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Issue 16.3 (May/June 2018)
Column Back from XDC: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5) News News (Page 8) Feature Farewell New Framework: News and Announcements from XDC 2018 (Page 12) Feature A Roundabout Way to Denver: Marc's XDC travelogue (Page 20) Feature Give yourself to the Dark Side: Using Dark Interfaces (Page 40) Feature A Predicate For Data, Part 2: Completing the basic predicate model (Page 55) Column Refactoring: Making Code Better (Page 72) Column A Backup and Recovery Approach: PostgreSQL Continuous Archiving and Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR) (Page 77) Column Xojo 2018r1: SpecialFolder, More (Page 81) Column Mailgun with Xojo: Sending transactional email with Xojo (Page 84)
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