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App Wrapper 3.0

Ohanaware releases App Wrapper 3.0 for OS X, major re-write of their App Store preparation tool, created with the Xojo. App Wrapper was designed to simplify the process of preparing applications for submission to the Mac App Store and deploying on web sites.

App Wrapper features a GUI for adding the required App Store properties, creating high resolution icons, code signing an application (and it's components), correcting the permissions of files within the bundle, placing an app into a App Sandbox and packaging it in a signed installer or creating a zip file.

App Wrapper includes support for creating a custom Apple About Box, adding UTIs and URL Aliases, supporting document packages, adding high resolution document icons, providing Apple compatible help books, container migration, removing unneeded languages, outdated architectures or left over development files.

Featuring the latest iteration of the Xojo script generator, App Wrapper creates quicker Xojo scripts; that can be integrated into Xojo projects, enabling Retina and Sandboxed applications during the development process, all while providing support for Xojo's debugger. It severally reduces development time when debugging Retina or Sandboxing issues.

Now includes "Pre-Build" scripts, which provide feedback information to the Xojo IDE about the intended deployment destination (such as building for the App Store or App Sandbox).

Some of the new features include: Application Reports, providing detailed information on the application and its sub components. Cleaning functions for providing slimmer apps. Testing functions for Gate Keeper (without having to upload/download files). Installer testing and verification. Faster Xojo Scripts and new Pre-Build script. Brand new permissions correction engine. New version number correction system. Retina asset verification.

Product: App Wrapper 3.0

Platforms: OSX

Price: $9.99/month

Price: $49.99/year ($29.99 until the end of November)

Price: $199.99/year for small team edition

Website: http://www.ohanaware.com/

ToThePoint Software Releases TaskTime4 v5.1.9

TaskTime4 is a reliable and versatile time tracking and billing solution.

With TaskTime4 you can track any number of clients and any number of projects for each client. Create invoices that can be emailed, printed, and saved to disk. Since you can have more than one project open at a time it is easy to switch between projects on the fly. Tracking expenses has never been easier.

Features Include:

Create clear, attractive, customized invoices and send with Apple Mail or Entourage

Include fixed rate items

Keep project specific notes of any length and detail.

Apply individual hourly rates to specific sessions

Set a separate currency symbol on a project-by-project basis or globally.

Track the status of each project.

Use the Project Manager to add, delete, rename, merge, and store projects.

Use the Client Manager to add, delete, and edit clients. (Import clients from Mail contacts)

Link documents, applications, folders, and web/email addresses to any project.

Minimize project windows to a small, floating timer controller window.

Set due dates for projects and sync with iCal

Create a variety of reports

Sync data between computers using DropBox

Export data in comma or tab separated format.

Backup data from within the program

Merge data from team members into one project for billing.

Product: TaskTime4 v5.1.9

Platforms: OSX

Price: $20

Website: http://ttpsoftware.com/thankgoodnessWP/tasktime4/

Xojo GESHI Language File

GeSHi (the Generic Syntax Highter) is a PHP library that can highlight the syntax of a number of programming languages. It's also available as a plugin for WordPress (as WP-Syntax). Garry Pettet has released a Xojo language file that adds support for Xojo to the highlighting engine.

Product: Xojo GESHI Language File

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://blog.garrypettet.com/xojo-geshi-language-file

Control VMware ESXi Virtual Machines with Smartphones and Tablets

F.W.Roller and Associates LLC, cross-platform business software developers and Enterprise Resource Planning consultants, today announced availability of their Automation Suite 2014 Release 3 for VMware, which consists of vmCLIpboard, vmProcessStrobe, and the repackaged vmProcessStrobeWeb.

Remotely monitor applications and services/daemons in virtual machines

Simultaneously run an application across many virtual machines using a smartphone

Remotely start or stop any number of virtual machines

Stop and restart a frozen program while out of the office

Build complex VMware CLI commands with a point and click user interface

Mass copy a document, application or any file to many virtual machines

Take snapshots of all virtual machines

Defragment and shrink virtual disks

Check and attempt to repair virtual disks that have been corrupted

Expand virtual disks that are getting full

Automation Suite for VMware supports the VIX API and Virtual Disk Development Kit on Windows, OS X and Linux with friendly graphical user interfaces for smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. Each application runs natively for maximum efficiency and speed.

vmProcessStrobeWeb has been repackaged for easy point and click installation. The built-in web server is ideal for mobile remote control of virtual machines from smartphones and tablets.

vmCLIpboard, vmProcessStrobe and vmProcessStrobeWeb have been updated to work with VMware Fusion 7 and the upcoming VMware Workstation 11. They are also ready for the soon to be released Apple OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

Security has been improved with better obfuscation, encryption and salted hashing of sensitive data.

Product: Automation Suite 2014 Release 3 for VMware

Platforms: All

Price: $199 (suite), $99 (single product)

Website: http://fwroller.com/

Answers 1.0.5

Answers, the new app from Tim Parnell, makes creating and organizing help documents simple. By allowing users to focus on the content, not the code, anyone can quickly create help documents like software help books or website FAQs.

Now updated, Answers now allows you to save and embed images in your documents. A feature requested by many, it's finally arrived. This ability extends new power to your communication, making it easier to convey your message with screenshots and more. Version 1.0.5 also changes the way entries are handled allowing the use of HTML in all entries to further creative ability.

Product: Answers 1.0.5

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: Free/$29 (Pro)

Website: http://nswrs.com/

xProDDNS Available

.W.Roller and Associates LLC, cross-platform business software developers and Enterprise Resource Planning consultants, have announced availability of xProDDNS, "The Professional Dynamic DNS Client." xProDDNS includes the following features:

Native cross-platform

Web user interface

Encrypted database

Hashed passphrase with obfuscated salt

Multiple providers, accounts, hosts and NICs

Secure checks and updates

Realtime email and text message alerts

Dynamic detailed log display

Context-sensitive help

xProDDNS runs natively on Windows, OS X and Linux. It is fast and efficient. Workstations and headless servers are equally easy to manage thanks to local and remote access via a web user interface powered by a built-in web server.

Security is paramount so all data is encrypted and the login passphrase is stored as a hash derived from an obfuscated salt. Outbound connections for checking public IP addresses, updating Dynamic DNS service providers and sending email and text messages are all made securely using SSL (secure socket layers).

Versatile configurations are delivered through the simultaneous use of multiple Dynamic DNS service providers, multiple accounts per provider, multiple hosts per account and the choice of assigning a unique public, private or static IP address of any NIC (network interface controller) to each host. The frequency of checks for IP address changes and the period of time that the activity log data is maintained are both configurable.

Notifications of Dynamic DNS service provider updates and related errors are sent in realtime as email and text messages.

Activity log data is displayed dynamically and can be filtered with a wide variety of criteria so live monitoring of specific event types is accomplished with ease. That activity log data can then be exported as a file in CSV (comma-separated values) and XML (extensible markup language) formats.

Product: xProDDNS

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://fwroller.com/xproddns/

iRehearse Plus 1.2

Rehearse Plus is a music-practicing application and phrase trainer that lets you manipulate audio passages to help you learn them more efficiently. It allows you to change the pitch of a track without changing the tempo, or adjust the tempo without changing the pitch. Learn complex passages easily by slowing them down to a comfortable speed and, as the pitch does not change, you can still play along.

Product: iRehearse Plus

Platforms: OSX

Price: $19.99

Website: http://rjvmedia.co.uk/irehearse-plus

Xojo Cloud in Sydney and Hong Kong

Xojo Cloud, Xojo's one click app hosting service for Xojo web applications, is going global: the Sydney and Hong Kong data centers are now online! Xojo Cloud is secure, easy to set up and configure, and maintenance-free. Current Xojo Cloud users who wish to switch to these data centers should contact Xojo Customer Service.

Product: Xojo Cloud

Platforms: All

Price: Plans start at $50/month

Website: http://www.xojo.com/cloud

Xojo Event in Birmingham UK

The Xojo Developers UK User Group is pleased to announce a two-day event on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th of November 2014, at a new venue this year: the offices at 77 Paradise Circus, Queensway, Birmingham UK, B1 2DT.

On Thursday, there will be an iOS Beta Hands-On Workshop. Paul Lefebvre, the Xojo Evangelist, will give a demo via video chat and will go over the ins and outs of developing iOS apps using Xojo. That evening attendees are invited to Jimmy Spices, Regency Wharf, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2DS (www.jimmyspices.co.uk). This is a great opportunity to meet other Xojo developers, to socialize, pick up tips, and find out what other developers do and how they do it.

On Friday there are Developer Presentations and Networking. Sessions will include Custom Control Creation, Security Via Obesity, Software Licensing, Version Control, JSON and a RESTful API, using ChartDirector and DynaPDF, and more. There will be a video chat with Xojo CEO Geoff Perlman -- get ready with your questions. At the end of the day there will be an open Q&A session to help you get the answers you are looking for. During the day there will be two Xojo T-shirts to be won in a free raffle!

Product: Xojo Event in Birmingham UK

Platforms: All

Price: £42 +VAT

Website: http://xojo-events-uk.eventbrite.co.uk

Last Chance to Attend MBS Xojo Developer Conference in Germany

There are just a couple of weeks left before the MBS Xojo Developer Conference September 17-20th in Koblenz, Germany. Hurry and register now before it's too late!

This is your chance to meet other Xojo developers from Europe. Get in touch, share ideas and learn new things. Already developers from 10 countries are registered.

Sessions currently include:

News about Xojo, current and coming releases including Xojo Cloud

News about our MBS Plugins

Custom Controls

Helper Apps

Advanced Xojo Features

Extending the Framework

Code Reuse

CURL in detail

In-App Purchases

Client/Server Communication

Product: MBS Xojo Developer Conference

Platforms: All

Price: 299-399 Euro

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/realbasic/events/koblenz-2014-event.shtml

mySalesAgent 2 Released

mySalesAgent is a Mac-only App which makes sure you will never miss the Mac App Store sale you are waiting for again. It offers a clean, white iOS7-like interface in which the user can search for iOS Software, iPad-only Software, Mac Software, and eBooks available on Apples Stores. Just search for items which you want to purchase when they reach your targeted price. Set your price and forget about it. The mySalesAgent will inform you via OS X Notification Center Messages and/or via Email when an item reaches the targeted price.

Product: mySalesAgent 2

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free

Website: http://www.schneppi-software.de/

Xojo Cloud Now in London!

Xojo Cloud, the one-click app hosting service for Xojo web applications, is going global -- the London data center is now online. Xojo Cloud is secure, easy to set up and configure, and maintenance-free. Deploying your web app has never been so easy!

Product: Xojo Cloud

Platforms: All

Price: $49-$199/month

Website: http://xojo.com/cloud/

Xojo 2014 Release 2.1 Available

Xojo 2014 Release 2.1 is now available! This release has 31 improvements, including:

Cocoa apps using RegEx are accepted by Mac App Store.

Final version of Xojo with Carbon support.

Fixes for Web regressions.

Product: Xojo 2014 Release 2

Platforms: All

Price: Free IDE (deployment of built applications requires a one-time fee, $100-$995, depending on target)

Website: http://www.xojo.com/download

New PDF Classes for Xojo

BKeeney Software has introduced the first public beta release of BKS PDF Classes for Xojo. The PDF Classes are 100% native Xojo classes that allow developers to create PDF documents via code in their Xojo applications. The classes work for Mac OS X and Windows. Linux is currently unsupported.

The PDF Classes are for creating a PDF document. Others means must be used to display PDF documents from within a Xojo application.

Version 2.5.0 Beta 1 is the first public release of these classes. The classes cost $200 and contain the full source code. This introductory price is for a limited time only. Users that have a valid Fireye Software PDF Classes license can contact BKeeney Software at support at bkeeney dot com to receive a discount.

Product: Software

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: $200 (introductory price)

Website: http://www.bkeeney.com/allproducts/pdf-classes/

GeneralLedger v1.0.5

GeneralLedger is an easy to use money management solution for home and small businesses from ToThePoint Software. Set up any number of Account Books. Create unlimited Expense and Income Accounts. Easily enter any type of transaction.

Financial Tracking: simply track where the money goes.

Budgeting: track income and expenses by accounts (categories)

Accounting: allocate starting amounts for budget accounts (categories)

Product: GeneralLedger v1.0.5

Platforms: OSX

Price: $15

Website: http://ttpsoftware.com/thankgoodnessWP/generalledger/

New Xojo Canvas Book Published

Eugene Dakin has released a new Xojo book, I Wish I Knew How To... Program the Canvas Control with Xojo Desktop, that will provide you with the ability to learn how to modify pictures, graphics, make animation, and how to make two games.

The focus of this book is to work with topics related to the Canvas Control. All of these examples are created with native Xojo code and does not use any third party programs. The examples have been tested on Windows 7, 8.1, OS X 10.9, and Ubuntu 14.04 Operating Systems. By the time you finish the book you will be able to apply skills from these examples to create your own programs!

Topics included in the book:


Chart Fundamentals


2D Objects




Gaussian Blur

Building basic controls



Two games with step-by-step code explanations to help you build your own

and more...

The book includes twelve chapters and over 400 pages of code to build 50 example programs. Create realistic 2D game motion. It also includes example images and the ways to use them in programs.

Product: I Wish I Knew How To... Program the Canvas Control with Xojo Desktop book

Platforms: All

Price: $8.99

Website: http://great-white-software.com/rblibrary/

Backup To Go From Ohanaware

Don't leave the safety of your important files to chance. What if your Mac gets damaged, or stolen? Hard drives fail, even backup drives can fail, especially when needed most.

Replacing a computer is one thing, but replacing your photos*, projects, web layouts, thesis, book drafts, artwork, graphic designs, app ideas and many other kinds of irreplaceable files and data, can be impossible. Unless you have adequate protection.

Everyone who owns a computer needs to think about multiple backup solutions. Before it's too late, and your digital belongings are lost forever.

Backup To Go is a must have utility, it adds the much needed extra level of protection. Making it ridiculously easy to take and keep your files safely with you, all the time.

Simply plug in a USB Stick, Thumbdrive, SD card or an external Hard Drive, and configure it with Backup To Go. Then Every time the disk is plugged into the Mac, Backup To Go will automatically copy the latest files and changes to the portable backup disk.

Many USB Sticks or Thumbdrives have keychain loops, SD cards are small enough to fit in a wallet, while external Hard Drives can fit in a purse or stay in the car. The important point is, there is an extra layer of protection in case the worst does happen.

Download Backup To Go today, and give your digital belongings the much needed protection they deserve.

Key Features of Backup To Go:

Automatically backs up the latest changes and files, when the backup disk is plugged in.

Automatically ejects the disk on completion, so it can safely be removed and taken with you*.

Can automatically launch at the same time as your computer starts.

Simple and straight forward Interface.

Menubar icon for convenient access.

Saves battery life, by using zero energy while idle.

Retina ready.

Supports multiple simultaneous backups, allowing different files to be copied to different disks, or the same files to different disks.

Uses the fastest copy methods.

Product: Backup To Go 1.0

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/backup-to-go-protect-your/id882272017?ls=1&mt=12

MBS Plugins 14.2 Released

The MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the Real Studio development environment with 2,000 classes featuring over 52,000 documented functions. The plugins support all three platforms Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux with all project types desktop, web, and console.

Some of the highlights on the 14.2 update:

The new CoreText classes in the plugins cover the whole CoreText framework from Apple for working with fonts and rendering text with attributes.

For Windows you can use WebKit as renderer for a htmlviewer. This uses Chromium internally and the new ChromiumBrowserMBS and ChromiumFrameMBS classes can provide additional methods. You can get the text of the current page, the URL, or the image.

For Mac OS X there are new classes for CoreFoundation, CoreGraphics and Cocoa frameworks: CFMutableAttributedStringMBS, CFRangeMBS, CGFontMBS, and NSAlertMBS. The new NSServiceProviderMBS class can help providing services in Cocoa applications.

The new AUPlayerMBS class allows you to play audio on Mac OS X with various parameters. This includes pitch, rate, pan and equalizer. Audio can loop and you can select the output device.

The SQL Plugin got improvements. The SQLDatabaseMBS and SQLConnectionMBS classes have now a Scrollable property. SQLNumericMBS class got improvements with new shared methods for various number types.

The Barcode generator can now also create SVG or postscript files.

As part of this update, MBS updated a couple of used libraries including CURL, GraphicsMagick, LCMS2, DynaPDF, and OpenSSL. The Nikon plugin now works with newer SDK versions for newer camera models.

Product: MBS Xojo and Real Studio plugins 13.5

Platforms: All

Price: $29-$299

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/realbasic/plugins.shtml

RAGE Software Releases EverWeb

RAGE Software announced an update to EverWeb, the easy to use website design and publishing tool for OS X. EverWeb aims to remove all the hurdles from designing, creating, and publishing professional websites with a complete drag and drop user interface for website creation combined with a one-click publishing solution. EverWeb users never have to write any code or focus on any of the technical details when designing a website. EverWeb 1.4 adds major enhancements to the Image Gallery, Navigation Menu, Image Slider, Facebook, and HTML Snippet widgets.

Starting from a professionally designed template, or from a blank canvas, users can design a website with modern features including; drop down menus, image galleries, e-commerce stores, social networking features and more. Under the hood, EverWeb creates fast loading, HTML5 and CSS3 websites that are compatible with all desktop and mobile web browsers.

EverWeb 1.4 adds major enhancements to the built in Image Gallery allowing the ability to add image captions, multiple image gallery pages, more customization options and social sharing features. EverWeb 1.4 also improves the Image Slider, Navigation Menu, Facebook, and HTML Snippet widgets with new customization options. Lastly, EverWeb 1.4 comes with additional website templates.

Product: EverWeb 1.4

Platforms: OS X

Price: $80-$100

Website: http://everwebapp.com/

Asset Keeper Pro Released

Asset Keeper Pro, released in October 2013, is the most recent update and is the only cross-platform fixed asset manager for the professional accountant.

Asset Keeper Pro continues the tradition of providing features that meet the demanding needs of accounting professionals in public accounting or the private sector. Asset Keeper Pro is multi-client oriented with features designed specifically to accommodate processing client data as efficiently as possible. Significant features include:

No limit to the number of data files maintained

No limit to the number of assets in each file

Import asset data from Excel or CSV

Convert asset data from other competing, but less robust, applications

Export asset data to Excel or CSV

Up to 10 depreciation calculations per asset, i.e, book, tax, AMT, ACE, P&E, State, etc.

Calculate annual, monthly, projected, and short-year depreciation

Accommodates 12 or 13 periods for monthly calculations

Support for all tax depreciation calculations from prior to ACRS through MACRS

Numerous specialty depreciation calculations for book purposes

State calculations for all 50 states for bonus depreciation adjustments

Full, partial, or bulk disposal of assets

Trade one or multiple assets for new acquisitions

Split an asset into 99 separate assets

Guaranteed 100% tax compliance at all times

Asset Tracking features built-in

Enter general ledger accounts for asset, expense, and accumulated depreciation

Eight (8) user-defined sort fields for use when printing reports

Prints 4562, 4797, and California 3885 tax forms for inclusion in tax returns

Transfer codes allow for intra-company movement of assets

Reports for tax, book, and management review

Powerful report engine for flexible report configuration

Quick Edit option allows for quickly changing multiple assets

Quick Add option allows for quickly adding new assets using asset categories

Generate personal property reports for all 50 states, many of them very customizable

Create batches of reports for easier and faster printing

Construction-in-process feature will accumulate constructed asset's costs

Product: Asset Keeper Pro

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: $599 (subscription)

Website: http://www.proware-cpa.com/ak-depreciation-info.html

GraffitiSuite July 4th Sale

From now until 7/4/2014 you can save up to 25% on GraffitiSuite Subscriptions! The savings are tiered to make all levels more affordable. For more information about GraffitiSuite, visit the website (http://www.GraffitiSuite.com/).

To take 25% off of the Ultimate package, which gives you lifetime support and updates for normally $899.95. Now, with 25% off, you save $224.98! Just use the code MY2014ULT while signing up.

Want a year of both Desktop and Web Editions? Go for the All Access package and both with one-year of updates for $249.95. With 15% off? $212.46! Code: MY2014AA

Only one of the target Editions (Desktop or Web)? Save 10% with MY2014WE for Web Edition or MY2014DE for Desktop Edition!

Product: GraffitiSuite July 4th Sale

Platforms: All

Price: 25% off through July 4, 2014

Website: http://www.cypherstech.com/

Win Free Xojo Controls in a FIFA World Cup Challenge

Starting June 12, 2014, Jeremie Leroy is organizing a competition. The three best players will share €400 worth of Xojo Controls. For each FIFA World Cup 2014 match, bet on the final score and winner (or draw). You will win two points when selecting the correct winner. And three more points if you forecast the correct score.

First Prize: Custom UI ($199 value)

Second Prize: Xojo Controls Bundle (€119 value)

Third Prize: CalendarView or ChartView (€79 value)

Product: Contest

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://www.jeremieleroy.com/wcup/register.php?team=538ee40f3e837

2015 Xojo Developer Conference Announced

Mark your calendars -- the 2015 Xojo Developer Conference will be April 29 - May 1, 2015 at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Austin, Texas. Save the date! More information about registration and the call for speakers coming soon.

Product: 2015 Xojo Developer Conference

Platforms: All

Price: N/A

Website: http://www.xojo.com/xdc/

New Web App Training Series from BKeeney Software

BKeeney Software is proud to announce a new 4.5 hour video training series. The new LinkShare Web App series takes budding Xojo developers from nothing to a fully functional web application. This eight-part series is designed to familiarize the beginning and intermediate developer on how Xojo web applications are created and how to create the basic infrastructure required for most modern web applications.

Just a few of the topics covered:

Project organization

Database integration using ActiveRecord and ARGen

Safe password handling, storage, and login procedures

Sending emails and how to communicate with the app via URL parameters

Basic WebStyles

Basic WebPage, WebDialog and UI layout and interaction

The series comes with source code the Xojo developer can use in their own projects.

BKeeney Software has 183 separate videos, with over 52 hours of Xojo and Real Studio training video and source code at http://xojo.bkeeney.com/XojoTraining/ . The site is a Xojo web app and has served up over 7,750 hours of streaming video since it went live.

Product: Web App Training Series

Platforms: All

Price: $55-$175 (3-12 month subscription)

Website: http://xojo.bkeeney.com/XojoTraining/

New Slideshow Control Released

Slideshow is a very efficient and simple control that will display several pictures using an animation between each picture. Eleven different pre-defined animations are currently available and more will be added soon. Each picture in the Slideshow can have its own animation or use a random animation. Speed, delay, and direction options are available for each animation. All Bundle owners from JeremieLeroy.com get this new control for free if their update plan is still valid.

Product: Slideshow Control

Platforms: All

Price: €29

Website: http://www.jeremieleroy.com/products/more-xojo.php#slideshow

BKeeney Software Releases Spell Checker Plugin for Xojo

BKeeney Software is proud to announce a new Xojo plugin that allows Mac OS X and Windows developers a simple and easy way to add spell checking to their Xojo applications. This plugin allows Macintosh OS X and Windows 8 applications to access the native OS spell checker, or to use the popular Hunspell spell checker. All versions of Macintosh OS X and Windows can opt to use the Hunspell spell checker. The system spell checker uses the OS language by default but can also be overridden via code to use any dictionary installed on the OS. The Hunspell spell checker is used by many popular open source applications and may use many of the free dictionaries available.

Product: Spell Checker Plugin for Xojo

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: $100

Website: http://www.bkeeney.com/allproducts/bks-spell-checker-plugin-for-xojo/

Xojo by Example

Announcing Xojo by Example, from Terry Findlay of ToThePoint Software, a website designed for those just starting out in Xojo. No previous programming experience is required. Xojo by Example takes you from The Basics to Your First Program in very short order. Learn important programming concepts by example. Downloadable Xojo projects demonstrate some of the many useful things you can do with Xojo. These projects are free to download and you may use them, in part or in whole, in your own projects.

Product: Xojo by Example (website)

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://www.xojobyexample.com/

ChartView Control 1.3

Chart View is a modern charting solution for all your Xojo projects.

It includes several Chart types such as column, line, area, bar, combo charts, scatter, pie, and doughnut.

Chart View offers a very high level of customization. Chart View uses advanced drawing techniques to anti-alias all drawing on Windows and Mac OS. Every part of the Chart View has been highly optimized for performance. The Chart can now be animated on Mac OS and Windows when loading new data.

Product: ChartView Control 1.3

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: 79€

Website: http://www.jeremieleroy.com/products/chartview.php

IP in Menubar 4.4

MonkeyBread Software Releases IP in Menubar 4.4, an application to show the current IP address in the menubar. This small application runs in the background and shows the current IP address of your Mac in the menu bar. There are options available to customize the appearance of the menu entry. The IP address is updated regularly. Switch on the Router option if you are behind a router or gateway. You can still see your local IP address in the menu.

Product: IP in Menubar 4.4

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/Freeware/IPinmenubar.shtml

Intelligent Subnet Calculator

Written with Xojo, Intelligent Subnet Calculator is a tool for:

Advanced Subnet Calculation (Binary/Hex View, Tiny Mode)

Cisco Access List Builder (adding drag and drop import capabilities on v1.2.0 right now)

ARIN Whois Lookups

Geolocation Searching by IP

Intelligent Subnet Calculator is available on the Mac App Store or on the website.

Product: Intelligent Subnet Calculator

Platforms: All

Price: $13.99

Website: http://www.intelligentsubnetcalculator.com/

TaskTime4 v5.1.5

TaskTime4 is a reliable and versatile time tracking and billing solution. With TaskTime4 you can track any number of clients and any number of projects for each client. Create invoices that can be emailed, printed, and saved to disk. Since you can have more than one project open at a time it is easy to switch between projects on the fly. Tracking expenses has never been easier.

Product: TaskTime4 v5.1.5

Platforms: Mac

Price: $20

Website: http://www.ttpsoftware.com/

XojoNews publishes daily Xojo news updates

XojoNews has been relaunched with a new look and a new format. XojoNews covers cross-platform development news, with a particular focus on Xojo. Whether it's blog updates, third-party control updates, forums, training videos or seminars, it will all be covered on XojoNews, with regularly daily updates.

XojoNews also includes an RSS feed so you don't have to keep checking the site. Or subscribe to the free XojoNews Roundup mailing list, and receive a weekly recap of all the news, straight to your Inbox every Sunday morning, in a clean and easy-to-read format.

Product: XojoNews

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://www.xojonews.com/

Light Blue 5

Photography industry favourite Light Blue, desktop software to run a photography business, has been updated with a host of new features to help make business admin that much more simple. Light Blue 5 keeps track of your contact list, shoots, workflows, sales and expenditure, all in one program. Light Blue is desktop software that runs on a Mac or PC, but it also syncs your data to an online account when you have a network connection. The release coincides with updated iPad and iPhone apps being available in the app store. The updates includes over 300 tweaks and improvements to make Light Blue even better. Light Blue 5 is made with Xojo.

Product: Light Blue 5

Platforms: All

Price: £295 + VAT

Website: http://www.lightbluesoftware.com/


IveBeenThinking Software's XjPrint is an application to help document your project for clients and code review. XjPrint for Xojo enables you to produce professionally styled color-coded printouts of your project source code that are ideal to:

Prepare your code for Code Reviews

Produce paper or electronic documentation of your Xojo source code

Locate bugs, and identify areas for improvement

Use samples of code in your proposals, technical briefs, and presentations

Impress your clients, managers, or colleagues with the professionalism of a XjPrint printout while explaining a certain point

XjPrint can be downloaded for a free 15 day evaluation period.

Product: XjPrint

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: $19.95

Website: http://www.rdsisemore.com/xjprint/

MBS SOAP Kit 2.3 for Xojo With this SOAP Kit, you can parse the webservice description file (WSDL) and generate source code for all the methods, constants and classes defined in your webservice. You add this code to your project together with additional source code provided from MBS. Now you can call the webservice methods like any other method in your code. The new versions adds a new sample project for VAT service of European Union, improves handling of arrays and some keywords. The generated code now contains Clone methods, Copy and Value constructors for easier usage.

Complete SOAP solution for professional Xojo (Real Studio) users

Parses the description of your webservice as WSDL.

Out SOAP Utility generates for you:

Classes for each data type in the WSDL

Modules with constants defined in the WSDL

Modules with methods to call WSDL functions synchronously and asynchronously

Includes shared code for common tasks:

Error handling

Verify WSDL matches between Client and Server.

XML creation and parsing

All source code generated for your application is not locked or encrypted.

Product: MBS SOAP Kit 2.3 for Xojo

Platforms: All

Price: 999 Euro

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/SOAP/

New Xojo PostgreSQL Book Published

Eugene Dakin has released a new Xojo book, I Wish I Knew How To... Program PostgreSQL with Xojo Desktop. This book lowers the steep learning curve for this industrial database and PostgreSQL is able to easily handle complex transactional loads and multi-users. There are over 70 working examples that are fully explained in the book text, which has more than 350 pages.

Some of the many topics in the book are:




CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)


Prepared Statements

Tested on Windows and Mac OS's Desktops

And more...

Product: I Wish I Knew How To... Program XML with Xojo in Windows and I Wish I Knew How to... Program Xojo Desktop and SQLite books

Platforms: All

Price: $8.99

Website: http://great-white-software.com/rblibrary/

ChartPart 4

CULLY Technologies, LLC is proud to announce the updating and the release of ChartPart project to version 4.

ChartPart is a charting tool written completely in Xojo, intended for Xojo developers to use within their commercial or non-commercial applications when they are in need of simple charts and graphs. ChartPart is a subclass of the Xojo canvas control, and creates Bar, Stacked Bar, Line, and Pie charts to be used in Xojo applications.

New features are:

Multiple series, each with multiple values to be charted. Previous versions only allowed one series.

New chart type: Stacked bar

Can now chart negative values in bar, line, and stacked bar chart types.

Series label and location options.

More value label options and options for the location of the labels.

Note: This version breaks backwards compatibility. Please fully test your chart generation carefully.

Product: ChartPart 4

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://cullytechnologies.com/products/chartpart/

GlucoAide v1.1.5

ToThePoint Software Releases GlucoAide, a Macintosh application designed specifically for people with diabetes. With GlucoAide users can easily track and graph their blood glucose tests as well as track their weight on a day by day basis.

The program allows people with diabetes to keep food and exercise logs along with a handy journal. GlucoAide can store links to diabetes related resources such as websites, documents, folders, email addresses, etc. In addition, diabetes team contact information and medication information can be stored.

Data input is quick and easy. Works with mmol/L and mg/dL. The demo version will run for 20 days after which users will need to purchase GlucoAide from the Apple App Store to continue using it.

Product: GlucoAide v1.1.5

Platforms: OSX

Price: $8.99

Website: http://ttpsoftware.com/thankgoodnessWP/gluco/

Font Sleuth v2.4.4

Font Sleuth is designed to make locating that perfect font for a project as quick and easy as possible. Font Sleuth is not intended to replace sophisticated font management software such as FontExplorer X or Suitcase Fusion 2. Because these font managers have more complex functionality they are priced considerably higher than Font Sleuth.

But many people do not need all of the the bells and whistles of a high priced font manager. If what you need is a quick and simple way to choose that perfect font on the fly, along with some basic font management features, Font Sleuth is the answer.

font character display on main window (show/hide with disclosure triangle)

fixed preference saving

improved Group Editor controls

interface tweaks

manual slide show controls added to display window

display window makeover

Product: Font Sleuth v2.4.4

Platforms: OSX

Price: $14.99

Website: http://ttpsoftware.com/thankgoodnessWP/font-sleuth/

DataViewer for Xojo Developers

DataViewer is a collection of objects for Real Studio/Xojo that you can easily incorporate into your own applications to give SQL Query functionality for SQLite and MySQL databases along with Data Export facilities. It is available to purchase for use within your own software or alternatively with Full Source Code. Once purchased their are no restrictions on use.

Connect to any SQLite or MySQL Database

Very small Footprint. < 5Mb

Incorporate Easily into your Own Apps

Objects Window showing Tables and Columns

Drag and Drop from the Objects Window to the Query Window

Double Click Tables and Columns to Copy to Clipboard, Paste into Query

Results Grid can be customised for Font, Size, Stripe Colour and Line Type

Results Grid can Switch between 'Fit to Grid' and 'Show Horizontal Scrollbar'

Auto Highlighting of SQL Keywords (Caps, Bold, Coloured - or Any Combination)

User Definable Keywords List

Each SELECT reports Time Taken

Export Results Data in Tab Delimited, CSV or JSON Formats

Save and Load SQL Scripts

One Click for Record Count, any Table

One Click to Fetch 20 Records for Quick Query

One Click to Fetch All Records

Insert a SQL Template

Reactive Results List - Auto 'Fit to Grid' or 'Show Horizontal Scrollbar'

Results List now inside nside a Tab Control: Future Use

SQL History List - Double Click to Recall

Windows Sizes and Positions Saved on Exit

List View Configurations Saved on Exit

Product: DataViewer for Xojo Developers

Platforms: All

Price: £50 (standard), £150 (Pro with source code)

Website: http://bit.ly/1lZqmdB

BKeeney Software Inc. Acquires Fireye PDF Classes for Xojo

BKeeney Software Inc. has acquired the Fireye PDF classes for Xojo and Real Studio. These PDF classes represent years of quality work and fill a need in the Xojo developer community in regards to the creation of PDF documents. BKeeney Software will spend some time modernizing the classes to conform with the new requirements for Cocoa and rerelease for sale once the work is completed. These PDF classes will also enhance our Xojo-related developer products, particularly Formatted Text Control and BKeeney Shorts.

Asher Dunn, the original developer of the Fireye PDF classes said, "I am happy that my work was highly valued by the community. I think Bob and his staff at BKeeney Software will do a great job maintaining and enhancing the PDF classes for years to come."

All existing customers will receive version 2 for free. An email will be sent to all registered users with instructions on how to upgrade to the BKeeney version. Once a new version is released existing customers will be able to upgrade at a discounted price. At this point, pricing has not been determined.

Product: FireEye PDF classes

Platforms: All

Price: N/A

Website: http://www.bkeeney.com/allproducts/pdf-classes/

Two New Xojo Books Published

Eugene Dakin has released two new Xojo books, I Wish I Knew How To... Program XML with Xojo in Windows and I Wish I Knew How to... Program Xojo Desktop and SQLite.

The fist book is over 200 pages and has 50 example programs which cover 15 chapters on XML such as Unwritten rules, Comments, Child sections, XML Documents, Reading, Editing, Writing, XQL (XML Query Language), XSLT, CData, Schema, SOAP, and more. There's also info on connecting databases, displaying data in multiple formats, making the information tailored to the reader, adding security through schemas and more. With Xojo's ability to work on multiple operating systems, using XML adds to the already diverse Xojo


The second book is over 300 pages, greater than 70 example programs which cover over 20 chapters explaining topics such as Joins, Thread and Progress Bar, Transaction, Alias, Encryption/Decryption, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), Reports, and much more.

Product: I Wish I Knew How To... Program XML with Xojo in Windows and I Wish I Knew How to... Program Xojo Desktop and SQLite books

Platforms: All

Price: $8.99

Website: http://great-white-software.com/rblibrary/

MBS Xojo Web Starter Kit Reaches 1.1

The MBS Xojo (Real Studio) Web Starter Kit is a starting point for building your Web Applications with Real Studio or Xojo. Version 1.1 is a free update for existing users.

Especially our new Web Signature Kit allows you to easily capture signatures on a tablet device with your web application. You can of course simply use it as a drawing area, too.

New in Version 1.1:

* Added Web Signature Kit project.

* Commented out Print commands. They are useful in standalone, but cause problems in cgi mode.

* Improved code to handle database. Now the app launches when no database is found.

* Added WebLoadBalancing example code

* Added System Information page.

Existing features of our Web Starter Kit:

* Database Support including REALSQLDatabase, MySQLCommunityServer, CubeSQLServer and SQLDatabaseMBS. Other databases can be added easily.

* Simple User Management for Admins and normal users.

* Login Panel.

* Auto login, so people don't need to login each time.

* Collects Exceptions and JavaScript Errors in database and displays them to Admin..

* Allows logging to text file and database and displaying them.

* SQL Console with download of database and query result as CSV file.

* Session management for admin to see what users do..

* Chat Window.

* Creates Backup of database.

* Object browser and memory statistics.

* Messages for Admins to/from users.

* File Browser.

* Shows how to cache images/files to save memory.

* and much more...

You can use the Kit as a foundation of your new web application or simply copy the parts you need to your own web application. This Kit is the result of putting together all the goodies we developed in the last two years for various web applications. Things we believe everyone could need in their own solution. And of course in the next few years we will add more functions depending on user requests.

The Web Starter Kit requires Real Studio 2012 or newer and a license of the MBS Xojo (Real Studio) Plugins. The Kit uses a couple of plugins.

Product: MBS Real Studio Web Starter Kit

Platforms: All

Price: $149

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/realbasic/WebStarterKit/

Xojo Web Application Hosting

1701 Software, Inc. is proud to announce the general availability of our Xojo web application hosting services!

We use Xojo every day to build beautiful web based applications for our customers. We decided we could help the community at large by providing a service that understands the needs of Xojo apps.

Many people have gone searching for the web host who understands what makes Xojo special and unique. Many have become frustrated with poor support, inadequate libraries, incompatible versions, or restrictive policies that make shared hosting a nightmare. Going to a VPS is a wonderful improvement but requires a lot of time and patience as you learn the Linux command line and various server tools.

Now you can rely on a webhost that gets you. We offer fully managed private VPS servers that are optimized for Xojo. Everything out of the box is ready to run your Xojo app. In fact we install an example app on your box as soon as it's ready to go to demonstrate the speed. We use the latest technologies like solid state disk drives which make your apps fly. You can even choose from North American or European datacenters as we know many Xojo users hail from across the pond.

Last but not least the price is affordable. Our basic no frills developer plan is $15/month and includes 512mb of ram. If you require MySQL, PostgreSQL or email hosting you should look to our business plan at $25/month which gives you 1024mb of ram. Both plans offer two months free on a yearly payment schedule. Both plans allow you to host as many domains, Wordpress blogs, and Xojo apps as you like.

Product: Xojo Web Application Hosting

Platforms: All

Price: $15-$25/month

Website: http://www.1701software.com

fp Plugin 7.3

fp Plugin 7.3 adds the function fpPowerMod which can raise a square matrix to a very large integer power modulus an integer which also can be very large.

Using a custom fp multi-precision engine, fp Plugin for Xojo adds six new data types, BigInteger, BigFloat, BigComplex, BigFraction, BigPoly, and BigMatrix. Except for available memory, there is no limitation on the size of a BigInteger.

BigFloat is a multi--precision floating point number. You can set both the internal precision and the decimal output precision for BigFloat, with no limitation except for available memory.

BigComplex is composed of two BigFloats.

BigFraction represents num/den where num and den are BigIntegers.

BigPoly represents a polynomial with BigFraction coefficients.

BigMatrix represents a matrix with BigFraction elements.

fp Plugin itself allows you to construct programs which can handle the six new data types much like doubles and integers are handled. To a large extent the new data types can be freely used with the +, -, *, and / operators, and can be used in comparisons. And most of Xojo's functions have been overloaded to take the new data types, where it makes sense to do so. The added 7th data type is ComplexVector, which holds an array of complex numbers. Additional functions use the Laguerre method to find for a polynomial all its roots (complex or real) to any chosen precision.

Product: fp Plugin 7.2

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://delaneyrm.com/fpPlugin.html

ZirconKit for Xojo

Everybody who has written a custom control knows every single one of them needs some common work to get going. The ZirconKit Foundation is a free open source set of classes designed to make custom control authoring easier. The ZirconControl class is an automatic zero-flicker canvas that also handles retina scaling and appearance notification, to name a few. Also includes methods for drawing focus rings, adjusting color brightness, drawing stretched and patterned pictures, and detecting full keyboard access. If you're writing a custom control, this is a good foundation to build from, and there is plenty more room for this package to grow.


Built on ZirconKit, this is an iOS replica switch control. This control is fully animated -- with the ability to turn the animation off -- and very customizable. Supports custom captions, colors, positioning, and sizing. And, for the record, this is not the same control as used in the Xojo IDE. Built from scratch, this control supports Retina displays, animates nicer, and is more flexible than the Xojo IDE control.

ZirconSwitch is available as a free demo. The control will fully function in debug builds, but will be completely invisible and inoperable in built applications. A licensed version can be purchased for $10, and allows use in an unlimited number of applications under development by the purchaser. Both demo and licensed versions ship as encrypted classes.


ZirconBreadcrumbs is a massively flexible path control. It can be fully themed to match any application, supports Retina displays, and supports both icons and captions per cell. Displaying filesystem navigation -- or any navigation for that matter -- is a piece of cake now.

ZirconBreadcrumbs is available as a free demo. The control will fully function in debug builds, but will be completely invisible and inoperable in built applications. A licensed version can be purchased for $25, and allows use in an unlimited number of applications under development by the purchaser. Both demo and licensed versions ship as encrypted classes.

Product: ZirconKit / ZirconSwitch / ZirconBreadcrumbs

Platforms: All

Price: ZirconKit (free), ZirconSwitch ($10), ZirconBreadcrumbs ($25)

Website: http://thezaz.com/blog/2013/08/announcing_zirconkit_for_xojo.html

End of article.