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Issue 22.3 ('Germany 2024')
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Table Of Contents

Issue 22.3 (May/June 2024)

Column Back From Europe: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Feature London Paris Germany: Marc Travels to Europe (Page 12)
Feature 2024 MBS Xojo Conference: Adventures in Andernach, Germany (Page 30)
Feature Design Patterns Part 4: Using the Facade Pattern (Page 52)
Feature Raspberry Pi Electronic Fun Part 7: Using a Transistor to Turn a DC Motor On/Off (Page 66)
Feature Transactional Email Services: Learn about transactional email services, the problems that they solve, and how to send email via Twilio SendGrid. (Page 72)
Column Using ChatGPT: Add ChatGPT to Your Xojo App (Page 82)
Column Xojo 2024 Release 1 Shipped: Xojo thoughts, news, and tips (Page 88)
Column Phidgets: What are they and how to use them (Page 91)
Column Meet Jeremie Leroy: An interview with Jeremie Leroy, accomplished software engineer (Page 97)
Column Best of the Web: Great programming articles you may have missed (Page 102)


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