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Issue 1.5


Windows Version

Asking for the correct Windows version from REALbasic Code using Declares

Issue: 1.5 (April/May 2003)
Author: Christian Schmitz
Author Bio: Christian Schmitz has written several articles for the German magazine Macwelt and has made many cross-platform applications using REALbasic.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 8,013
Starting Page Number: 37
Article Number: 1519
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All Windows versions should be treated as equals by you, as the programmer, but some are different -- so if a customer has a problem, you might ask him what Operation System he is using. Code Listing #1 shows how this can be done for the Mac OS.

Collecting Version Data for Windows

For Windows it's a little bit complicated. First we will make a Declare statement to the function GetVersionEx, which returns the version information record. Then we have to interpret it, but let's start with the declare. The C code looks like this:

BOOL GetVersionExA(LPOSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInfo);

As you can see it's just a boolean function with a pointer (lp is short for a long pointer) pointing to a memoryblock. So we create this declare:

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.