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Issue 17.6 (November/December 2019)
Column A New Era: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5) News News (Page 8) Feature Numbers Please! Part 5: A numbers-only field (Page cy) Feature Xojo in Cologne: A Report from the MBS Conference in Germany (Page 25) Feature Maps Part 2: Implementing Maps in Xojo desktop apps with the MapKitMBS plugin (Page ea) Feature Your First Web App—Part 3: Creating a simple web app with Xojo (Page r>) Feature Big Numbers and Large Numbers: How you can use the BigNumberMBS and LargeNumberMBS class in Xojo (Page r>) Feature Designing For Error Tolerance: Making error-tolerance part of the MVC paradigm (Page r>) Column A New Way to Date: Exploring API 2.0 (Page 90) Column Xojo 2019 Release 2: Xojo thoughts, news and tips (Page 97) Column Intentional Planning Is Part of the Work: Plans Are Useless, Planning Is Essential (Page r>1) Column Best of the Web: Great programming articles you may have missed (Page r>1)
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