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Issue 14.5 ('Keyboard Shortcuts')
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Table Of Contents

Issue 14.5 (September/October 2016)

Column Column (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Review Made with Xojo (Page 12)
Feature Cooking With Xojo, Part 1: Literally using Xojo to cook a perfect steak (Page 14)
Feature No Shortcuts for Shortcuts: Supporting user-defined keyboard shortcuts is tougher than you'd think (Page 18)
Feature Making Better Examples 2: More tips for improving examples and tutorials (Page 41)
Feature Gestures and Tabs: Handling MacOS Gestures and Sierra's Tabs (Page 47)
Feature Tracking Health Disorders, Part 3: Making vitals and disorders work together (Page fe)
Column JSON Dictionary: Converting Dictionaries to JSON (Page 82)
Column Huge iOS Update, HiDPI, and more: Xojo 2016r2 and iOS (Page 92)
Column Hadooping it Up!: What is Hadoop and what is its role in Big Data (Page be)
Column REST Classes For Xojo: Open Source code for Xojo (Page 100)


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