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Issue 8.4

Table Of Contents

Issue 8.4 (May/June 2010)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher: Building for the Future (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Review GoodReader and Cloud Readers for iPad (Page 10)
Review BKeeney Software's REALbasic Video Training (Page 12)
Review UltraUpdater 1.3.0 (Page 12)
Feature Your rates: What should I charge for my time? (Page 13)
Feature Updater Kit: Automatic updates for your application (Page 14)
Feature Dropwords, Part 2: Developing a simple game (Page 18)
Feature REALScience: Making Hash: An introduction to hash functions (Page 31)
Feature Fun with Particles: Particle systems are fun! (Page 40)
Column Basic RB Controls, Part 4: Working with "rare" controls (Page 46)
Column The Role of a Consultant: Every problem is not a nail (Page 51)
Column SQLite Management Tools (Page 50)


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