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Issue 16.6 ('Munich 2018')
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Table Of Contents

Issue 16.6 (November/December 2018)

Column Moving Forward: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Feature Munich 2018: A Report From the MBS Xojo Conference (Page r>)
Feature Upgrading Xojo: Should you upgrade your project? (Page 42)
Feature Road Work: Working While Traveling (Page 48)
Feature Building a Controller: Designing and Implementing a Data-Entry Controller Class (Page r>)
Column Invisible Storage: Manipulating the Clipboard (Page 84)
Column Database Rules: A few things to always remember (Page 88)
Column Xojo 2018r3: Database Transactions, Multiple Displays Tip (Page 92)


Archive of all Issue 16.6 (November/December 2018) downloads:

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