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Issue 7.4


Easy Charts and Graphs

Using the ChartDirector Plugin

Issue: 7.4 (May/June 2009)
Author Bio: Christian Schmitz is the creator of the Monkeybread Software REALbasic Plugins (including the ChartDirector plugin).
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 42,397
Starting Page Number: 28
Article Number: 7412
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The ChartDirector REALbasic plugin is a powerful chart component for creating professional looking charts. The list of charts is long and includes pie, bar, line, area, trending, box, scatter, bubbles, vectors, surface, pyramid, gantt and polor charts. Also there are meters and gauges. All those charts can be combined in a combo chart.

This article will show and explain small examples of creating charts and give you some code you can use as a starting point for your own projects. The 9.2 release of the MBS plugins comes with over 150 example projects for Chart Director. All those chart pictures of the examples are included, too, so you can just browse the pictures and find the example you need.

Test Driving ChartDirector

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.