prying eyes thanks to the strong Encryption feature! and, with the automatic Lock feature, all your snippets will be safe when Snippery detects no activity for the adjusted idle time; or force the Lock window with a simple keystroke every time you go away from your Mac!

Filter the listed snippets by the searching criteria you want: any, title, text, tags; for any of the included date presets (day, week, month and year) or by any date range you choose! Then Sort the matching results by creation date, modification date or title in ascending or descending order, and you are done!

Product: Snippery

Platforms: OSX

Price: 14.95 Euros

Website: http://www.aprendexojo.com/software/snippery

Color Picker Component for Xojo

The Color Picker component for Xojo development platform is a support tool for color management. It is made available to a box containing the most used colors in shades divided. It can be used to design applications or any other environment where you need to use the colors.

After you insert the component inside the window you can manage the color properties.

You will see a box with the most used colors divided in shades.

By clicking on a color you are enhanced the Selected Color properties. This property is public, available both in writing and in reading.

Use the property SelectedColor to retrieve the color value and chose to use it in your application.

You can also use popup window for choose a color.

Product: Color Picker Component for Xojo

Platforms: All

Price: 8 Euros

Website: http://www.pesarosystem.it/xojo-picker-color-english.asp

New Windows 10 Registry Book

xDevLibrary announces the release of a new book by Eugene Dakin, I Wish I Knew How to... Program Windows 10 Registry.

Windows Registry is the heart and soul of your Windows computer. This book show the fundamental programming parts that work with Xojo to change the registry with your program.

There are over 10 chapters with more than 180 pages with over 50 example programs. Interested readers can find out more and purchase this book and many others at xDevLibrary (http://www.xdevlibrary.com) for instant delivery.

Product: Program Windows 10 Registry with Xojo

Platforms: All

Price: $14.99

Website: http://xdevlibrary.com

ZappAppz Popup Controls

After over a decade of software development for universities and the US military, ZappAppz announces the release of their first commercially-available Xojo web products for the private sector.

Available now, ZappAppz Popup Controls includes a popup date selector, clock, calculator, and color picker for Xojo web apps as well as the source code to modify the controls to suit your needs.

These controls are in use in commercial applications serving thousands of users a day in the university and government medical fields. In order to maintain code through years of use and numerous evolutions, we focus on code that is well-documented and easy-to-read. By providing the source code with all of our controls and routines, you can easily dissect it and adjust it to meet the needs of your own commercial applications.

Product: ZappAppz Popup Controls

Platforms: All

Price: $79

Website: http://www.zappappz.com/

FlexGrid Control for iOS Apps Released

Jeremie Leroy is pleased to announce the release of FlexGrid for Xojo iOS Apps. FlexGrid is scrollable and flexible layout used to automatically organize child ContainerControls depending on available width and height. It was initially designed to mimic Flexbox item available in CSS/HTML.

Thanks to the new ScrollableArea in Xojo 2016R2, FlexGrid takes care of setting up all layout constraints for you.


Platforms: iOS

Price: 29?

Website: http://www.jeremieleroy.com/products/flexgrid.php

TipWiz Tip Calculator for iOS

The fast and simple TipWiz tip calculator makes use of the improved iOSTable introduced in Xojo 2016 R2 to offer a history of your purchases, including location Services.

Product: TipWiz

Platforms: iOS

Price: $0.99

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/app/tipwiz-fast-simple-tip-calculator/id1102406928

App Wrapper 3.6

Ohanaware Co., Ltd. announce the immediate availability of version 3.6 of their popular App Store preparation tool. App Wrapper was designed to simplify the process of preparing applications for submission to the Mac App Store and deploying on web sites. App Wrapper fully supports El Capitan and Xcode 7 and this update includes improvements and bug fixes.

App Wrapper features a GUI for adding the required App Store properties, creating high resolution icons, code signing an application (and it's components), correcting the permissions of files within the bundle, placing an app into a App Sandbox and packaging it in a signed installer or creating a zip file.

App Wrapper includes support for creating a custom Apple About Box, adding UTIs and URL Aliases, supporting document packages, adding high resolution document icons, providing Apple compatible help books, container migration, removing unneeded languages, outdated architectures or left over development files.

Product: App Wrapper

Platforms: OSX

Price: $9.99/month

Price: $49.99/year

Price: $199.99/year for small team edition

Website: http://www.ohanaware.com/appwrapper/

Gantt Component for Xojo

The Gantt component for Xojo is a support tool for project management in a diagram that displays the status of the projects for a period of time. It can also be used to view the reservations of a hotel, for a calendar of events, or any other environment where you need to display a diagram with the elements and time.

It is very simple and easy to use, just drag the xojoGantt folder in your project, and you can start using it.

Product: Gantt Component for Xojo

Platforms: All

Price: 48 Euros

Website: http://www.pesarosystem.it/xojo-gantt-english.asp

gGauge for Xojo

gGauges are Xojo Custom Controls (Web and Desktop) for generating and animating nice and clean gauges. Gauges are fully responsive, resolution independent and self-adjusting.

half or donut shape

customize gauge colors and background

customize value decimals, symbol and formatting

use default 3 segments or create your own segments

customize min/max values and labels

customize title and label font and color

customize gauge animation type and speed

customize pointer shape and color

Product: gGauge

Platforms: Web and Desktop

Price: Desktop: $17 (encrypted), $69 (with source)

Price: Web: $17 (encrypted), $69 (with source)

Website: https://www.gate61.com/ggauge.html

Answers is Retina-Ready

Today, Answers is brought to you in high resolution; ready for Apple's Retina displays. Designed to always be a pleasant experience, Answers is your go-to app for help documents of any size.

Help documents are vital to customer support, and making them is no longer a challenging task. Answers from Tim Parnell, makes creating and organizing help documents simple. By allowing users to focus on the content, not the code, anyone can quickly create help documents like software help books or website FAQs.

Now updated, Answers features several fixes alongside its high resolution interface. Several user experience issues have been resolved relating to the open and save dialogs, as well as the toolbar buttons. Included with this update is also a revised version of the Mac Help theme for 2016 that displays better in wide web browsers. Version 1.1.8 also features other minor bug fixes and tweaks.

Product: Answers

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: Free/$29 (Pro)

Website: http://nswrs.com/

gHTML Editor for Xojo Web Applications

gHTML Editor brings the power of CKEditor to your Xojo Web application.

simple to use WYSIWYG text editor

load or insert HTML

insert Text

read-only mode

customize toolbar

Product: gHTML Editor

Platforms: Web

Price: $17 (encrypted), $69 (with source)

Website: https://www.gate61.com/ghtml.html

xDev Magazine Launches xDevLibrary

xDev Magazine is delighted to announce the re-launch of RBLibrary as xDevLibrary, following the purchase of the classic a la carte article site in April.

xDevLibrary gives Xojo developers a way to instantly purchase terrific books, tutorials, how-tos, and other programming articles from top Xojo writers. Currently the site contains mainly the same content as the former RBLibrary, but xDev is committed to enhancing existing products, as well as regularly adding new content, including articles from past issues of xDev Magazine.

With that in mind, the site is launching with with a brand new book from Eugene Dakin: "I Wish I Knew How to... Program Raspberry Pi 2 B Electronics with Xojo." This fantastic 380+ page book will guide you in using Xojo to program your Raspberry Pi motherboard and includes examples such as ultrasonic distance, LCD words, graphics, and custom glyphs, infrared sensors, photo and video recording, servos, LEDs, infrared receivers, and more.

Marc Zeedar, the publisher of xDev Magazine, feels that xDevLibrary is a great complement to the resources already offered by his publication. "Now we can offer the best of both worlds: the value of a subscription-based service and the instant purchasing of individual articles and books."

Former RBLibrary owner Norman Palardy is also excited about the transition to the new site. "xDev has been providing REALbasic users with learning resources for over 14 years and we're pleased to see them continue their commitment to the Xojo community."

xDevLibrary is re-launching with a simple one-page design, but a more elaborate design is planned for the long-term. Feedback and suggestions as to what readers would like to see is encouraged!

Product: xDevLibrary

Platforms: All

Price: Varies by product

Website: http://www.xdevlibrary.com

Hide for Mac OS X

Javier Rodriguez (AprendeXojo.com) announces the immediate availability of Hide for Mac OS X (10.7 and later). Hide for OS X hide and reveal all the files and folders found on the Desktop. This way you can clean your OS X Desktop with just a mouse click!

This feature is specially useful for the following scenarios (among others):

Screencast recording


Screen sharing

Hide for OS X "remembers" all the hidden files on a previous session, so you can reveal them again the next time you run the App.

Hide is a "faceless" app! This means that, once executed, all their features are available from the menu installed on the Finder Menu Bar. There is no user interface.

Product: Hide for Mac OS X

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free

Website: http://www.aprendexojo.com/product/hide/

ReText Released

ReText is a Search and Replace Text Editor which allows you to use as many Search and Replace operations automated and run them in any order. ReText offers not only simple Search and Replace methods, it also offers Search and Replace by using Regular Expressions for unlimited flexibility.

In addition to manually entering Text, an automated acquisition and processing of Text from the Clipboard is possible.

Properties of ReText:

Easiest operation

Unlimited amount of ReTexter Groups

Unlimited amount of ReTexters in each Group

Automatic acquisition and processing of the Clipboard

Templates Testtext

Simple Search and Replace

Search and replace using Regular Expressions

Templates for frequently used Regular Expressions

Loading and saving of Text Files

Copying and Moving of ReTexters between ReTexter Groups

Detailed guidance in Help Book format

Product: ReText

Platforms: OSX

Price: $2.99

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/app/retext-regex-search-replace/id1115122731

Stamp for Mac OS X

Javier Rodriguez (AprendeXojo.com) announces the immediate release of Stamp for Mac OS X (10.7 and later).

Don't waste time writing again and again the same texts with only minor changes! Improve your productivity with limitless text templates that you can select from the Finder menu, and where you can include up to nine placeholders, so you can type the text that really changes once you want to apply the selected template on the frontmost document. In addition, you can repeat and combine the placeholders on the templates, so you have all the flexibility you need to properly compose complex text combinations!

You can use Stamp, from OS X 10.7 and on, to save time:

Writing canned messages with placeholders you will replace on the fly.

On customer support, writing email replies (or other mediums as Facebook, Twitter...)

Writing text snippets: headings, footprints, signatures...

Using code snippets in your projects

Writing reports, memorandums, emails

And a lot of other text-related tasks in your day to day!

Clean user interface, simple and fast to use, and best of all: Stamp will not hurt you pocket. It's just 4.95 ? and you can install and use it on every Mac you own!

Access the Templates from the Finder Menu

The Stamp finder menu dynamically shows the ten templates you use more often! Nevertheless, other Finder menu option gives access to the window with all of the available entries for selection: easy and fast!

Add text in a breeze!

Create new templates with the selected text from any application using the Finder Menu item, dragging a text file or text selection to the Stamp window. This way it is really fast and easy adding new entries with text you are going to use again in the future!

Anyone can use Stamp in trial mode, getting a free Trial License with the form available on the product webpage.

Product: Stamp for Mac OS X

Platforms: OSX

Price: 4.95 ?

Website: http://www.aprendexojo.com/software/stamp-dont-repeat-yourself/

Spotlight Importer 3.5

The Spotlight Importer is a free system extension for Mac OS X from Thomas Tempelmann that facilitates searching your Xojo projects with Spotlight. It had been formerly distributed with the Mac IDE, but is now a separate file you need to install yourself.

The new version 3.5 has been updated to support the latest IDE version 2016r1 and is a required update when you're using the new IDE and have project files using the old extensions (.rbp, rbvcp etc.).

Even if you're not a Mac user, Thomas has posted an article on various ways to search your projects (http://blog.tempel.org/2015/10/SearchingMultipleXojoProjects.html).

Product: Spotlight Importer 3.5

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free

Website: http://www.tempel.org/RB/SpotlightImporter

MBS Xojo Bug Reporter Kit 1.2

The MBS Xojo Bug Reporter Kit helps you reporting bugs in your applications back to you, the developer. The new version improves the Kit by using newer plugin features and is tested on 64-bit.

Crossplatform Bug Reporter engine for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.

Full Source code access.

Collect bug reporter data and send to server for delivery as email (or insert to database)

Handle unhandled exceptions. The plugin reports the exception class name and message.

Find Mac OS X crash reports and report them.

Run bug reporter for feature request.

Catch Windows System Exceptions.

Catch Signals on Mac OS X and Linux.

Catch unhandled C++ exceptions.

Catch Cocoa Exceptions

Localized for English, Italian, French and German.

Product: MBS Xojo Bug Reporter Kit in version 1.2

Platforms: All

Price: $69

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/realbasic/Bugreporter/

MBS Updater Kit Updated

The MBS Updater Kit helps you in adding an automatic update feature to your application. Version 2.0 improves the Kit for use with Xojo.

Crossplatform update engine for Mac OS X and Windows.

Full Source code access.

Using Sparkle on Mac OS X for updating and our own code for Windows.

Includes all code and help to setup Sparkle for Windows.

Includes script file for Inno Setup engine. (you can use others if you like)

Using digital signatures on Mac and MD5 Checksum on Windows to ensure download integrity.

Includes generator for XML file for your server and code to parse this file and find newer versions.

Sparkle now resizes in Frameworks folder for better code signing compatibility.

Added CURL support for downloading on Windows. This allows client SSL certificates, proxies and HTTP/1.1.

Fixed minor bugs with load/save preferences in case you run on Linux and we want to avoid RegistryAccessErrorException.

Updated to Sparkle 1.13.1

Can work for 64-bit targets

Can download Linux installer

Product: MBS Updater Kit

Platforms: All

Price: $99 USD (79 Euro)

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/realbasic/UpdaterKit/

Monkeybread Software Releases IP in Menubar

IP in Menubar is an application to show the current IP address in the menubar. There are options available to customize the appearance of the menu entry. The IP address is updated regularly. Switch on the Router option if you are behind a router or gateway. You can still see your local IP address in the menu.

You can be quit this application using the menu or by using the Activity Monitor (see /Applications/Utilities folder).

IP in menubar is an example of what you can do in Xojo using the MBS Plugins and their NSStatusItemMBS class.

Changes in Version 4.5:

Added option to show country flag.

Added option to show notification when IP changes. This allows you to keep a history in notification center.

Added option to show VPN IP.

Fixed a bug for not connected and behind a router.

Requires Mac OS X 10.7 or newer; source code is included. This application

shows Xojo developers how to create and update a menu in the top right of

the menu bar.

Product: IP in Menubar

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/Freeware/IPinmenubar.sht

End of article.