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Issue 4.3


Extending XMLReader

Applying the Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Issue: 4.3 (January/February 2006)
Author: Charles Yeomans
Author Bio: Charles is the author of I Declare: Calling External Functions in REALbasic, available online at http://www.declareSub.com/
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 8,819
Starting Page Number: 31
Article Number: 4314
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Excerpt of article text...

I needed to write some code to import databases in XML format into a database. Since such files tend toward the large, using an XMLReader object was the obvious choice. In the course of doing so, I quickly encountered a problem -- my event handlers were becoming massive Select Case statements that branched on an accumulation of variables holding table and field names.

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.