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Printing Rotated Text, Part 2
Using declares to draw rotated text on Windows
Issue: 4.1 (September/October 2005)
Author: Christian Schmitz
Author Bio: Christian Schmitz is the creator of the Monkeybread Software REALbasic Plugins.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 10,313
Starting Page Number: 40
Article Number: 4119
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In this article we willdo the same thing we did last issue, but with unicode textencoding support -- allowing you to draw rotated text into any graphics object. This technique works fine both on-screen and in graphics sent to the printer.
On the Windows side we have to face the different Windows versions which all have different Unicode support. Mac OS X is nearly Unicode-only and Mac OS Classic uses the local text encoding like MacRoman for Western Europe.
So using only the Unicode version may make your application non-functional on Windows 95/98/ME as not all functions are available in Unicode versions there. Still, you may get some updated DLLs with Unicode functions if you install a newer Internet Explorer version.
If you want to avoid trouble with users which use older Windows versions, you can still include the ANSI declare. You need to use a soft declare to your unicode function. Soft declares are a new feature in REALbasic 2005 althrough they can be done using plugins already in REALbasic 3. The soft declare to the newer unicode function will fail if the function called is not available, so you can call the older function in that case.
Like this (corrected) example from the REALbasic 2005 Language Reference:
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