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Issue 17.4 ('100th Issue')
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Table Of Contents

Issue 17.4 (July/August 2019)

Column Sweet 100: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Feature Numbers Please! Part 3: Creating a numbers-only field (Page 12)
Feature TextField Warning: Indicating invalid entries with a warning sign (Page 24)
Feature Husband + Wife + Xojo: The Dukes celebrate 30 years in business (Page 28)
Feature Creating Barcodes in Xojo: How you can create more than 80 different types of barcodes in Xojo (Page 36)
Feature Curves Ahead: The future is not ours to see (Page 43)
Feature Your First Web App: Creating a simple web app with Xojo (Page 48)
Column Computing Properties: Working with computed properties (Page 58)
Column XojoTalk Podcast is Back: Xojo thoughts, news and tips (Page 65)
Column Managing Deadlines: Clear, Concise Communication with Consequences (Page 68)
Column Best of the Web: Great programming articles you may have missed (Page 70)


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