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Interview: David Grogono
Issue: 2.1 (August/September 2003)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: David Grogono is the REALbasic Product Manager at REAL Software.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 5,808
Starting Page Number: 12
Article Number: 2109
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Hi Dave! Tell us a little about yourself.
I was raised in England until I was nine and then my family moved to Syracuse, New York. It's there that I became interested in computers. My dad was a doctor but very interested in computers and we had a teletype at home when I was very young.
We then had an Intecolor 8001 ( ) and Compucolor II ( ) which were all-in-one machines with a color monitor. Kind of like an early iMac. These machines had a built-in BASIC interpreter and I also did quite a lot of stuff in assembly language.The Intecolor was the larger more powerful one with a built in 19" color screen. We updated it to support high resolution graphics (480x320, 8 colors). It was a very advanced bit of hardware for the time, 1975 or so. I was about ten at the time.
What kinds of things did you program?
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