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Issue 9.4


App and Session

What's the difference?

Issue: 9.4 (May/June 2011)
Author Bio: Paul Lefebvre has been using Real Studio for 9 years. His company, LogicalVue Software, specializes in creating database applications using Real Studio. Paul also runs the RBDevZone community site and is a founding member of the Association of REALbasic Professionals.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 5,658
Starting Page Number: 85
Article Number: 9412
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When you create a new Real Studio web application project, you get several objects created for you automatically: App, Session and WebPage1.

This month, we will take a look at App and Session (subclasses of WebApplication and WebSession).

What is the App?

Much like in a desktop application, the App object in a web application is a global object. It has some different web-specific properties, of course.

In particular, the Timeout property tells your web application how long it should remain running after the last session is closed.

Other properties on the App allow you to find out what session a particular WebControl (usually a page) belongs to.

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