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Issue 2.1


Connection Cornucopia, Part 1

Issue: 2.1 (August/September 2003)
Author: Paul Lefebvre
Author Bio: Paul Lefebvre is President and Chief Software Architect of LogicalVue Software, producers of SQLVue, Schema, and many other products.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 5,756
Starting Page Number: 37
Article Number: 2118
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One of the many strengths of REALbasic is that it lets you connect to just about any type of database. To help you decide which database is best for your project, we will begin reviewing the different types of databases to which REALbasic can connect. Databases can be divided into two categories: single user and multi user. A single user database only allows a single connection to the database at any one time. The database is typically contained in a separate file on the same workstation as the application. These databases are generally used by the type of applications you would find on VersionTracker. Databases such as these are useful for applications that need to store information that does not have to be shared with other users of the program. Single user databases are simple to use and do not complicate your product installation since the database is shipped right along with the product. Many applications are appropriate for a single user database, such as an Address Book or a To Do list.

Multi user databases are also known as database servers. These databases are very powerful and fast. Some database servers even have their own programming languages to let you write code that runs on the server itself. Database servers will be discussed in Part 2.

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.