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Creating A Registration Algorithm
(or How To Protect Your Program In Three Easy Steps)
Issue: 3.5 (May/June 2005)
Author: Dana Chaffin
Author Bio: Dana Chaffin is the author of several ESL teaching books. He discovered RB and instantly started developing ESL programs for teachers and students alike.
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Article Length (in bytes): 33,001
Starting Page Number: 23
Article Number: 3511
Resource File(s): Updated: 2013-03-11 19:07:58
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You've just finished developing your best application ever. It took you months of coding. The beta tests went without a hitch and you are now ready to release the software into the world and make your fortune. Suddenly, you realize that you don't have a way to prevent people from just copying the program without paying.
You need to make a software registration algorithm. Before we get to the gory details of how to make your own algorithm, you need to know what you are up against.
There are people out there that will do their best to steal your program. These software crackers have many tools at their disposal and they don't give up easily. On top of that, once they break into your program and steal the registration formula, they put the code, patch, or other ways to break into your program on bulletin boards and web pages. And, as if things couldn't get any grimmer, there is one more fact you must face. You can't stop it from happening. If these thieves really want your code, they will get it.
That's not to say we can't make it difficult for them. Now that you know, let's get started.
STEP 1: Choose Your Format
The first thing you need to do is decide what kind of registration format you want to use. Here are a few things to consider when making your decision.
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