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Path Animation
Tell your Object3Ds where to go!
Issue: 2.6 (July/August 2004)
Author: Joe Nastasi
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 8,368
Starting Page Number: 38
Article Number: 2619
Related Link(s): None
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This month we will discuss the path file format, introduce a couple of new features and also take a look at a new technique for coding real-time tasks!
New Stuff
The Path Animation library was initially designed to be used for 2D movement only, but the code now includes the ability to define 3D waypoints. This resulted in a change to the API, namely, the DestX and DestY parameters are now replaced with a Vector3D that includes all three axes.
Turn, Turn, Turn, But When?
Additionally, the library now has the option to turn before movement or turn during movement. A
separate turn , which is enabled by setting the Path Class' SeparateTurn property to true, forces the model to turn in place towards the new waypoint, then move towards it. Anintegrated turn , which is enabled when the SeparateTurn property is false, turns the model as it moves towards the waypoint. The integrated turn results in wide curved paths, especially when there are only a few waypoints defined.Path Speed
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