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Thoughts from the Publisher
Issue: 6.1 (November/December 2007)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When RBD publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living! You may contact him at
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,426
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 6100
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Responses to Digital-Only Survey
Last issue I put up a link to a survey exploring the idea of
RBD going digital-only. The responses I received were fascinating. (I've included a sampling in the "Feedback" section at left.)My thought was that in this digital age perhaps paper isn't as important as it once was, but overwhelmingly those readers who currently subscribe to the print edition want it to continue (and many are willing to pay more for that if necessary).
An interesting tidbit: changing the digital format to make it easier for on-screen reading would not make paper fans like PDF any more.
Some other data:
- * Twenty percent of respondents would not subscribe to a digital-only RBD, but forty percent would, though they prefer print.
* More than half would expect a price drop if we went digital-only.
* Most subscribers are happy with the bi-monthly publication schedule.
I really appreciate you all taking the time to complete the survey; this gives me some valuable data as I explore future options.
If you missed the survey, it's still up:
In This Issue
We've got an eclectic variety in this issue. If you're a wordsmith like me, you'll want to start with JC Cruz's article on creating a spelling checker engine in REALbasic.
We've got an interesting Postmortem of Dr. Scott Steinman's Reality Check code analysis software and there's an interview with AltaPoint Data System's Doug Lyman.
Paul Lefebvre explains how Visual Basic users can migrate to REALbasic and Monkeybread Software's Christian Schmitz shows how to use his plugin to burn CDs and DVDs in Mac OS X.
We're also debuting a new column this issue (on page 46). Please give a warm welcome to Bob Keeney writes about the challenges of the developer's life.
End of article.