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OS Settings 1.0
Issue: 1.2 (October/November 2002)
Author: Mark Davis
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 3,533
Starting Page Number: 10
Article Number: 1106
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The beauty of REALBasic is that it can do so many complicated things in a very simple line of code. Plugins and classes have helped almost all of us in making our programs because they can fix or do things that the developers at REAL Software haven't gotten to fixing or doing yet.
Imagine making a simple timer or calendar program in which you need to find out the current date or time. Without knowing the time layout or format, you could be stuck writing many lines of code just to get a small task done. Nobody wants to do that, especially when you really just want to work on other more important features of your program. That is why OS Settings is so useful:
it helps you examine many aspects of the operating system settings, such as finding out the numbers separators for decimals and thousands (great if you are going to compile your program for languages that use different number systems). Have you ever gone to a website that has in the news column (04/05/02) and you wondered if it was posted April 5th or May 4th? Well, you don't need to be stuck with the same date problems when you are coding in REALBasic. OS Settings can tell you the month, day, and year positions in the date, so now you will know what that number 4 stands for next time. OS Settings also lets you find out things like if the date or time has leading zeroes (ex. 04/02/99) and if the user is using a 12-hour clock or a 24-hour clock.
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