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Issue: 1.4 (February/March 2003)
Author: Daniel Howard
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Article Length (in bytes): 3,827
Starting Page Number: 8
Article Number: 1403
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With the arrival of Mac OS X, Apple has released the Core Foundation classes. Most commonly, these classes are used in Carbon programs. Put simply, the classes give a standard approach to file formatting for Carbon and Cocoa programs. Within this class you can easily create .plist files to your preferences for an application. The significance of the .plist file is that it is an open-ended preferences system that can add great flexibility to your application. In addition, this plugin will enable you to create files fairly easily that are readable by Cocoa programs.
For instance, with the release of my application rapidly approaching, I needed a way to convert the files that were saved with resource forks into a Cocoa understandable data type. If CFPlugin didn't exist I would have had to learn how to access the Resource Fork through Carbon calls and use those in my program. Let me tell you, that's no easy task. Thanks to the hard work by Kevin Ballard, creating that file converter is now pretty simple. Don't get me wrong, this plugin is not the entire Core Foundation classes, but it does have quite a few of the calls. For example, if you want to add an array to a dictionary, you have to iterate through the array and convert everything to a CFString then put it in the dictionary. This approach is still a lot easier than doing all of the work by hand, but it is pretty tedious. It'd be a lot easier if CFPlugin handled arrays in dictionaries.
Also, this plugin lacks documentation or any sort of example file. As it is right now, everything is handled through Plugin Plunger except for the Read Me file which serves as a simple reference. Using CFPlugin can be pretty confusing and will take some testing to get the code to work properly, but it is nothing that will make you pull your hair out. Also, the author will answer almost any question you have. I took the liberty of contacting the author about a few of the problems I was having with the plugin and also about some feature requests. He shared plans that a new version will probably incorporate the dictionary full of arrays and a whole slew of new features (Address Book support, preference calls, and a few others).
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