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Issue 7.4


Postmortem: TickerMenu (Part 2 of 2)

The story of a product's development

Issue: 7.4 (May/June 2009)
Author: Will Phillips
Author Bio: **** INSERT AUTHOR BIO HERE ****
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 35,076
Starting Page Number: 13
Article Number: 7408
Related Link(s): None

Excerpt of article text...

In the last issue I wrote about my initial experiences developing TickerMenu in REALbasic. In this final part of the article, I'll cover marketing and other aspects of software development.

Experiences with eSellerate

There are of course many merchant services for developers, and I can't say which one is the best because I have not used them all. One of the features that drew me to eSellerate is that they have a plugin for REALbasic that allows the developer to implement eSellerate functionality within an application.

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.