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Issue 9.1


REAL Server Status Update

What's happening with REAL Server and PostgreSQL 9.0

Issue: 9.1 (November/December 2010)
Author Bio: Paul Lefebvre has been using REAL Studio for 9 years and is the owner of LogicalVue Software, RBDevZone, and a founding member of the Association of REALbasic Professionals.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 4,853
Starting Page Number: 86
Article Number: 9111
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This month, we have a couple significant news items regarding REAL Server and PosgreSQL.

Wither REAL Server?

REAL Server was REAL Software's foray into the database server market. Based on SQLite, REAL Server was a fast, easy to administer database server. It could not handle a large number of concurrent connections (usually less than 50 or so) and it worked best with databases under a few GB in size. REAL Server was definitely not the most powerful database server out there, but it was a great option for organizations that did need all the complexity offered by other database servers.

But the writing was on the wall for REAL Server. Its last release was more than a year ago. The 2009 version of REAL Server had a greatly improved administration tool and some significant performance improvements. However, it was generally considered to be not as reliable as the 2008 version.

Still, work continued on REAL Server. There were several betas that were released in 2010, but the last beta was released in March. Since then there has been no word about it.

Then, rather unceremoniously, in September REAL Software announced on the NUG mailing list that they will no longer be selling or supporting REAL Server. Instead, the product will revert back to SQLabs, its original developers. This also means that REAL Server is no longer included with REAL Studio Enterprise, although any licenses you already have will continue to work.

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.