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Issue 1.3



Issue: 1.3 (December/January 2002)
Author: Michael Richardson
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 3,829
Starting Page Number: 8
Article Number: 1302
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While not commonly used in most applications, on-screen rulers are a vital tool for any advanced word processing, graphing, or image editing task. zegsRuler, by Fractured Software, lets you use horizontal or vertical rulers anywhere in your REALbasic project.

Adding a zegsRuler to your project is trivial; simply create a new canvas and set its Super to GraphicRuler (an included class with a Super of zegsRuler that has several helpful functions built-in). Then, you must call the Initialize and Reset methods of your new ruler with specific values that are explained in the online documentation.

Now you have a fairly basic ruler. It automatically handles some things for you, like the dotted red line that follows the mouse (it only handles this when the mouse is actually over the ruler, though a special method can be called from the window's MouseMove event to handle it in other places). To scroll your ruler, just call the Scroll method, probably from a scrollbar or similar control.

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