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Issue 1.1

Table Of Contents

Issue 1.1 (August/September 2002)

Column Welcome!: A dream becomes reality (Page 5)
Feature Postmortem: Writer (Page 11)
Feature Interview: Andrew Barry, Creator of REALbasic (Page 14)
Feature The REALBasic Revolution: Now Anyone Can Program (Page 16)
Feature Three Ways to Animate in REALbasic (Page 18)
Feature Expressions of Delight: REALbasic's Regex class (Page 24)
Feature Introducing REALbasic (Page 28)
Column Using the Declare statement (Page 30)
Feature Ask The Experts (Page 32)
Feature Linked Lists: Mind Your Stacks and Queues (Page 34)
Column Favor Composition over Inheritance: Designing a Validating EditField (Page 36)
Feature The Topographic Apprentice (Page 38)
Feature Day 1: The Mission: Designing and building a complete application from scratch. (Page 40)
Column Revealing AppleScript: Controlling other applications using AppleScripts (Page 42)
Feature Instant Cocoa (Page 43)
Feature Dealing with Dialogs in Aqua: The rules for designing dialog boxes have changed in OS X. Here's the low-down on what's different. (Page 44)
Column Regular Expressions Overdrive (Page 46)
Feature What Features Are Supported on Windows?: What in REALbasic works on Windows and what doesn't? (Page 37)
Column REALchallenge (Page 50)
Review WindowSplitter 4.0 (Page 10)
Review UniHelp 1.1 (Page 10)
Review MPCalc Plugin (Page 9)
Review Stimulus 2.0 (Page 9)
Review CURLLinkButton (Page 8)
Review Carbon Events Plug-in 2.5 (Page 8)
News News (Page 6)


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