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Issue 10.3 ('Hashes')
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Table Of Contents

Issue 10.3 (March/April 2012)

Column Write for Me!: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Review Samsung Galaxy Note (Page 13)
Review iApp: Textastic (Page 16)
Review xScope (Page 18)
Review iOS: Reminders (Page 21)
Feature Meet Paul Lefebvre: Real Studio's Newest Employee (Page 22)
Feature Adventures in the Dark: Hard Lessons in Consulting (Page 28)
Feature When Hashes Collide: Basic strategies for handling hash collisions (Page 39)
Column Talking Locally: Playing with AutoDiscovery (Page 55)
Column Are You A Black Hole?: Creating Your Own Gravity Well (Page 69)
Column One Last Look: Exploring database connectivity options (Page 71)
Column WebFileUploader: Uploading user files with a web app (Page 73)


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