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Omegabundle for Xojo 2016

Omegbundle for Xojo 2016 is a collection of 16 of the most useful tools, add-ons and components for use with Xojo Inc's Xojo development environment. If purchased separately and not including any additional offers, the total cost would be over $3800. Omegabundle for Xojo 2016 costs $399, representing over a 90% savings!

Included Products:

Bujardet Software Rubberviews. Stretch and resize your application window so all your controls maintain the best position.

Jeremie LeRoy Software Calendar / Web Calendar. complete calendar solution for all your Xojo desktop and Xojo Web applications. It includes 6 view types and 6 themes.

Monkeybread Software DynaPDF Starter. Create, import and modify PDF files on Mac, Windows, Linux

Monkeybread Software Event Kit. Provides you with classes and modules to easily add events and reminders to your Xojo iOS, Mac OS X applications

Monkeybread Software Network Kit. Provides you with classes and modules to easily use network functions in iOS

Monkeybread Software Bug Reporter. Helps you reporting bugs in your applications back to you, the developer

Ohanaware Retina Kit. Retina Kit is the best add-on for making your Xojo applications Retina ready, with fall back solution for Windows, Linux

Ohanaware Sandbox Kit. A necessity for selling on the Mac App Store - makes sure your application complies with the Mac App Store requirements for sandboxing

Paradigma Software Valentina Studio Universal. Ultimate reports designer and database administration tool that runs on all three operating systems - Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Paradigma Software Valentina DB ADK for Xojo. Embed the ultra-fast, object-relational Valentina database into your applications and deploy royalty free - Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Paradigma Software Valentina Reports ADK for Xojo. Generate visually rich reports as graphics, web pages or PDF from your Xojo applications on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Paradigma Software Valentina Server Unlimited. 3-in-1 Reports Server along with two database servers: one built on object-relational Valentina Database and the other on SQLite. Report serving works with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server and the included Valentina and SQLite servers

Tim Parnell Software HTML Edit Desktop. HTML Edit is a WYSIWYG rich text editor that uses HTML input and output. Developers can easily get formatted content from users by providing them a familiar editing environment

Tim Parnell Software Answers Pro. Create professional help documentation for your users for online and offline use

xDev Magazine. All back issues, one-year subscription, and choice of free printed book of xDev Magazine, the professional's magazine for developing with Xojo with topical articles by professional Xojo developers.

For interested customers who want to get started with the Xojo cross-platform development platform, Xojo Inc also offers a special 10% discount to Omegabundle for Xojo 2016 customers. Each customer will receive a special coupon.

Product: Omegabundle for Xojo 2016

Platforms: All

Price: $399

Website: http://www.omegabundle.net

Snippery on Mac App Store

Javier Rodriguez (AprendeXojo.com ) announces the immediate availability of Snippery 1.0 on the Mac App Store for a US $3.99 (price reduction over the Full version, available for download and purchase on the Snippery's product page, due to the sandboxing limitations imposed to the app's Shell Mode functionality).

Snippery allows any user to securely save and categorize all their snippets of text, from a few lines to very big text fragments: written from scratch, imported from HD, downloaded as HTML from the specified URL, or with the output obtained from any Shell session done in Snippery's Terminal Mode.

These snippet creation modes are powered with a wide set of text edition operations, RegEx support, and some automatizations, as for example the definition and use of text templates with on-the-fly placeholders substitution.

Snippery's main window is designed to be as clean, fast and functional as possible for the task at hand. This way, it is possible to hide some elements, like the main Toolbar, the Tag section and the Find bar, providing the maximum work area for text edition.

From the security point of view, Snippery users can activate the encryption of the data, and create as many backups as desired.

Product: Snippery

Platforms: OSX

Price: $3.99

Website: http://www.aprendexojo.com/software/snippery

Answers Updated

Answers is your go-to app for help documents of any size. Help documents are vital to customer support, and making them is no longer a challenging task. Answers, from Tim Parnell, makes creating and organizing help documents simple. By allowing users to focus on the content, not the code, anyone can quickly create help documents like software help books or website FAQs.

Now updated, Answers allows you to build documents with a range complexity. Whether it's a simple help book, or a reference manual Answers extends new power to your communication. It's easier than it ever has been to convey your message for free. Version 1.1.7 also fixes some minor bugs reported by users.

Answers is participating in Omegabundle (see http://www.omegabundle.net) this year, along with 15 other incredible products. Omegabundle offers a huge savings on the best add-ons, extensions and helper applications for developing cross-platform and mobile applications with Xojo.

Product: Answers

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: Free/$29 (Pro)

Website: http://nswrs.com/

Monkeybread Software Releases IP in Menubar

IP in Menubar is an application to show the current IP address in the menubar. There are options available to customize the appearance of the menu entry. The IP address is updated regularly. Switch on the Router option if you are behind a router or gateway. You can still see your local IP address in the menu.

You can be quit this application using the menu or by using the Activity Monitor (see /Applications/Utilities folder).

IP in menubar is an example of what you can do in Xojo using the MBS Plugins and their NSStatusItemMBS class.

Changes in Version 4.5:

Added option to show country flag.

Added option to show notification when IP changes. This allows you to keep a history in notification center.

Added option to show VPN IP.

Fixed a bug for not connected and behind a router.

Requires Mac OS X 10.7 or newer; source code is included. This application

shows Xojo developers how to create and update a menu in the top right of

the menu bar.

Product: IP in Menubar

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/Freeware/IPinmenubar.shtml

Update Monitor

Update Monitor will inform you about iOS/OS X App Updates even if you don't have installed these Apps currently. Are you also excited when a new version with less issues and new features, hit the App Store? Are you also one of those people who wait for a specific upcoming feature in an App before purchasing it? Do you have had Apps purchased which you currenty haven't installed because you missed a feature, or it was not performing the way you expected? And because of this you removed these Apps from your device? Wouldn't it be nice if you could monitor all your iOS/OS X Apps for updates even while you don't have them currently installed on your devices?

With Update Monitor, this is now possible! Just add all your Apps to your List of monitored Apps within Update Monitor and it will look for updated Apps each time you launch it. If an updated App is detected, Update Monitor will mark this App in the List of Monitored Apps, no matter how many Apps are monitored.

Update Monitor shows release notes, images, descriptions, supported devices and more for each monitored App.

Monitors iPod, iPhone, iPad, iPad Pro and Macintosh Apps

Displays Version Information and Release Notes

Further displays App Icon, Description and Screenshots

Shows supported Devices for each App

Dock Icon Badge Counter for updated Apps

Supports all App Stores around the World

Progress Bar for monitoring Progress

Help File is included

64-bit Application

Product: Update Monitor

Platforms: OSX

Price: $1.99

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/update-monitor/id1084854253

TaskTime4 5.2.5 Released

TaskTime4 is a reliable and versatile time tracking and billing solution.

With TaskTime4 you can track any number of clients and any number of projects for each client. Create invoices that can be emailed, printed, and saved to disk. Since you can have more than one project open at a time it is easy to switch between projects on the fly. Tracking expenses has never been easier.

Product: TaskTime4

Platforms: OSX

Price: $20

Website: http://ttpsoftware.com/thankgoodnessWP/tasktime4/

Bitrot Detector 2016 Release 1 Beta

Domador Software has created Bitrot Detector, a Windows utility that periodically scans your computer's files and warns you of potentially undesirable changes, in time for you to restore damaged or missing files from a backup. Bitrot Detector is currently in beta testing, and more beta testers are needed. Participants in the beta test program will receive a registration key for the full version of Bitrot Detector.

Product: Bitrot Detector 2016 Release 1 Beta

Platforms: Win

Price: Free/$24

Website: http://www.domador.net/products/brd/

Chilkat Plugin for Xojo

Chilkat Software has released its full API as a Xojo Plugin. The API includes classes for SSH, SFTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, HTTP, TLS, Zip, Encryption, Compression, and much more.

Product: Chilkat Plugin

Platforms: All

Price: Varies

Website: http://www.chilkatsoft.com/xojo.asp

MBS Plugins 16.0 Released

The MBS plug-in comprises a collection of several plug-in parts which extend the Xojo (Real Studio) development environment with 2,200 classes featuring over 57,000 documented functions. The plugins support all three platforms: Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux with all project types desktop, web, and console including 64-bit and ARM targets.

Some of the highlights on the 16.0 update:

For AVFoundation MBS got a couple of new classes related to working with movies. You can work with tracks and modify them similar to the deprecated QuickTime functions. Merge videos, cut parts of tracks, add new tracks and save the resulting movie as self containing movie or reference movie.

For people interested in USB HID devices MBS has a new set of classes to use them cross platform. For your Mac, Windows and Linux applications, you can now easily find devices and read/write data.

Windows applications have different ways for drag and drop of files. MBS has now added a third way which allows use to get attachments when people drag and drop them from an email in Microsoft Outlook.

For XL plugin to read and write Excel files without Microsoft Excel, MBS got an update to latest version. Now you can even use those classes on 64-bit and ARM Linux platforms.

If you like to use zip archives with the plugin, MBS has two new convenience functions. The ExtractFiles function write the content of a zip archive to a given folder in the file system. Our CompressFiles function on the other side takes a folder and list of files and adds them to a zip archive. If you need more control, you can still use all the individual functions.

In order to write more encoding safe applications, MBS now has `CheckUTF8MBS` to replace DefineEncoding for UTF-8. The plugin replaces invalid byte values and makes sure the text is valid UTF-8. For better crash reports, you can now use `SetThreadNameMBS` method to name the thread and easier identify them in each report.

For better encryption, MBS added new padding property for `CipherMBS` class. The RSA sign/verify data functions can now take algorithm parameter to produces signatures using various secure hashes.

MBS also has a new multithreaded SQL Database connection method, so your app is not blocked while connecting. You can now easily create a PDF directly from a `NSAttributedStringMBS`, good to make a PDF from RTF or word files. MBS also updated the CoreImage classes with new filters, e.g. for QRCodes.

Finally, MBS updated SQLAPI++ to version 4.1.7, DynaPDF to version, OpenSSL to version 1.0.2e, libXL to version 3.6.5 and SQLite to 3.10.2. This is the first plugin version without PPC code for older REALbasic versions. Now OS X 10.5 is required for deployment of Carbon applications with Real Studio.

Product: MBS Xojo and Real Studio plugins

Platforms: All

Price: $29-$299

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/realbasic/plugins.shtml


ZabMon is a client for the Zabbix monitoring system. ZabMon is a "set and forget" solution for having important events always on the Screen without the need of an open Browser Window. ZabMon is NOT just a Window displaying the Zabbix Dashboard. ZabMon is using the Zabbix API to load and display current Events. Features:

Show minimum Severity and above

Show only active or all Hosts

Show all Unacknowledged or only last unacknowledged Events

Supports HTTPS and HTTP Connections

Set fetching Intervall

Optionally show only Events older than x Minutes

Optionally show only Events younger than x Days

Optionally show Application Badge Counter in Dock

Optionally play an Alarm Sound for new Events

Tested with latest Zabbix 2.x API.

Product: ZabMon

Platforms: OSX

Price: $1.99

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zabmon/id1073534063

Arbed Updated

Arbed is an editor for Xojo projects, adding functionality to the Xojo IDE, such as comparison of projects, extensive search (even across multiple projects), more versatile scripting for complex code modification, localization support, code html printing, version control support, and much more. Version 1.8.1 adds support for Xojo 2015r4, finally adds Drop Pad support for Linux and fixes an issue on Windows that led to error messages at startup on some systems.

Product: Arbed

Platforms: All Desktop

Price: Free, $29-$89 for some features

Website: http://www.tempel.org/Arbed/


miniMD is an easy to use Markdown Editor with an automatic updated HTML Preview and HTML Source Code Output. Key features:

Shortcuts for often used Markdown Marker

Markdown Editor Zoom

Live HTML Preview

HTML Source Code Preview

Load MD Files

Save as MD File

Export HTML Source Code

Proudly made with Xojo 2015 and MBS Markdown by Christian Schmitz and Lexing Control by Alfred van Hoeck!

Product: miniMD

Platforms: OSX

Price: $1.99

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minimd-markdown-editor/id1061559498?mt=12

Xojo 2015 Release 4

There's a new Xojo release with over 100 improvements. Some highlights:

A new CGFloat data type to make it easier to create 64-bit Declares for iOS and OS X Cocoa frameworks.

The Code Editor is now noticeably faster when working with large projects.

You can use the TextAlign property to more easily set the alignment for web text controls.

A SecureAuth property has been added to MySQLDatabase to allow connections to pre-4.1.1 authentication protocols.

Product: Xojo

Platforms: All

Price: Free IDE (deployment of built applications requires a one-time fee, $99-$1999, depending on targets)

Website: http://www.xojo.com/download

Cardsmith; Make, Print, and Share Greetings Cards on OS X.

Ohanaware Co., Ltd. announce the immediate availability of Cardsmith, the latest Greeting Card program for Mac. Cardsmith has been designed for Apple's El Capitan operation system, it has a completely modern design and takes advantage of many of the latest technologies to provide an easy to use interface, with flexible control for creating greetings cards. It features the latest iteration of the Ohanaware print engine, designed to better handle printers that don't support borderless printing, and providing more consistent results across a broad range of printers and printer drivers.

Some key features:

300+ Card templates; Holidays, Valentines, Birthdays, Weddings, and more

22 Categories included

Easy-to-use interface, with built-in card organization and management

9th Generation printing engine; Faster, higher quality and smarter margin handling.

Built-in e-card support; Share cards via E-mail, Facebook, Twitter and Messages.

Many types of cards; Square cards, Post Cards, Single Fold, Double Fold and Money Holders.

Apple Photos support; Use the "Photos Browser" to choose from a "Photos" library.

Designed for El Capitan; The very latest Apple OS, and is compatible with Yosemite and Mavericks.

Create custom cards; Add photos, shapes, text, captions and thought bubbles.

Includes all our clipart; for use within custom cards.

12% larger card editor; Giving a larger preview whilst designing cards.

18 Photo Effects; To enhance photos within a card or to complete a style.

Illustrated and Photo Cards; Ready to print or share.

Smarter organization; Autosave, Undo Restoration and Document History.

Product: Cardsmith; Make, Print, and Share Greetings Cards on OS X.

Platforms: OSX

Price: $6.99 (special), $9.99 (normal price)

Website: http://www.ohanaware.com/cards/

Register Now for XDC 2016!

Early registration for the 2016 Xojo Developer Conference is now open! XDC will take place in Houston, Texas on October 5-7, 2016. It features sessions on best practices, special interests and other technical topics, with content for every level of Xojo developer. Educational sessions will cover topics like Xojo iOS, Raspberry Pi, database design, user interface design, debugging techniques, writing secure apps, and much more.

XDC will take place at the lovely boutique Hotel Derek in the Galleria area of Houston. It's right in the middle of two airports, giving you plenty of options (and time) to find a great flight. The Xojo conference rate is $164 a night.


Platforms: All

Price: $799-$999 (early to late)

Website: http://www.xojo.com/store/#conference

Drag-N-Scale Released

DragNScale is an easy to use application from ToThePoint Software for browsing, scaling, renaming images. Some key features:

Browse or scale a folder of images or add images individually.

Drag the application window to resize the displayed image.

Batch save all imported images at the new size or save individual images at different sizes.

Add sequential numbering to image names.

Drag scaled images from DragNScale to other applications, folders, or your desktop.

Email scaled images

Set desktop picture

presets for scaling

ability to enter a custom width for scaling

main window initial size adjusted to fit on smaller displays

Product: Drag-N-Scale

Platforms: OSX

Price: $7.99

Website: http://ttpsoftware.com/thankgoodnessWP/dragnscale/

Watchfaces 1.2

With Watchfaces you can create beautiful images for your Apple Watch Gallery. Watchfaces will scale the images to perfectly fit into the Apple Watch Screen. Add various effects to your images to make them look even more beautiful on your watch.

Product: Watchfaces

Platforms: OSX

Price: $1.99

Website: http://www.schneppi-software.de/watchfaces/

OCR Butler

OCR Butler is the easiest way to transform text on images into plain text files. Just drag and drop an image into the OCR Butler screen or load an image from the File menu and OCR Butler will instantly recognize the text in your image.

Product: OCR Butler

Platforms: OSX

Price: $2.99

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/ocr-butler/id1025897241

mySalesAgent 2.1 Released

The first 64-bit version of mySalesAgent has just been released in the Mac App Store! Because it's now 64-bit, it's using NSSharingServices for sharing Links with your Social Networks. mySalesAgent is a Mac-only App which makes sure you will never miss the Mac App Store sale you are waiting for again. It offers a clean, white iOS7-like interface in which the user can search for iOS Software, iPad-only Software, Mac Software, and eBooks available on Apples Stores. Just search for items which you want to purchase when they reach your targeted price. Set your price and forget about it. The mySalesAgent will inform you via OS X Notification Center Messages and/or via Email when an item reaches the targeted price.

Product: mySalesAgent 2.1

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free

Website: http://www.schneppi-software.de/

VHost Manager Beta Released

Announcing the beta release of VHost Manager from Mark Oxley. This is a small utility to allow web developers to control virtual hosts, without the nitty gritty of having to edit the configuration files directly. This application is 100% Xojo code and is available for OSX-only. Mark is releasing this application completely free of charge to the Xojo community.

Product: VHost Manager

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free

Website: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afnp5vph8uj0bp0/VHost%20Manager.dmg?dl=0

DataView and piDogScrollingCanvas 1.4

piDog Software has released piDogScrollingCanvas v1.4, a cross-platform canvas control and DataView, a listbox replacement based on piDogScrollingCanvas for use with the Xojo programming environment. This release adds many features and enhancements, most importantly support for 64-bit builds.

piDogScrollingCanvas offers many features including:

Built in smooth scrolling.

Gesture based zoom and rotation on OS X.

Vibrancy support on OS X.

Highly efficient handling of multiple layers.

Virtually infinite layer dimensions.

DataView is a listBox replacement created with piDogScrollingCanvas and offers many advanced features including:

Unlimited rows and columns.

Multiline cell text.

Independent row and cell heights.

Smooth scrolling and zoom features.

Ultra fast rendering.

Mouse events for individual cells.

Support for Retina displays.

Per cell support for text color, background color, font.

Supports checkbox, progress bar, and popup menu cells.

Provides animated row reordering and folder expansion and collapse.

DataView is included with piDogScrollingCanvas. Both are also available as a part of the piDog Bundle for Xojo, which includes CalendarControl, TheBigUndo, and ActivityViewer.

Product: DataView and piDogScrollingCanvas

Platforms: All

Price: $99 (encrypted), $349 (source code)

Website: http://www.pidog.com/piDogScrollingCanvas/

GuancheMOS 1.8

Javier Rodriguez has announced the immediate availability of GuancheMOS 1.8, the multiplatform plug-in for Xojo users that allows the easy, fast, no Rocket-Science implementation of serial number generation and validation features on OS X, Windows, Linux, and Web applications.

GuancheMOS is both Desktop and Console safe, so it is possible to create all kind of license serial number generation and validation solutions around it, without having to pay additional fees or other hidden costs.

GuancheMOS 1.8 plug-in also supports the deployment of 32- and 64-bit applications for OS X, Windows, and Linux operating systems, so it is possible to implement their features in the most up-to-date applications deployed with Xojo 2015r3 and later.

Product: GuancheMOS 1.8

Platforms: All

Price: 110 Euros

Website: http://bit.ly/1GTb62x

Xojo Books UpdatedApp Wrapper 3.5

Ohanaware Co., Ltd. announce the immediate availability of version 3.5 of their popular App Store preparation tool. App Wrapper was designed to simplify the process of preparing applications for submission to the Mac App Store and deploying on web sites. App Wrapper fully supports El Capitan and Xcode 7 and this update includes improvements and bug fixes.

App Wrapper features a GUI for adding the required App Store properties, creating high resolution icons, code signing an application (and it's components), correcting the permissions of files within the bundle, placing an app into a App Sandbox and packaging it in a signed installer or creating a zip file.

App Wrapper includes support for creating a custom Apple About Box, adding UTIs and URL Aliases, supporting document packages, adding high resolution document icons, providing Apple compatible help books, container migration, removing unneeded languages, outdated architectures or left over development files.

Product: App Wrapper

Platforms: OSX

Price: $9.99/month

Price: $49.99/year

Price: $199.99/year for small team edition

Website: http://www.ohanaware.com/appwrapper/

Retina Kit 3 Offers 64-Bit Compatibility

Ohanaware Co., Ltd. releases the 3rd version of their "Retina Kit" for aiding Xojo Developers in building Retina compatible and modern applications. While Retina is only available for Cocoa targets, the Retina Kit can be used be used for x-plat development.

The Retina Kit is a collection of Xojo classes and modules that were designed to make it easier for Xojo developers to create Retina-ready applications with the Xojo development tool. The kit simplifies the process of loading and displaying Retina artwork by using the exact same APIs as an application created with Apple's own tools. This allows a Xojo-built application to enjoy the same benefits, such as loading artwork on demand and better memory management.

Version 3 of the Retina Kit is 64-Bit and 32-Bit compatible, with several optimizations under the hood. See the Ohanaware website for upgrade discounts.

Product: Retina Kit

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free (with nag screen); $99 (with source code)

Website: http://www.ohanaware.com/retinakit/

Aguilapro Stops Piracy

With Aguilapro you can protect your app to stop piracy and crackers. It has trial options and a licensing scheme.



Tamper checks


Crc checks

Hardware id

Trial options

Virtual machine

Product: Aguilapro

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://www.aguilapro.com/

MBS Xojo Event Kit Released

Monkeybread Software releases version 1.0 of the MBS Xojo Event Kit, a wrapper for iOS/Mac EventKit framework. This provides useful classes for using the calendar in your Xojo iOS applications.

Query/Get access to the internal calendar and reminder database

Create, modify and delete reminders and events

Handle multiple sources of calendar data

Query participants for events

asynchronously fetch events or reminders

build search parameters using predicates

Handle recurrence rules in various aspects

The MBS Xojo Event Kit:

Requires Xojo 2015r1 or later

Includes full Source code (no encryption)

Works for 32-bit and 64-bit targets.

Product: MBS Xojo Event Kit

Platforms: All

Price: $99

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/EventKit/

ICNSmini Saves Space

Ohanaware introduces their latest product, ICNSmini, which aids Mac and Web developers by reducing the file sizes of ICNS, PNG, and TIFF image files. Shrinking graphics files can shave megabytes of a Mac application, enabling quicker download times, reducing the applications footprint on disk, and improving overall perception of the application. Shrinking PNG images for a website, will make it load quicker and enable customers to navigate to what they want quicker. Shrink images one at a time for free; batch processing available via in-app purchase.

Product: ICNSmini

Platforms: OSX

Price: Free (with in-app purchases)

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/icnsmini-shrink-png-icns-iconsets/id1035260885?mt=12

Three New Xojo Books

I Wish I Knew How To... Program Word with Xojo in Windows has been updated to help you use the power of both Word and Microsoft Excel.

If you need reports that can be edited after printing, or can be saved in multiple formats such as the common docx or pdf format, then this book is for you. Most business applications require the famous Windows operating system and is the standard around the world. This book provides an introductory and intermediate steps with over 100 examples to get you on your way to make successful applications.

New to Version 2.2 (September 2015):

Added save PDF file

Added htm file saving

Added 25 different file save types

Added highlighting text (Example 3-11)

Added unhighlighting text (Example 3-12)

Add a picture to a table (Example 9-18)

I Wish I Knew How To... Program Excel with Xojo in Windows has also been updated in September 2015:

Get Access data and put into Excel (Example 11-1)

Put lots of data quickly into Excel (Example 12-2)

Get lots of data from Excel and put into an array (Example 12-3)

I Wish I Knew How To... Begin Programming JSON with Xojo shows you how to create, parse, and read JSON data. This book is more than a cheat sheet, it provides an introduction to the basics of working with JSON in Xojo. Both Classic and New Framework JSON examples are provided and explained in the book. With the Classic and New Framework dictionaries being closely related to JSON, there are also example of these dictionaries too!

The book is written as a guide and reference to Xojo programmers who program Desktop applications in Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Product: I Wish I Knew How To... Program Word with Xojo in Windows

Product: I Wish I Knew How To... Program Excel with Xojo in Windows

Product: I Wish I Knew How To... Begin Programming JSON with Xojo

Platforms: Win

Price: $8.99 each

Website: http://great-white-software.com/rblibrary/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=34

New Book on iOS Programming with Xojo

Introduction to Programming with Xojo iOS Edition is now available free in PDF and iBooks! It will provide you with an introduction to creating iPhone and iPad apps with Xojo, which means you can leverage your existing knowledge and skills in Xojo to build and deploy apps for one of today's biggest mobile platforms.

Product: Intro to Programming with Xojo iOS Edition

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://www.xojo.com/learn

Xojo Serial Port Tutorial

Xojo has released a new Xojo tutorial ready for those interested in creating an application in Xojo that can communicate with a serial device.

Product: Xojo Serial Port Tutorial

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://xojo.com/resources/serialport.php

Xojo 2015 Release 2.4

Xojo 2015 Release 2.4 is now available! This release fixes a Linux issue to properly load apps on distros with a minor version number attached to LibICU (like OpenSuse and CentOS 7). The complete list of improvements in Xojo 2015 Release 2.4 can be found in the release notes.

Product: Xojo

Platforms: All

Price: Free IDE (deployment license: $99-$1999)

Website: http://www.xojo.com/download

XDC 2015 Videos Are Now Available

Xojo has announced that the XDC 2015 session videos are now available! You can purchase access to download all of the videos in the Xojo Store for $499! Get access to 30+ sessions from Xojo engineers and experts! XDC attendees automatically have access to them via their Xojo account.

Want to see a preview? Watch Paul's Introduction to Xojo iOS session (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EF66IaaxoH4) for free!

Product: XDC 2015 Videos

Platforms: All

Price: $499 (some samples are free)

Website: https://www.xojo.com/store/#conference

XDC 2015 Highlights Video

XDC 2015 took place in Austin, Texas this year. Xojo put together a highlights video where attendees describe all the reasons why they come to XDC. It's a great way to show your boss why you need to attend next year!

Product: XDC 2015 Highlights Video

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toUFEGlQLOc

Announcing XsEdit 1.0

Kem Tekinay and Jeremy Cowgar are pleased to announce XsEdit 1.0, an advanced XojoScript editor for Xojo.

The Xojo IDE has a built-in script editor, but it's missing some handy features like auto-complete or even line numbers. XsEdit fills that gap with a full-featured editor that still runs the scripts through the IDE.

Some of the benefits of XsEdit over the native XojoScript editor:

Line numbers.

Compiler error messages and highlighting.


Find and replace dialog.

Comment and Uncomment sections of code.

Include external files to emulate context.

The project is completely open-source and free to use. You can even contribute to it!

Product: XsEdit 1.0

Platforms: All

Price: Open Source

Website: https://www.github.com/ktekinay/XsEdit

XojoUnit now on GitHub

XojoUnit 4.5 is now available on GitHub. The new features include:

New framework support

Additional Integer tests

Additional tests

iOS support

Add version constant

Bug fixes

Product: XojoUnit 4.5

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: https://github.com/xojo/XojoUnit

RubberViewsWE for Xojo Web Edition,

Match software announces the immediate availability of RubberViewsWE for Xojo Web Edition, the best tool available for multi-resolution, multi-orientation web apps.

RubberViewsWE is a unique class that you place on a WebPage, a WebDialog or a WebContainer, and it manages automatically the layout for all available devices, sizes and resolutions.

Design your WebPage at the size you like best, RubberViewsWE does the rest. Very easy to use, this class is the result of intense development, with exclusive features that are the result of the most recent research.

RubberViewsWE not only adapts the layout to any size, but it changes the content of controls to match. Like the popular Desktop RubberViews class, it fits the size of pictures in WebImageViews, and can adapt the size of fonts to the size of the browser window. WebDialogs and WebCanvases are also supported.

Auto Layout is a new, exclusive feature that no class of its kind has ever had before ! Yes, the powerful way of organizing layout until now available only in Xojo iOS, is now implemented for Web Edition applications. Instead of being properties of each control, constraints are entered in lists, with the same kind of syntax used for Xojo iOS. Users familiar with Xojo iOS will feel right at home. Additionally, special constraints such as minimum and maximum control size, Portrait and Landscape condition brings constraints subsets which enable dynamic layout (different layout when a device is rotated).

Live Resize is another exclusive new feature from RubberViewsWE. Now resizing takes place dynamically, just as smooth as in Desktop. See it for yourself and play with Auto Layout (http://rubberviews.com/cgi-bin/rubberviewswe/rubberviewswe.cgi).

Individual controls can be set as ignored to manage yourself. Controls that must keep their aspect ratio, such as circles and squares, can be set individually so they do not stretch.

Complete personal assistance on all three platform by email, or on the Xojo forum, including code review and idea box, for a smooth and enjoyable programming experience.

Product: RubberViewsWE

Platforms: OSX/Win/Linux

Price: $149.95 (unencrypted source code), $90 (upgrades)

Website: http://RubberViews.com

XojoTalk Podcast 012

In this episode of XojoTalk, Paul talks with Paul Levine, maker of EverWeb, the Mac (and soon Windows) Web site builder.

Product: Podcast

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Download: http://41160df63757fc043cfd-66287f38a83954e31a54d1dbe33e0650.r4.cf2.rackcdn.com/XojoTalk/XojoTalk-012.mp3

MBS Xojo AudioPlayer Kit

The MBS Xojo AudioPlayer Kit provides you with a few useful classes for audio playback for your Xojo iOS application. It's a wrapper for iOS/Mac AudioPlayer class in AVFoundation:

Play sounds loaded from memory and file

Events like DidFinishPlaying

Audio Channel assignment

average and peak power per channel

volume, pan and rate controls

play, pause and stop methods

query/set current position

Midi Player class for Mac OS X to use Apple's midi synthesizer

Product has full Source code, no encryption. Works for 32bit and 64bit targets. Requires Xojo 2015r1 or newer.

Product: MBS Xojo AudioPlayer Kit

Platforms: iOS

Price: $49

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/AudioPlayerKit/


ElastiControls was developed as part of the original XTeTiC package and allows controls to automatically resize in proportion to the window on which they reside. The classes were developed in response to Pariahware no longer maintaining the "Elastic Windows" classes. ElastiControls supports all native and custom controls and ContainerControls with or without child controls. At a fraction the price of the original Elastic Windows classes, ElastiControls has been separated from the XTeTiC package to provide developers a cheap, just-as-efficient, replacement to the no-longer-supported Elastic Windows classes.

Using ElastiControls is literally a 3-step, one-line of code setup process, that can take under a minute to integrate into any project! Drop an instance of ElastiControls on a window or within a ContainerControl, initialize the class in the window/ContainerControl's Open event, and invoke the Resize() method in the window/ContainerControl's Resizing/Resized event. Nothing more is needed!

Product: ElastiControls v1.7

Platforms: OSX/Win/Linux

Price: $50 (lifetime license, unencrypted source code)

Website: http://www.xojodevspot.com

I Wish I Knew How to...Program Plugins with Xojo on Windows has been completely rewritten

The first version of this book was an introduction and is out-of-date. This new version contains many examples with the fundamentals, Module, Classes, and Controls. The new packaging of xojo_plugins are shown and the older rbx extensions should no-longer be created.

This version also uses the free community edition of Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 to create the dll plugins for the Xojo programming language.

This is an intermediate level book for those who are already familiar with the Xojo programming language and have a fundamental Visual Studio C/C++ programming understanding--this book is not recommended for beginners.

The book is written as a guide and reference to Xojo programmers who program desktop applications in the Windows Operating System. Dynamic Link Libraries (dll) are created with Visual Studio to allow extra functionality in Xojo.

There are 8 chapters with over 300 pages and 27 example programs. Examples include creating a manual plugin, using prebuilt templates, class constants, modules, controls, events, and more. Many screen grabs have been added to show the results of code with a helpful index to find topics quickly.

Product: I Wish I Knew How to...Program Plugins with Xojo on Windows book (version 2)

Platforms: All

Price: $8.99

Website: http://great-white-software.com/rblibrary/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=34

Sandbox kit, for easy sandboxing of your apps

Ohanaware Co., Ltd. are proud to release their "Sandbox Kit" for aiding Xojo Developers in building App Sandbox compatible applications. While App Sandboxing is only supported for Cocoa targets, the Sandbox Kit can be used be used for x-plat development.

The Sandbox Kit uses the exact same functions as applications created with Apple's Objective-C and Swift languages. When using these functions, OS X will handle many of the tasks for you. This is the full production code that Ohanaware use in their own applications, App Wrapper 3, Backup To Go, Fun Card Studio 2, and their latest Magic.

Features of the Sandbox Kit:

OWAppleScript - Uses the Apple recommended method of executing Apple Scripts.

OWBookmark - Security-Scoped Bookmarks done the right way.

SSBToken - Elegant solution for releasing bookmark access.

OWRecentItems - Take advantage of OS X's recent items system, and solve Sandbox issues at the same time.

OWWindowRestoration - Automatically re-open documents without the use of Security-Scoped bookmarks.

OWShell - Sandbox safe mechanism for launching built-in helper applications.

OW_Sandbox_Kit - Collection of shared code used by the Sandbox Kit.

Full Source Code - Included with every purchase, giving greater flexibility and future proofing.

Windows Support - While the Sandbox Kit uses the Apple APIs,fall back code for Windows built applications is provided.

Sample App Wrapper Settings - Includes the App Wrapper 3 settings used for the demo application.

Product: Sandbox Kit

Platforms: All

Price: $99.99 (full source)

Website: http://www.ohanaware.com/sandboxkit/

GraffitiSuite Updated

CyphersTECH Consulting announces another major release of GraffitiSuite. "This is another massive update, following up on the success of Release 18", according to Anthony G. Cyphers. "We've continued adding amazing controls for both editions, including an all-new TreeView control for Desktop Edition and several amazing additions for the Web."

GraffitiSuite consists of many great classes for Desktop and Web development. All subscription customers have access to the GraffitiSuite bug tracker.

CyphersTECH Consulting is a software and web development consulting firm based in Johnson City, TN. CyphersTECH offers custom local application development, web application development, custom Xojo development, and JavaScript development.

Product: GraffitiSuite Release 20

Platforms: All OSX/Win/Linux

Price: Starting at $149/year

Website: http://www.GraffitiSuite.com/

IveBeenThinking Software releases TreeView control

A simple TreeView control for use with Xojo is now available from IveBeenThinking Software.

Use in any of your XOJO(TM) compiled applications

Cross Platform : compiles for OSX and Windows

Written in pure XOJO code, no declares or plugins required.

Free updates for as long as the author maintains the controls

One(1) license per developer (site license available)

Use your own custom icons

optional checkboxes

optional child count badges

checkboxes/badges can be aligned to right of tree content

Multiple TreeView events exposed to parent application

Multiple Styles for Checkboxes

Multiple Styles for Expand/Collapse Icons

Ability to optionally hide connecting lines

Ability to hide/show custom icons

Ability to customize all aspects of foreground/background colors

Ability to customize margins, indent and node height

Product: TreeView control

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: $49 (encrypted), $99 (full source)

Website: http://www.rdsisemore.com

"Magic" Photo Enhancement Software

Ohanaware Co., Ltd. announce the immediate availability of their latest Photo enhancing application "Magic". Magic was designed to improve the luminosity and colors of a photo based upon traditional photography techniques. Magic is a modern adaptation of a particular traditional photography technique, which brightens photos, boosts colors and reduces small imperfections; giving photos a more alluring look.

Complimenting the core functionality, Magic also includes vignette (with corner softness), border and a new stylize selector (which features Ohanaware's 3rd generation Toning engine). Auto Enhancement will attempt to correct exposure, colors and red eye. Ohanaware's 7th generation real-time effects engine is at the heart of magic, providing direct feedback to the user as options are adjusted and tweaked.

Product: Magic

Platforms: OSX

Price: $19.99

Website: http://www.ohanaware.com/magic/

Light Blue 5.5

Industry favorite Light Blue, business management software designed specifically for photographers, has launched a new online contract signing service to help make business admin that much more simple.

Already praised by the trade press and photographers around the world for being powerful yet really easy to use, Light Blue brings together shoot management, marketing and finances, all in one program. Light Blue is desktop software that runs on a Mac or PC, but most photographers also take advantage of the optional online services, which include syncing data between computers, the ability to link the forms on photographers' websites to their Light Blue accounts, and free upgrades.

The new release is an addition to Light Blue Software's online services. Everyone who's subscribed will be able to send contracts to their clients, and receive an electronically signed copy back from them. This will speed up the booking process by saving photographers from needing to post or email a contract to their client and wait for it to be signed and posted back. As part of the contract signing process, photographers can also give clients a choice of quotes, and charge a booking fee, which can be paid online by card or PayPal.

Tom Catchesides, Light Blue founder, says the new service has been very well received during pre-release testing. "As a photographer, it's important you have a proper contract with your clients, but when a client tells you that they want to confirm a booking you want to make the process as quick and painless as possible," he says. "We've designed the online contract signing services in Light Blue to be powerful, but really simple to use, so once you've got a template set up you send your contract out to them in just a few clicks. It's all part of our commitment to building really useful software that'll help streamline business admin and let photographers spend more time out taking pictures."

Beta tester Rob Pugh explains why he likes the new features: "The contract signing services are simply amazing! Normally, it'd take seven days for me to post a contract to my customer, for them to read and sign it, and then post it back to me with a cheque, which I'd then have to bank, but the whole process now takes less than a day. It's going to save me so much time, as well as money on the postage costs!"

Product: Light Blue 5.5

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: Starting at #295

Website: www.lightbluesoftware.com/contracts

MBS SQLite Extension

The Monkeybread Software SQLite Extension is a multifunctional extension to any SQLite-powered application. You can use it as:

a plug-in for Cube SQL 4.0 from SQLabs or newer.

a plug-in for Studio Stable Database Server 2.0 or newer.

an extension to SQLiteDatabase class in Xojo

an extension to REALSQLDatabase class in Real Studio

a plug-in for the REAL Server from REALsoftware

An extension for SQLite which you can use in all SQLite based database applications like SQLiteManager application (from SQLabs)

Product: MBS SQLite Extension 1.4

Platforms: All OSX/Win/Linux

Price: 99 Euro

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/SQLiteExtension/

MBS Xojo Addressbook Kit

The MBS Xojo Addressbook Kit provides you with a few useful classes and modules to easily add Addressbook to your Xojo iOS application. This is a complete Wrapper for iOS Addressbook framework:









You can query sources, groups and persons, read/modify/delete values and get/set images for persons. Our example shows you how to create a person and browse people, groups and sources. This is full source code, no encryption. Works for 32bit and 64bit targets.

Product: MBS Xojo Addressbook Kit

Platforms: iOS

Price: $99

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/AddressbookKit/

UniFormis CRM

UniFormis is our CRM solution for Mac OS X, Windows and soon iOS, with the focus on simplicity and usability. Manage your customers, contacts, notes, tasks and emails with one of these three editions: The Personal Edition is for single user environments, the Professional Edition is the best choice for small to medium sized teams and the Individual Edition is the perfect solution for all types of businesses that require a custom feature set. There are plans to release an iOS-Edition in the next few months as well.

Product: UniFormis

Platforms: OSX/Win/iOS

Price: 9.99 [euro] (personal edition), 49.99 [euro] (pro edition)

Website: http://uniformis.de/en

MBS Xojo Network Kit

The MBS Xojo Network Kit provides you with a few useful classes and modules to easily use network functions in iOS. The Kit contains two parts: A wrapper for OS X and iOS Bonjour classes to publish service and browser for service including resolving the IP addresses. and a wrapper for OS X and iOS for NSConnection classes including NSURLRequest/NSURLResponse with HTTP extensions.

Product: MBS Xojo Network Kit

Platforms: iOS

Price: $99

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/NetworkKit/

MBS Xojo Encryption Kit

The MBS Xojo Encryption Kit provides you with a few useful classes and modules to easily add encryption to your Xojo iOS application. The Kit contains three parts: The wrapper for CommonCrypto framework from Apple, Compression and Decompression functions using zlib and a database connector example to use databases from iOS projects.

Product: MBS Xojo Encryption Kit

Platforms: iOS

Price: $99

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/xojo/EncryptionKit/

Web Custom UI

Web Custom UI will change the look and feel of your Xojo Web Applications in less than 10 minutes of coding and additional work. This set of controls built on top of the native Xojo WebControls includes 10 default styles. It includes a converter tool that will convert your Web Applications to make them use the Custom UI controls and setup each WebPage.

Key features:

No CSS Knowledge required. All CSS work is done in the background to prevent the hassle of learning a new language.

Extremely Fast. Web CustomUI uses a subclass of the native Xojo controls. The loading time of the Web App will be delayed by half a second, and user experience is unaltered. As soon as WebCustom UI is loaded in the WebPage, it doesn't need any further calls to the server.

Easy to use. Design your Web Applications the same way you have always done it. The UI Style is only loaded when running the application.

Compatible with all modern Browsers. Web Custom UI has been tested with Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox. Specific improvements for each Browser were developped. Custom UI is also completely compatible with Mobile Browsers such as Safari for iOS and Chrome for Android.

No additional Javascript library. CustomUI doesn't require any additional Javascript library. There will be no conflict if you use jQuery, Prototype, or another library in your Web Apps.

For a limited time only, a 25% discount is applied to all purchases. More information: http://www.jeremieleroy.com/store.php


Platforms: All OSX/Win/Linux

Price: 199[euro] (encrypted) or 499[euro] (with source-code)

Website: http://www.jeremieleroy.com/products/customui.php

Xojo SQLite Book Updated

I Wish I Knew How to... Program SQLite with Xojo Desktop delves into the mystery of programming a front-end database. The book is written as a guide and reference to Xojo programmers who program Desktop Applications in Windows and Mac. There are no plugins, dynamic link libraries (dll), COM, or Active X parts to add.

March 2015 (1.2 Edition) has minor updates which are:

BD Maintenance (Analyze) in section Other-1

Added more items to book index (DQL: INSERT INTO, etc.)

Added data with recordset (Example 6-3)

Updated saved examples to Xojo 2015 r1 format

Added multiuser (WAL) example (Example 25-2)

Programs were updated to Xojo 2015 r1 for Windows, OS X, and Ubuntu (32-bit) operating systems. There are over 350 pages covering more than 20 chapters and over 70 example programs.

Product: I Wish I Knew How to... Program SQLite with Xojo Desktop

Platforms: All

Price: $8.99

Website: http://great-white-software.com/rblibrary/

MBS Updater Kit Updated

The MBS Updater Kit helps you in adding an automatic update feature to your application. Version 1.6 improves the Kit for use with Xojo.

Crossplatform update engine for Mac OS X and Windows.

Full Source code access.

Using Sparkle on Mac OS X for updating and our own code for Windows.

Includes all code and help to setup Sparkle for Windows.

Includes script file for Inno Setup engine. (you can use others if you like)

Using digital signatures on Mac and MD5 Checksum on Windows to ensure download integrity.

Includes generator for XML file for your server and code to parse this file and find newer versions.

Updated for Xojo.

Fixed Patch App to use Intel instead of Universal for the build folder name.

Fixed UpdaterEngine to better detect if version is newer or older.

Updated Sparkle to version 1.6.1

Our Updater Kit requires Real Studio 2011 or newer and a licenses for various MBS Plugins.

(Complete Set recommended)

Product: MBS Updater Kit

Platforms: All

Price: $99 USD (79 Euro)

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/realbasic/UpdaterKit/

Secure Remote Management and Realtime Event Notification for Dyn, No-IP, OpenDNS and DNS-O-Matic

xProDDNS uniquely provides realtime email and text message alerts and a secure means of responding to them remotely. Devices ranging from smartphones to desktops can be used to securely monitor and manage Dyn, No-IP, OpenDNS and DNS-O-Matic hosts.

xProDDNS now supports encrypted remote connections from any modern web browser. Use of a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop to remotely monitor and manage Dynamic DNS hosts is usually in response to the receipt of a realtime email or text message notification that a significant event just occurred. The most common events are the change of a public IP address and the subsequent update to Dyn, No-IP, OpenDNS or DNS-O-Matic. Dynamic DNS hosts can now be securely monitored and managed with intuitive and attractive web user interfaces tailored to the varying bandwidths and screen dimensions of mobile and stationary Internet connected devices.

Safety and resource utilization were both focal points in refactoring the data and telecommunications aspects of xProDDNS in order to support encrypted remote connections. The results are comprehensive and measurable advances in security and performance.

This latest release of xProDDNS also includes many enhancements to the mobile and full web user interfaces to make them even easier to use. Design refinements and additional graphics were applied to improve the aesthetics of nearly every dialog.

"A great deal of effort went into making this release of xProDDNS even more secure and even easier to use while also making it easy on the eyes and easy on system resources," said Fred Roller, Owner, F.W.Roller and Associates LLC.

Product: xProDDNS

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://fwroller.com/xproddns/

XoDrill classes

Nocturnal Coding Monkeys, LLC, has released XoDrill classes to send email via Mandrill. XoDrill are unofficial classes to use the Mandrill API by MailChimp. These classes make it easy to send transactional emails. Mandrill has a very robust and featured API. The XoDrill classes only support a subset of their API. Over time, the classes will be expanded for more coverage of the API.

Product: XoDrill classes

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://nocturnalcodingmonkeys.com/xojo

Xojo Color module

Nocturnal Coding Monkeys, LLC, has released Xojo Color module to make using colors easier within Xojo. Instead of using raw RRGGBB codes for colors, you can use the common name(s) for the color. This should make it easier to be consistant with the colors across the various windows of an application and across applications. This will reduce the time to maintain the colors by the developer.

Product: Xojo Color module

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: http://nocturnalcodingmonkeys.com/xojo

Kaju Self-Updater for Xojo

Want to let your app self-update with entirely Xojo-based code that works the same way across platforms? Now you can! Kem Tekinay is pleased to announce Kaju, an open-source project that provides a simple solution for self-updating that works the same way on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Kaju uses shell scripts so there is nothing more to install or include in your project, and comes with an admin app that lets you configure the server-side update information easily.

Product: Kaju Self-Updater for Xojo

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: https://www.github.com/ktekinay/kaju/

Fun Card Studio

Ohanaware Co., Ltd. announce the immediate availability of a brand new version of their popular photo sharing application, Fun Card Studio. Fun Card Studio was designed to be a simple to use application, that can be used to combine photos with effects and text to create meme styled Post Cards.

Version 2 is a reboot of the popular Fun Card Studio. This new version has been completely re-written from scratch, creating a brand new application with a modern interface and feature set to fit right within Apple's new Yosemite look and feel.

Main Features:

30 1-Click Styles -- allows the photo or card to be customized by selecting a style from the icon list (which shows a preview of what the photo and message will look like). Custom 1-Click Styles can also be created within the application.

15 Built-in Photo Effects -- Including popular effects used by many applications and custom designed effects. There is also a "Vibrant" effect to match the visual style of Yosemite.

New Text Engine with WYSIWYG Font menu -- The font menu displays the font name, using the actual font. The new text engine supports effect such as drop shadow and outline.

Post to popular sharing sites -- Facebook, Flickr and Twitter. Compatible with Apple Mail and Messages app. Can be used with other applications via the Save to disk option.

Shares in High Quality -- When cards or photos are shared from Fun Card Studio 2, it automatically creates high resolution images, so that they can appear in high resolution on sharing sites (the version displayed on the site is dependent on how the site processes the image file).

Visual Card Organizer -- Automatically stores cards created in the application, with large previews and in order of how recently they were edited.

Auto Save -- Fun Card Studio 2 automatically saves cards that are being worked on. The Auto Save engine also stores previous Undos, allowing a user to revert changes that were possible made even months ago.

Designed for Yosemite -- Fun Card Studio 2 was designed to be consistent with Apple's latest OS release 10.10 Yosemite.

Product: Fun Card Studio

Platforms: OSX

Price: $4.99

Website: http://www.ohanaware.com/funcardstudio/

AppPrep 2.0

piDog Software has released AppPrep 2.0, a tool to simplify preparing Xojo made apps for distribution on the Mac App Store and the web. AppPrep offers many new features in this version:

This update adds the ability to debug your sandboxed app and monitor system logs for any errors.

An improved icon editor has been added to manage Retina compatible icons for the app and any file types the app defines.

AppPrep can create an installer for App Store submission, and an installer for distribution outside the App Store, including background image, welcome text, license agreement, readme text, and a conclusion section.

Debugging your sandboxed project has never been easier than with the option to copy a build script from AppPrep and paste it directly into the Xojo IDE.

AppPrep can cache signed libraries and plugins to greatly speed the debugging process.

This is a free update to users who have purchased AppPrep previously via the Mac App Store.

A demo mode is available that will allow users to save up to 3 AppPrep projects and enjoy full functionality.

Product: AppPrep 2.0

Platforms: OSX

Price: $24.99

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/appprep/id445131099?mt=12


DevXcentric is a suite of developer-centric applications; affording rapid

access to regularly used features, via one centralised and convenient location. Features include:

Dev Notes Toolkit: Create multiple developer notes, in which to keep track of information pertinent to each development project, or developing in general. All notes can be reordered; exported; backed up; and searched.

Snippets Toolkit: A fully searchable, multi-language database, in which to store all relevant code snippets. Snippets can be copied to the clipboard or exported, or the entire database backed up to the user's location of choice.

Color Toolkit: Database in which to store regularly used Hexadecimal Triplet or RGB color values for your UI. Enter the color values directly, or from any color on-screen, and then save to the database or clipboard. Textual descriptions can also be assigned to each color - for rapid retrieval.

Icon Toolkit: Drop an image onto the appropriate drop-spot to automatically create all required images (including Retina). Creates images suitable for Desktop and Mobile Devices, and also Favicons for Websites. Alternatively, drop an image file onto the appropriate drop-spot, and get a preview of your image in either the dock or the status bar. This affords the ability to see how your icon will appear in your finished product.

File Toolkit: Create various file types / templates such as HTML, PHP, XML, CSS, TXT, RTF, etc. all at the click of a button. Drop files onto the appropriate hotspots, and check if the contents of the two dropped text files are identical.

Key Code Finder: Easily find UTF-8, UTF-16, and Hex key codes to use in your software, by simply pressing the desired key or key combination.

Product: DevXcentric

Platforms: OSX

Price: $11.99

Website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/devxcentric/id914111883?ls=1&mt=12

New Xojo Web Edition Book Published

Eugene Dakin has released a new Xojo book, I wish I Knew How To... Begin Programming Xojo Web. It's an introductory book for both a Xojo and Web programmer. Topics are at an introductory level and is not focused on intermediate or advanced topics. Here are some of the many topics discussed:






Data types

Screen sizes

Error handling

Object introduction

Comparing (If-End)

SQLite database integration (CRUD)

An example of a dynamic blog with login

Programs were written with Xojo 2014 r2.1 for Windows, OS X, and Ubuntu (32-bit) operating systems. There are over 290 pages covering 18 chapters and over 70 example programs. The Table of Contents can be downloaded at the author's website (http://www.scispec.ca/index.php/books).

Product: I wish I Knew How To... Begin Programming Xojo Web

Platforms: All

Price: $8.99

Website: http://great-white-software.com/rblibrary/

End of article.