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Issue: 9.1 (November/December 2010)
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LargeListBox project 1.2

IntrinsicCode has released LargeListBox, a REALbasic project for both Mac OS X and Windows that extends the capabilities of the REALbasic ListBox control. The LargeListBox can contain more than 64 columns. The upper limit depends on the computer configuration but in general, projects containing a LargeListBox with up to 106 cells will perform well. It is expected that the Real Studio release with the LLVM compiler will further boost both the speed and capacity of the LargeListBox. Besides a ListBox that can have more than 64 columns, the project contains code giving full functionality to the LargeListBox: insert/delete of rows/columns; copy/paste; cell layout; sort numeric or alphanumeric one column or the whole table versus one column; save/open; copy/paste to and from a spreadsheet such as Excel. The full code of the project is available and very well commented so the programmer can adapt easily the LargeListBox to his/her needs. In the purchased product a PDF is included that explains the layout of the project. This setup provides also the beginner and the intermediate programmer with well-commented, readable, and reusable code. A compiled demo of the project can be downloaded. The demo demonstrates most of the build in functionality of the LargeListBox (but not all the functionality: for this a pdf-file is included). The purchased product 'LargeListBox' contains two projects. One project with the LargeListBox as a ContainerControl (Real Studio Professional and Enterprise edition) and another project with the LargeListBox as a Window (Real Studio Personal edition).


LargeListBox project 1.2




€42.35 (includes tax)



RSReport Designer

Roth Soft releases RSReport Designer 2010.2.2. LehrerOffice is a product of Roth Soft. It is an Office-Software designed for teachers. The cross-platform version, 'LehrerOffice Easy' is written in REALbasic. In order to create, design, and print all the required reports, Roth Soft has written a whole set of Report-Classes (RSReport) in pure REALbasic. With RSReport you can create static or dynamic reports in an object-oriented manner, show them in a print-preview, of course print them - and even save them as PDF. This on both OSX and Windows (Linux should work, too - but has never been tested and used) - without the need of any Plugin or PDF-Converter/Printer. It's all written in pure REALbasic. The following basic drawing elements are available: Elements: Text, Line, Oval, Rectangle, Checkbox, Image, RTF-Text, Triangle Charts: Line and Bar With RSReport Designer, you can visually design the reports instead of creating reports only by code. Designed and coded reports can be combined, allowing very complex reports to be created. The Designer can be used and included in your software as: a Window, a standalone app - or embedded as a ContainerControl.


RSReport Designer 2010.2.2







Newton's Method 2.0

Newton's Method 2.0 is an application which, using the Newton-Raphson Method, enables you to find the real solutions of f(x) = 0 for a real function f(x). It also acts as a function evaluator to an accuracy of about 15 significant figures. You can enter a wide variety of functions for f(x). REALbasic's RBScript translates the function into machine language so the numerical calculation proceeds as rapidly as if the function had been compiled into the application from the source code.


Newton's Method 2.0







PersistentTimer Class

Timers are useful for many things is REAL Studio besides the obvious. Often timers can be easiest way to work around limitations or bugs, so they are used often. To that end it is often convenient to instantiate them in code. That is equally true using self contained timer subclasses, subclasses that use delegates for the time timer action or the new AddHandler feature of REALStudio 2010r4. Often times once you start a timer you don't need to do anything else with it, however because of how REALStudio manages memory you if you don't keep a reference to it will never fire because REALStudio will destroy it, thinking the timer is no longer need. When you drag a timer onto a Window, you don't need to worry about that as the Window will keep a reference to it. However when you instantiate it in code, you are responsible for keeping a reference to it and you are responsible for setting the reference to nil if needed when you are dome with it. Often this is just bookkeeping that serves useful no purpose in the logic of what you are trying to accomplish and adds needlessly to a long list of properties making code maintenance more of a chore. The PersistentTimer solves this problem.


PersistentTimer Class







AquaticPrime in RB

Massimo Valle has created an AquaticPrime (http://www.aquaticmac.com/) implementation written entirely in REALbasic and submitted it to Benjamin Rister which mantain a repository on gitHub for various AquaticPrime implementations. Also, Benjamin is seeking for RB developers to review the code, before merging it into the trunk. Anyone interested can contact Benjamin via email. See Benjamin's github profile for contact email.


AquaticPrime in RB







Formatted Text Control 2.0

True North Software has announced the release of version 2.0 of the Formatted Text Control (FTC). The FTC is a canvas based control for REALbasic that implements word processor capabilities similar to Apple Pages or Microsoft Word. The FTC is useful for implementing reports and general word processing capabilities within your REALbasic applications. The FTC features the following capabilities. - Four display modes including page, normal, edit, and single - RTF support including picture support - A full range of paragraph and character styles - Picture support - Custom object support for adding application specific items - Built in undo management - Many customization options to adapt the FTC to your application - Highly optimized code written in REALbasic for maximum flexibility The following features were added to version 2.0. - You can now change the alignment of the display where the page is oriented in the main display (left, center, right) for the page and normal modes. - Implemented search and replace functionality. You can search and replace interactively or programatically. - Created a new control called FTTextField which is the equivalent of the RB TextField except that it has all the advantages of the FTC like cross platform spell checking, undo capabilities and many more. As part of the control, implemented the LimitText property that limits the number of characters that can be typed into the control. Also implemented a mask for the control (see the documentation for details). - Added a new KeyPress event to allow you to change the actual text that will be inserted when a user types on the keyboard. Extraneous keys like arrow keys are filtered out before this event is called. - Implemented some minor speed optimizations. This release also addesses 13 bug fixes. For a more complete list of features and capabilities, see the "FTC User Guide" and "Version History" documents in the demo download.


Formatted Text Control 2.0







REAL Studio Training

Together with Brainworks Training and Application Systems Heidelberg, the REAL Studio distributor in Germany, Swiss and Austria, and MonkeyBread Software, will offer training sessions for REAL Studio: November 11 to November 13, 2010 in Munich, Germany; November 18 to November 20, 2010 in Berlin, Germany; December 2 to December 4, 2010 in Zrich, Swiss; January 13 to January 15, 2010 in Leverkusen, Germany. Each training is three days long and you can pick which days you need. There will be discounts if you take more than one day. First day is dedicated for beginners and gives a good entry into REALbasic development. The second day is dedicated for advanced developers and the third day is for database topics. Details, prices and registration will follow next week.


REAL Studio Trainings






Beginners: http://www.brainworks-training.de/index.php4?showid=3&semDo=detail&semId=S1835

Advanced: http://www.brainworks-training.de/index.php4?showid=3&semDo=detail&semId=S1828

Database: http://www.brainworks-training.de/index.php4?showid=3&semDo=detail&semId=S1829

Spell Check Utilities 2.5

True North Software has announced the release of version 2.5 of the Spell Check Utilities (SCU). The SCU builds off the Wintertree Sentry Spell Checker Engine (SSCE) by providing the glue code, in the form of a plugin, to access the SSCE routines in REALbasic. The problem with many spell checking solutions in the REALbasic market place is that they use platform specific built-in services to provide spell checking. This is fine if you want to build for only one platform or the other, but becomes a hindrance when you want to create a cross platform application that behaves exactly the same for every platform. The SSCE is a fast, professional, cross-platform spell checking engine and has many features and benefits. New for for version 2.5... - Added Cocoa support to the plugin. (Note with Cocoa still in beta, there are many bugs that cause problems and crashes not related to the SSCE plugin.) - Fixed some issues with Icelandic encoding. - Added some refinements to the demo application including a warning that incoming word lists need to be encoded in UTF8 and added the ability to reload the main dictionary so that you can test any custom dictionaries. - Added the convenience methods deleteAllDictionaries, deleteDictionary, and deleteMainDictionaries. For a more complete list of features and capabilities, see the SCU User Guide in the download.


Spell Check Utilities version 2.5







fp Plugin 3.6

fp Plugin 3.6 is now console safe. Using the fp multi-precision engine, fp Plugin for REALbasic adds three new data types. They are: BigInteger, BigFloat, BigComplex. Except for available memory, there is no limitation on the size of a BigInteger. So you can multiply a 100 digit integer by another 100 digit integer giving the exact 200 digit integer. BigFloat is a multi—precision floating point number. You can set both the internal precision and the decimal output precision for BigFloat, with no limitation except for available memory. It might take awhile, but you can now calculate pi in a REALbasic program to a million decimal places, or more. The power of 10 for BigFloat can range from about -600,000,000 to +600,000,000 as compared to -308 to +308 for a Double. BigComplex is composed of two BigFloats, so it uses BigFloat precision. fp Plugin itself allows you to construct programs which can handle the three data types much like doubles and integers are handled. To a large extent the plugin's data types can be freely used with the +, -, *, and / operators, and can be used in comparisons. And most of REALbasic's functions have been overloaded to take the plugin's data types, where it makes sense to do so.


fp Plugin 3.6







REAL Studio Web Edition

REAL Software, creator of REAL Studio, a powerful, cross-platform software development tool for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux, today announced a new platform for their development tool, the web, which will be available in REAL Studio Web Edition. REAL Studio has a low learning curve, making it the perfect development tool for users who new to programming as well as professional developers. Traditional web development requires developers to learn multiple languages including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, PHP and Java. REAL Studio Web Edition, that includes patent pending technology, provides a visual drag and drop interface builder that saves hours of development time when compared to hand-coding HTML and CSS. Developers will only need to learn a single high-level, object-oriented language which is tightly integrated with the REAL Studio web framework. REAL Studio Web Edition will be available Fall 2010. REAL Studio Web Edition will cost $599 for a new license and will also be available in REAL Studio Enterprise Edition, which is priced at $995. REAL Studio Enterprise Edition is available now and currently compiles cross-platform applications for Mac, Windows and Linux.


REAL Studio Web Edition




$599 (edition included with REAL Studio Enterprise Edition)



Betas of zLexer, WordGuise, Script plugins

zLexer is a new plugin that colorizes C-files, TCL-files, html files, RBscript files, MathLab files, and a bunch of other text files (too long to include all here (+100)). It is to be used with a TextField (needs to be worked out), while the existing WordGuise plugin is up to par with zLexer. An extensive sample project comes with it. Script plugin is a novel plugin. It allows the calling of many functions of the RB framework within an RBScript. The plugin defines 2 classes: Process and RBObject. These are subclassed from the base "Control". Process embeds an instance of RBScript and two instances of IPCSockets. the context of the RBScript instance can be set to the class Process, allowing RBscript code to call into the RB framework. This will allow the instantiation of plugin or intrinsic controls on the fly, these controls can be added to whatever window, from within the script, and you can send scripts from within scripts using the sockets. The class RBobject has a set of callback functions that will be called if calling into the RB framework fails, allowing further customization. These plugins are in beta stage, but are available on request to try it out. You need to reply to "vanhoek at mac.com", because these plugins are not yet published to the web. Note that Script plugin includes a Cocoa target, but it will fail due to bug 13207.


zLexer, WordGuise and Script plugins






Mail vanhoek@mac.com if interested.

REAL Studio Summit 2011

ARBP is pleased to announce the REAL Studio Summit 2011, co-sponsored by REAL Software. Join ARBP and REAL Software in Atlanta for the REAL Studio event of 2011. At the REAL Studio Summit 2011, you'll learn more about REAL Studio, REAL Server, REALbasic, and get to mingle with fellow REAL Studio developers. Regardless of how you use REAL Studio or REAL Server, the Atlanta Summit is the place to go to learn more about these powerful cross-platform development tools. The Summit is ideal for experienced developers, beginners or those new to REAL Studio and companies looking to find quality developers for projects. With two full days of sessions, you'll be sure to learn a lot about REAL Studio. When you're not enjoying a session, you can take some time to enjoy the lovely springtime weather in Atlanta. "REAL Studio conferences have always been a great way to learn more about our favorite development tool. But one of the best aspects of the Summit is being able to meet and network with fellow REAL Studio developers", said Bob Keeney, ARBP President. When: March 19 - March 20, 2011. Where: Atlanta, GA, Holiday Inn, Atlanta Airport - South.


REAL Studio Summit 2011







ComplexMatrix Plugin 2.8

ComplexMatrix Plugin 2.8 adds support for Mac Cocoa. ComplexMatrix Plugin for REALbasic has all the functionality of Bob Delaney's Complex and Matrix plugins and adds the ability to handle complex matrices and polynomials. ComplexMatrix Plugin itself allows you to construct programs which can handle complex numbers, real matrices, and complex matrices much like doubles and integers are handled.


ComplexMatrix Plugin 2.8







fp Plugin 3.3

fp Plugin for REALbasic adds three new data types: BigInteger, BigFloat, and BigComplex. Except for available memory, there is no limitation on the size of a BigInteger. So you can multiply a 100 digit integer by another 100 digit integer giving the exact 200 digit integer. BigFloat is a multi—precision floating point number. You can set both the internal precision and the decimal output precision for BigFloat, with no limitation except for available memory. It might take awhile, but you can now calculate pi in a REALbasic program to a million decimal places, or more. The power of 10 for BigFloat can range from about -600,000,000 to +600,000,000 as compared to -308 to +308 for a Double. BigComplex is composed of two BigFloats, so it uses BigFloat precision. fp Plugin itself allows you to construct programs which can handle the three data types much like doubles and integers are handled. To a large extent the plugin's data types can be freely used with the +, -, *, and / operators, and can be used in comparisons. And most of REALbasic's functions have been overloaded to take the plugin's data types, where it makes sense to do so. I am releasing fp Plugin with an easy-to-meet license. It is unconditionally available for any use, but is without warranty.


fp Plugin 3.3







Extended Plugin 3.6

Extended Plugin for REALbasic adds five new data types. They are: ExtInteger, ExtFloat, ExtComplex, IAExtFloat, and ExtFraction. ExtInteger is the type ZZ of Victor Shoup's multi-precision library, NTL. For more information go to http://www.shoup.net/. Except for available memory, there is no limitation on the size of an ExtInteger. So you can multiply a 100 digit integer by another 100 digit integer giving the exact 200 digit integer. ExtFloat is the type RR of NTL. You can set both the bit precision and the decimal output precision for ExtFloat, with no limitation except for available memory. It might take awhile, but you can now calculate pi in a REALbasic program to a million decimal places, or more. The power of 10 for ExtFloat can range from about -60,000,000 to +60,000,000 as compared to -308 to +308 for a Double. ExtComplex doesn't exist in NTL. I made it from two ExtFloats. So the real and imaginary parts of an ExtComplex use the bit precision and the decimal output precision set for ExtFloat. So you can now use complex numbers with almost unlimited precision. IAExtFloat also doesn't exist in NTL. It is a data type which is used for Interval Arithmetic, which is arithmetic with inequalities. An IAExtFloat number is represented by two ExtFloat numbers (a, b), where one thinks of an ExtFloat number x being in the interval between a and b. That is: a <= x <= b. For a function of x calculated with interval arithmetic the result is an IAExtFloat whose interval (fa, fb) results from interval propagation. A paper by Dr. Anthony P. Leclerc, Department of Computer Science, The College of Charleston, inspired me to add this data type. (A Postscript version of this paper can be found at http://archives.math.utk.edu/ICTCM/EP-7/SA15/PostScript/paper.ps). ExtFraction handles a fraction as num/den, where num and den are ExtIntegers. Thus one can do exact calculations with rationals in REALbasic to an almost unlimited degree. Extended Plugin itself allows you to construct programs which can handle the five new data types much like doubles and integers are handled. To a large extent the seven data types can be freely used with the +, -, *, and / operators, except that IAExtFloat numbers cannot mix with ExtComplex numbers, and ExtFractions can mix only with Integers and ExtIntegers. And most of REALbasic's functions have been overloaded to take the five new data types, where it makes sense to do so.


Extended Plugin 3.6







Cross Platform OpenAL Project

Authored by Thomas Cunningham and with contributions from Roger Meier, this is a Mac and Windows REALbasic project that will allow you to play .wav audio files using the cross platform, open source audio library, OpenAL (OAL). This project includes an encrypted Module and encrypted classes. Using OpenAL is very common in games, so if you're working on that Rb killer game app, you can easily add multiple sounds, positioning techniques and adjust pitch and gain. An unlocked version can be purchased for $30.


Cross Platform OpenAL Project







SQLiteManager 3.5

SQLabs has announced SQLiteManager 3.5, the most powerful sqlite database manager tool for MacOS X and Windows. SQLiteManager is a powerful GUI database manager for sqlite databases. It combines an incredible easy to use interface with blazing speed and advanced features. SQLiteManager allows you to open and work with sqlite 2, sqlite 3, in memory databases, AES 128 encrypted databases and with REAL Server databases. It allows you to create and browse tables, views, triggers and indexes. It enables you to insert, delete and updates records in a very intuitive way, it supports you arbitrary SQL commands and much more. Version 3.5 features a new powerful table editor with foreign key support and an advanced low level sqlite 3 database analyzer plus a lot of other improvements. New in this version: * Added a new detailed analyzer feature * Added Foreign Key support * Added a Copy RecordSet new menu item * Added Views to the Export dialog * Brand new CREATE/ALTER table dialog * Improved the importer engine * Improved the exporter engine * Improved display of BLOB images * Improved NULL values handling * Improved handling of table names that contains special characters * Improved both the Manage and SQL panel * Fixed a Win32 Edit Table menu issue * Fixed a couple of minor Win32 related issues * Fixed a case insensitive bug in inline editing * Fixed a bug that occurs while updating a row that contains BLOB columns * Fixed some issues related to BOOLEAN values * Fixed an issue that occurs while editing values with an sqlite 2 database * Fixed the incorrect Database Seems Encrypted message * Fixed an issue related to the RSReport engine * Fixed an issue related to saved SQL commands * Updated sqlite to the latest version * Updated DoD ListBox to version 2.3 * Updated User's Manual and RBScript Manual * Updated Language Reference * Updated SQLite3ProfessionalPlugin to version 3.9 * Updated RSReport engine to version 2010.2.1 * A lot of other small fixes and optimizations.


SQLiteManager 3.5




$49 ($29 for upgrade)



Ribbon Control

Ribbon Control is written in pure REALbasic code and displays a set of tabbed toolbars very similar to the Ribbon Control seen in Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 Suite. When the width of the window containing the Ribbon is reduced, the Ribbon will automatically adapt its contents to the available width. Buttons can be displayed vertically or horizontally. Creating a Ribbon is very easy using the Ribbon Creator Project. This app will provide native REALbasic code and XML code that allows you to add a Ribbon to your own projects. Updates are free after purchasing the Ribbon Control.


Ribbon Control 1.0







New RSReport Designer

Roth Soft has written a whole set of Report-Classes (RSReport) in pure REALbasic. With RSReport you can create static or dynamic reports in an object-oriented manner, show them in a print-preview, of course print them - and even save them as .pdf. This on both OSX and Windows - without the need of any Plugin or PDF-Converter/Printer. It's all written in pure REALbasic. The following basic drawing elements are available: Elements: Text, Line, Oval, Rectangle, Checkbox, Image, RTF-Text, Triangle Charts: Line and Bar. With RSReport Designer, you can visually design the reports instead of creating reports only by code. Designed and coded reports can be combined, allowing very complex reports to be created. The Designer can be used and included in your software as: a Window, a standalone app - or embedded as a ContainerControl.


RSReport Designer 2010.2.1







Formatted Text Control 2.x

True North Software has announced the release of version 2.x of the Formatted Text Control (FTC). The FTC is a canvas based control for REALbasic that implements word processor capabilities similar to Apple Pages or Microsoft Word. The FTC is useful for implementing reports and general word processing capabilities within your REALbasic applications. The FTC features the following capabilities: - Four display modes including page, normal, edit, and single - RTF support including picture support - A full range of paragraph and character styles - Picture support - Custom object support for adding application specific items - Built in undo management - Many customization options to adapt the FTC to your application - Highly optimized code written in REALbasic for maximum flexibility. The main goal with the 1.x series was to get out the base functionality and make it stable and highly optimize and version 1.8.3 achieved that goal. With the 2.x series, the focus now will be on features. The first feature released with 2.x is that you can now change the alignment of the display where the page is oriented in the main display (left, center, right) for the page and normal modes. For a more complete list of features and capabilities, see the "FTC User Guide" and "Version History" documents in the demo download. Pricing for this software has been lowered to $150 for a set of non-encrypted modules.


Formatted Text Control 2.x




$150 (unencrypted modules)



Share from User

Hutchings Software has shipped a new MwRS ("Made with REAL Studio") screen sharing product called "Share from User". It's intended for customer support scenarios where developers want to see a customer's screen and help the customer over the phone. It uses the bandwidth you're already paying for to move screens, so there is no third-party server in the middle and no monthly fees. The "User" component is branded by you and super easy for your customers. We have a free version that supports a single "Agent" and a single "User", which you're all totally welcome to use and likely meets many of your occasional remote support needs. We also have a "Pro" version for $200 that supports multiple simultaneous Agents and Users and allows Agents to connect from outside your home network. If you need help setting it up, we can do that too. Mac/Windows for the Agent and User apps, Mac/Windows/Linux for the self-hosted "Server" component. We have a couple of test sites running now. One is a distance learning unit at a state college, where they need to support students and instructors who learn/teach from home. The other is a medical transcription business where the customers are in the United States, and the support people are in India. With the latter, we have the "server" component in an office in Southern California, and typically achieve about 3-4 seconds latency between Users in the US and Agents in India. That's more than adequate for a successful support session.


Share from User




Pro $200; Free version available. $75 off through July 15th.



Studio Stable

Hutchings Software is happy to announce a new little project, Studio Stable. It's a site where you can download and purchase modules and classes made with REAL Studio. There are a lot of big pieces of functionality the company has made over the past decade but not packaged for sharing with others, so over the next few months, they'll be refining and packaging them for public consumption. To start with, three items are available: 1. Studio Stable Utilities—a free set of modules that extend Graphics, RectControl, and Picture classes to due useful stuff plus NamedTabPanel and NamedPagePanel classes. These are the functions and classes that Hutchings Software have found indispensable for the better part of a decade. 2. Gradient class - Create linear, radial, and elliptical gradient pictures. Multipoint... Linear gradients at all angles. Requires MBS Picture Plugin, but you can modify a wrapper function in Studio Stable Utilities to use a different plugin for rotation. Subtle gradients can do wonders for sprucing up otherwise dull UIs. This class is for sale, both encrypted and full source. 3. IconCanvas—Puts a bunch of icons on a canvas, arranged in rows, evenly spaced. There are all sorts of parameters you can tweak. It supports both single and multiple selections. You can have solid, picture, or custom backgrounds (e.g. a gradient). It's flicker-free and very responsive. This class is for sale, both encrypted and full source.


Studio Stable




$50-$250 (varies)



MBS Plugins 10.2

The MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the REALbasic development environment with 1,200 classes featuring over 26,000 documented functions. This release adds two new plugin parts. One to integrate the mobileMe (.mac) features into your application and another one to control the CUPS printing engine on Mac OS X and Linux. This way you can print files on a printer directly. Also we added several new Cocoa classes including a better integration in the future Cocoa REALbasic target. For compressions we not only have the zlib compression engine, but now also the BZip2 engine. The plug-ins require REALbasic 2006r4 or newer. Also required are 500 MB hard disc space and around 64 MB of RAM in addition to the requirements of REALbasic and your operation system itself. While all plug-in parts compile on Mac OS X (universal), Linux, and Windows, each function may depend on additional system requirements to work successfully. Plugin licenses are available for components or for the complete collection. If you buy a current license, you will get free updates for one year. After that year, you can update your license to cover an additional year.


Monkeybread Software Plugin for REALBasic




200 Euros (complete set); 20 Euros and up (per component)



MBS REALbasic Updater Kit

The MBS REALbasic Updater Kit helps you in adding an automatic update feature to your application. It features: * Crossplatform update engine for Mac OS X and Windows. * Full Source code access. * Using Sparkle on Mac OS X for updating and our own code for Windows. * Includes all code and help to setup Sparkle for Windows. * Includes script file for Inno Setup engine. (you can use others if you like) * Using digital signatures on Mac and MD5 Checksum on Windows to ensure download integrity. * Includes generator for XML file for your server and code to parse this file and find newer versions. * Better language handling with xml lang attributes. * Added italian translation in addition to German and English. * Added console version of PatchMacApp. * Better handling of registry on Windows. The Updater Kit requires REALbasic 2008 or newer and a license of the MBS REALbasic Complete License.


MBS REALbasic Updater Kit 1.2




$99 USD or 79 Euro



UltraUpdater 1.3.0

LogicalVue Software announced today the availability of UltraUpdater, the incredibly easy way to add auto-update capability to your REAL Studio applications. With UltraUpdater, only 2 lines of code are needed to add auto-update capability to your REAL Studio applications. You applications will be able to check if new versions are available, display a list of changes and allow the user to download and launch the update. New features for 1.3.0 include: * Options to specify download location and filename * Localized text * Improved documentation * Bug fixes


UltraUpdater 1.3.0




$19.95 (includes source code)



BaseConverter Plugin

BaseConverter Plugin for REALbasic converts a string containing an integer or non-integer expressed in one base to a string with an expression of the number in another base. The allowed bases range from 2 to 65536. The length of the integer or non-integer is limited only by available memory. Note that no multi-precision engine is involved. Operations are carried out using the string contents. The "digits" are appropriately chosen from the ordered sequence: 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<36><37>...<65534><65535> "Digits" in the alphabet can be entered in either lower case or upper case.


BaseConverter Plugin







HelpLogic 1.6.1

Electric Butterfly, Inc. proudly announces the immediate availability of HelpLogic 1.6.1, the award-winning help authoring solution for Mac OS X developers. Easily create help systems for your software and web sites from a single source! HelpLogic's innovative design removes the development headaches usually associated with help authoring, providing an ideal solution for Mac software developers, web site designers, and documentation writers. Save time with the integrated Workshop, Visual TOC Builder, HTML Editor, and Link Manager to quickly generate Web-based Help, Apple Help, Microsoft HTML Help, UniHelp, and PDF. This new 1.6.1 version adds improved Snow Leopard compatibility, new publishing enhancements, a few new features, and several minor bug fixes! This recommended update is a free upgrade for all existing HelpLogic customers. And if you're not yet a customer, download the free trial of HelpLogic and take it for a test drive!


HelpLogic 1.6.1




$99 (academic and multiple license volume discounts are also available)



Full Keyboard Access

Provides full keyboard access on OS X. The problem: All/mostly controls in REALbasic have properties like AcceptFocus and TabStop, that could be set by the programmer. But, these properties should be set by the End User, from the OS System Preferences! ( and *not* by the programmer ). This module help you fix this problems, and the Full Keyboard Access on OS X would work as it is expected to do. In this version of Full Keyboard Access, we added an Canvas Mac OS X Help Button, that also works with Full Keyboard Access On!


Full Keyboard Access







iScreensaver 4.0

Multimedia software producer Xochi Media Inc announces the release of iScreensaver Designer version 4.0, the world's only multi-platform screensaver editor. First released in 1998, iScreensaver Designer is a cross-platform screensaver editor for Macintosh and Windows. iScreensaver will convert QuickTime-compatible images, movies, and Adobe Flash (SWF) files into a standard screensaver with user-friendly installer. Version 4.0 provides support for the next generation of hardware and software: Mac OS X 10.6, Windows 7, and 64-bit CPUs with fast OpenGL graphics cards. All iScreensaver users are encouraged to upgrade.


iScreensaver 4.0




Free (trial), $250 (Pro), $500 (Ultimate)



RB3D GL v0.35

GL is a complete REALbasic-written replacement of RB3D, the (now depreciated) 3D API built into REALbasic. This new release primarily focuses on bug fixes. One of the fixes means that the trackball-like demo included with every version now actually works properly. New items for this release: - glCopyTexSubImage2D was incorrectly declared for RB2009r2 and lower (correctly declared for RB2009r3 and above, however). - MatrixMath.Mult4x4Matrix multiplication order switched. Previously multiplied B x A instead of the expected A x B. - MatrixMath Module removes matrix stuff from glManager Module. - glGroup3D.Opacity is now working. - Update to Quaternion.MultiplyBy. Older version may have been inaccurate. - OpenGL declares to built-in OpenGL Module now only for RB2009r3 and above. - Stability improvements to grabbing large screenshots. - Texturing mistakes cleaned up. Before, it was possible that a texture might be applied to the wrong object under certain circumstances. Note that more fixes may be still forthcoming in this area.


RB3D GL v0.35







New MBS DynaPDF Pricing

Monkeybread Software offers new REALbasic DynaPDF Plug-in Licenses. For adding PDF creation to your applications, you can now use the new DynaPDF Starter License for just 149 Euro or $199 USD.


Monkeybread Software DynaPDF Plugin for REALBasic




$199 / 149 Euro (Starter; new license)

449 Euro (Lite; was 599)

799 Euro (Pro; was 999)

1299 Euro (Enterprise; was 1499)

199 Euro (Lite Academic; was 299)

399 Euro (Pro Academic; was 499)



RB Dev Pack 4.1

Radical Breeze has released the RB Dev Pack 4.1, a suite of components for REALbasic and REAL Studio that provides additional functionality for the development platform. All features of the RB Dev Pack (including RSS feed reading, graphical effects and user interface components) are supported on all platforms that REALbasic supports (Linux, Windows and MacOS X). Components in the RB Dev Pack include: - radRSS (RSS/ATOM feed reader) - radGraphics (Advanced image effects and processing) - radColorBar (Progress-bar style control with multiple appearances and customization options) - radThumbnailView (Image thumbnail browsing) - radLinkLabel (Clickable URL-like control) - radPicView (Zoomable, drag-able, scroll-able picture viewer) - radSmoothResizeWindow (Smooth window resizing animations)


RB Dev Pack 4.1




$99 annual subscription



WSL-Amazon 3

Electric Butterfly, Inc. proudly announces the free open source release of WSL-Amazon 3, the award-winning, cross-platform REALbasic class library for accessing the Amazon Product Advertising API. Version 3 has been updated to work with Amazon's new authentication signature requirement. This HTTPSocket subclass wraps the Amazon Product Advertising API into an easy-to-use library of more than 30 powerful methods and 150 properties with support for their US, UK, German, French, Canadian, and Japanese Amazon stores. Includes extensive search and information retrieval capabilities—all from within your REALbasic applications! This free open source class library also comes with the project source code for a fully-functional Amazon-powered application, which you can reuse in your own REALbasic projects! Even though REALbasic supports XML and SOAP, the extensive Amazon Product Advertising API can seem daunting and extremely time-consuming to implement, especially with the complexity of Amazon's new authentication signature scheme. WSL-Amazon changes all that with object-oriented REALbasic classes that wrap this large API into time-saving methods and properties. No knowledge of XML or SOAP is needed! WSL-Amazon provides an easy-to-use REALbasic framework for easily accessing the Amazon Product Advertising API. "Why has WSL-Amazon been open sourced? Due to restrictions added to the Amazon Product Advertising API License Agreement back in May 2009, we could no longer offer WSL-Amazon as a commercial add-on, so at the time, we opted to discontinue it," says Electric Butterfly's Dave Wooldridge. "Since then, we've received quite a few emails from developers who were interested in WSL-Amazon because they were having trouble implementing the complicated authentication signature scheme that Amazon.com recently added to their API. Since there seems to be a demand for this code, we decided to update WSL-Amazon to work with Amazon's authentication signature requirement and release this new version as a free open source download for the REALbasic community to enjoy!"


WSL-Amazon 3




Free (open source)



RB3D GL v0.31

GL is a complete REALbasic-written replacement of RB3D, the (now depreciated) 3D API built into REALbasic. The goal was to not only write as close to a feature-complete implementation of RB3D using OpenGL calls and thus obviating the need for Quesa, but also takes things a step further, allowing one to accomplish things which are now difficult to achieve without resorting to declares. New items for this release: * Ability to take large screenshots (uses same inputs as RB3D's RB3Dspace.GetPicture function). * Initial support for Milkshape MS3D binary import. * Multitexturing now working properly.


RB3D GL v0.31







CustomEditField update

Alex Restrepo has updated CustomEditField, his EditField replacement class, with a number of bug fixes and a couple of new features like Placeholders and Code block highlighting. It is also significantly faster when loading large texts. The download archive also includes a great sample project by Thomas Tempelmann, using his diff code.






$100 (for source code)



MBS REAL Server Plugin 0.5

Monkeybread Software releases their MBS REAL Server Plugin in version 0.5, a plug-in to extend the REAL Server and the REALSQLDatabase engines with 22 functions. Version 0.5 adds support for regular expressions. So you can use sql selects with the regexp operator: select * from mytable where myvalue regexp expression. Out plug-in is tested with REAL Server 2009 and works on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.


MBS REAL Server Plugin 0.5




Free until 31st March 2010



Ben's ListBox Extras 1.4

Bens ListBox Extras is a REALbasic ListBox subclass allows you to easily print the contents of the ListBox, includes better cell formatting and a quick way to add and store hierarchical data. REALbasic 2006r3 or higher is required. This update is free for existing users. Features: - Easily print a high resolution copy of the contents a ListBox including custom headers and footers on each page - Different font and font sizes for the cells and headers - Provides a quick, standard way to add and store hierarchical data (1 row deep) - Allows suppressing mouse clicks in the ListBox Header - Gets the Header Height (note, now provided in RB 2009r1) - Add pictures to any cell and any position in that cell - Custom cell background colors - iTunes like odd/even row coloring - adds in a workaround for REALbasic bug for versions prior to RB 2009r1 to allow drawing the row background color past the last column (like iTunes). - adds Popup Menu type for cells/columns. The CellAction event includes x, y location for the menu - adds RectControls to any cell (these can also be printed) - can set the color of cell text - can set the font and font size per cell - Mac style listbox selection including options for Blue and Gray gradient highlight styles - Resize columns to largest cell text. New Features: - prints users code in the regular Listbox CellBackgroundPaint event - added scaling of listbox cell width to printing width, height is scaled to maintain aspect ratio - added font and graphics scaling to the DPI of output device - rows can now be set to expanded from the AddFolder method. Bugfixes: - first row can be selected properly - Using the arrow keys no longer causes random crashes (was an issue with the FillRectGradient) - No longer crashes when drawing Controls in rows that are not currently visible - Last version to support Carbon PEF builds.


Ben's ListBox Extras 1.4




$30 (full source code)



Matrix Plugin 3.2

Matrix Plugin 3.2 adds a second type of dimensioning of the matrices involved in the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Matrix Plugin for REALbasic 2008 and later allows you to construct programs which, because of operator and function overloading, can handle real matrices much like doubles and integers are handled. Matrix elements are doubles. A matrix can be entered in standard form in a TextArea and read in by a single instruction.


Matrix Plugin 3.2







Shell Alternative

Navdeep Bains has written a replacement class for the Shell after applications started freezing under Snow Leopard. For those who haven't encountered the problem, applications built with REALbasic 2009R4 and earlier will freeze when an asynchronous/interactive Shell instance is closed (either explicitly or via the Shell destructor). This bug was fixed in REALbasic 2009R5. However, he has experienced a new freeze with 2009R5.1 when a process executed via the Shell (in synchronous mode) daemonized. It doesn't happen with every daemon but it is reproducible with this particular binary. No documentation but it should be easy enough to figure out. How "Process" differs from "Shell": - The Shell class creates a new thread for each instance. Process does all its work on the main thread using non-blocking I/O. - The Process class can run a command synchronously with a timeout. - The calls that modify terminal settings don't work properly. The ECHO option isn't disabled for example. This may or may not be important, depending on what your project does. - You have to call "Process.KillAll" in your App.Close event to make sure you don't leave orphaned processes behind. - If your application crashes or the user force-quits, orphaned processes will be left behind. REAL avoids this with the Shell class using some manner of black magic. Kudos to Aaron or whoever is responsible for that code.


Shell Alternative







RegExRX 1.0

MacTechnologiesConsulting has released RegExRX, a regular expression editor with many features designed to help in the development and storage of regular expressions. Based on the PCRE library, RegExRX will allow a user to craft patterns that are compatible with most regular expression flavors and will let them easily copy those patterns to other languages like Perl, Ruby, PHP, and REALbasic. RegExRX is a complete tool meant for novices and experts alike. Some of its features include: - Search and Replace modes. - Color-coded tokens in both the "search" and "replace" patterns. - Live matching against source text. Live replace too, where applicable. - Insert menus with almost every acceptable token and a description of what they do, including constructs for various groupings, conditionals, lookarounds, and POSIX expressions. - A "Match List" that shows all matches, with subexpressions, and represents invisible characters like a space or return with their token equivalents ("\s" or "\r"). - Stats on both the source text and replaced text so you can tell exactly where you are and what characters are represented at all times. Helps avoid errors caused by invisible characters. - Linked scrolling among the source text, the replaced text and the Match List. - Save regular expressions in documents for reuse. - Open as many windows as desired. - Multiple levels of undo. - Link your sample source text to a file for easy reloading. - Support for free-spacing mode. - Full Unicode support, including a chart of all UTF-8 characters. - A fluid interface that lets you resize each panel freely. - Copy the find and replace patterns in ready-to-paste code for Perl, PHP, Ruby, AppleScript, and REALbasic. MacTechnologies Consulting also provides several ready-to-use sample regular expressions in a separate, free download. These samples include finding e-mail addresses, validating dates, removing duplicate lines, and more.


RegExRX 1.0







REALbasic Pastebin Site

GryphonClaw has announced their Pastebin website for REALbasic code. The REALbasic Pastebin website is specifically designed for highlighting REALbasic code. Features: Line Numbers - show line numbers on pastes. Private pastes - optionally make the paste private (not show up in the list of all pastes). Password Protection - If you elect to make your paste private, you can add a password to it to add another level of protection.


REALbasic Pastebin Site








Did you miss the ARBP/Inspiring Applications REALbasic Colorado Summit this past September? If you did, you can now order the official Summit DVD from the ARBP web store. The Summit DVD contains all the conference proceedings, presentations and projects from the 2009 REALbasic Colorado Summit. The Summit DVD contains video recordings of 9 sessions from the Summit (totaling more than 8 hours of video), including: * Reports Tool, Options and Techniques, Bob Keeney (BKeeney Software) * Cocoa and Reporting Features in REALbasic, Geoff Perlman (REAL Software) * SQLite Power Tools, Ryan Vail (Inspiring Apps) * OO Database Framework and Introspection, Seth Verrindering (BKeeney Software) * Profiling and Performance Tuning, Joe Strout (Inspiring Apps) * Version Control and Why it Rocks, Aaron Gerber & Mathias Gran (Inspiring Apps) * Business Roundtable, Bob Keeney (BKeeney Software) * Building REALbasic Plugins, Christian Schmitz (MonkeyBread Software) * Usability and Design Techniques, Jay Crain (Inspiring Apps)


Association of REALbasic Professionals REALbasic Summit DVD




$50 ($25 for ARBP members)





MacOSList is a so-called iTunes-like list. This is a work in progress or beginning. It was done to present a prototype to a client for a bigger project. There is work remaining. It has no version number and supports a minimal set of functionality. It can: - Implement a color scheme and behaviour inspired by iTunes. - Displays an icon (16x16) on the left side of the item name. - The Code can cancel a selection made by the user. Further information is available inside the example project in the Window1.MacOSList1.BuildSourceList() & Window1.MacOSList1.SelChange() events.









RBDevZone Podcast

LogicalVue Software has announced the availability of the RBDevZone Podcast. The RBDevZone Podcast is an enhanced audio podcast that focuses on REALbasic topics. Each weekly episode covers the latest REALbasic news and discusses a single REALbasic-related topic. Hosted by LogicalVue Software, RBDevZone is a free community site for REALbasic developers. At RBDevZone you can find REALbasic tutorials, articles, sample code and much more. LogicalVue Software is a software consulting firm that specializes in creating software solutions using REALbasic.


RBDevZone Podcast








RBScript Open Source Site

Steve Garman has started a new open source site for RBScript which he hopes will become a center for the sharing of RBScript context

classes and useful scripts or snippets. Currently it consists of a single project with a couple of mini-projects inside it. One demonstrates a context that allows access to reading/setting data in ListBoxes and ProgressBars but will later be extended for lots more types of RectControl. The other mini-project showcases a Date class which does many of the things we expect from a RB Date object. The code has been minimally tested on Windows and Linux but not on any Mac platform. Steve is eager for code or scripts to share in the project and asks that you email him about getting your code added as he hasn't quite decided exactly what checkin access any new members will have to the repository. Currently snippets of script code such as class definitions are currently held in constants mostly because it's a nice easy place to edit them. He hopes to later have a separate scripts directory where simple text files can be added. He also points out that the project currently uses EditFields and asks that if you check in code not to resolve them to TextFields and TextAreas as he'd like to leave them there for backward compatibility until Cocoa comes out.


RBScript Open Source Site







Ramblings on REALbasic Book

Aaron Ballman has edited and updated a compilation of over 200 of his best blog entries, including new content that's never been seen before, into a new book. In it you will find tips & tricks for REALbasic that are not available in any other source. Weighing in at around 550 pages, Ramblings on REALbasic covers topics such as the REALbasic language, design patterns, user experience, and Windows-specific technologies.


Book: Ramblings on REALbasic







Dataflow/Graphical Programming Framework

John Balestrieri of Tinrocket, LLC is releasing the first version of a REALbasic framework for creating, editing, and running dataflow programming systemsalso known as graphical programming systems. Here's a screenshot of the framework running in a REALbasic application (http://cargobay.tinrocket.com/Rb/Dataflow/Media/Screen-shot-2009-09-23-at-11.16.49-PM.jpg). This is a similar type of system that's used in other software packages, such as Apple's Quartz Composer, Cinema 4D's Xpresso, and Prograph CPX. The need for this software arose from another project John is working on where he needed to patch together several image processing modules in GUI environment. This seemed like the best solution. Now he can now layout and edit the interconnection of modules. When a node is selected in the editor view, a page-panel reveals the configuration options for that node. He's releasing this framework hoping that others will find it useful as well.


Dataflow Programming Framework







UltimateSlider 2.0

Karen Atkocius has released the source for UltimateSlider 2.0. This Slider Subclass is a re-write of code she wrote and released almost seven years ago when new to REALbasic. It's main purpose was to provide an event that signaled the end of moving the thumb during LiveScroll, something the RB slider does not support. This useful when you wish to give the user some live numeric or visual feedback of the slider's current value but perform a final action that takes too long to perform while the user is actually moving the slider. This version provides a ChangeFinished event that is called when the Mouse button is released after dragging the thumb. This event should not break any existing code as for a "dead" scroll (LiveScrollChangeFinshed = false), the ValueChanged event is still called normally, and then the event immediately afterwards. That event order ensures the same code would work for both live and "dead" scrolls. This class also supports using the MouseWheel to change the slider value on all platforms (it's not normally supported on the Mac in the RB Framework). Also now holding the shiftkey down when the arrow key results in PageSteps instead of LineSteps for the delta. The big change with mousewheel support is that the ChangeFinished event will also fire when user stop moving the MouseWheel for a set time period, unless you turn it off.


UltimateSlider 2.0







PictureEffects 6.7

Einhugur Software has released a breakthrough update to the PictureEffects plugin, now supporting use of up to 8 CPU cores at once, allowing REALbasic to compete with best speeds of Image processing that is out there. The PictureEffects is a REALbasic plugin to do picture manipulation on 32bit images. The plugin is supported on MacOS Classic, MacOS X, Win32 and Linux target platforms. Main features: Red Eye Reduction, Brightness, Contrast, Sepia, Color Filter, NTSCColorFilter, Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Desaturate, Gamma, Blend, Rotate, Diffuse, Interlace, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, GrayScale, Invert , Sharpen, Smooth, Blur, MotionBlur, Gaussian Blur, Edge Detect, RankOrderFilter, Emboss, Pixelate, Mean Removal, Invert,Contrast Stretch, Equalize, Replace Color, Custom 3x3 matrix filter, Oil Paint, high quality Bilinear Scaling, Stretch, Polar Coordinates, Shape Distort, Barrel Distort, Twirl, Wave, Water Drops, Surface Wave, PageCurl, TrimPicture, Create Chroma masks, Render Clouds, Render Wood, Render Marble, Render Textile, Render Labyrinth, Map, ChannelMixer and a IProgressHandler Interface support for every filter. The PictureEffects also supports masking for most of the effects. The following effects have been accelerated on MacOS X, Windows, and Linux platforms to make use of up to 8 CPU cores: Rotate, Brightness, Contrast, Sephia, Color Filter, Grayscale, Desaturate, Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Invert,Invert,Contrast Stretch, Equalize, Replace Color,Gamma , Blend, Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Sharpen, Smooth, Blur, Edge Detect, Emboss, Interlace, Mean Removal, Custom 3x3 matrix filter, Map, ChannelMixer, TrimPicture, Create Chroma masks, Render Clouds, Render Wood, Render Marble, Render Textile, Render Labyrinth, Shape Distort, Bilinear Scaling and Stretch.


PictureEffects 6.7




$199 (for all plugins), $45 (upgrade)



instaplaylist 1.0

Bains Software, a longtime developer of Mac software, is proud to announce the release of their first iPhone app: instaplaylist. instaplaylist is the universal remote for music. It allows users to quickly create a playlist of YouTube music videos from their iPhone or iPod touch and enjoy them on any computer on the same WiFi network. The videos play on the user's computer while they control playback from their iPhone. Videos continue to play even if the user exits instaplaylist or turns off their iPhone. With a tap of their finger, the user can: Play/pause, Jump to the previous/next video, Add and remove videos, Reorder their playlist, Adjust the volume, and more. No software installation is required. instaplaylist is compatible with any computer (Mac or PC) with a modern browser installed. Minimum requirements: WiFi network, iPhone or iPod touch with OS 2.2.1 or later, and Computer capable of visiting YouTube.


instaplaylist 1.0








RB Code Reports 2.0

RB Code Reports provides software metrics for your REALbasic application. It gives you a way to objectively evaluate the maintainability of your project and improve its performance. It analyzes your project and produces a set of reports including the Statistics, Optimizations, Cyclomatic Complexities, Warnings, Signatures, and Spell Check reports. You can use these reports to clean up and optimize your code and show you what methods need to be refactored.


RB Code Reports 2.0




$24.95 (new); $12.50 (upgrade)



VB Migration Assistant

REAL Software, creator of REALbasic, announced the availability of their new VB Migration Assistant to help developers migrate their applications from VB to REALbasic. Using the VB Migration Assistant developers can more easily port their code to REALbasic, instead of using the tedious copy/paste method. The VB Migration Assistant allows users to map VB controls to specific REALbasic controls and move forms, classes and modules to a REALbasic project. Further, the Migration Assistant copies over all of the code and comments it out, which allows users to convert code one method at a time. The VB Migration Assistant works with VB5 and VB6 projects, and is available for download now.


VB Migration Assistant







Property Listbox v1.0

Jrmie Leroy announces the release of the Property Listbox Control. This Custom Control based on a ListBox, acts like REALBasic's Property Listbox displayed on the right in the Project and Window Editor tabs. This XML-driven control is used to display and edit a list of properties. The Property Listbox is one of the first available Listbox that has a real auto-complete feature. Cells can take up to 10 different types (More can be added): TypeDefault; TypeNormal; TypeCheckBox; TypeEditable; TypeList; TypeEditableList (with Autocomplete option); TypeColor; TypeFolderItem; TypeRadioButton; TypeRating. Each Cell can have its own Helptag.


Property Listbox v1.0







RB Linux Maker 1.0

"RB Linux Maker" (RBLM) is program designed to simplify the creation of Linux shared libraries which in turn are installed in a REALbasic (RB) rbx plugin. If you are developing an RB plugin you will typically start developing on the Mac under XCode and then port it to your Windows environment to build the Windows DLL. Then comes the Linux build and you have to build with gcc and makefiles. This is not a terribly difficult thing to do if you are experienced with gcc, makefiles, and the unix environment, but creating makefiles can be a tedious thing to do especially if you have nested folders within your source code folder. The idea behind this program is to bypass the use of makefiles and use this program to dynamically build your shared library with the least hassle. When you run RBLM, it scans your source code folder and looks for "c" and "cpp" source code files and compiles them using "g++". It also builds a list of include file locations within your source code folder and puts those paths in the command to compile the file. So this means you can rearrange your code without having to worry about changing include paths. After it compiles all the source files it found, it then links those object files into a shared library.


RB Linux Maker 1.0




Free (open source)



End of article.