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Issue 19.3 ('Black Hole')
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Table Of Contents

Issue 19.3 (May/June 2021)

Column New Stuff: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Review App Wrapper (Page 12)
Feature More ARM: Xojo 2021r1 Adds More Support for Apple Silicon (Page 16)
Feature Xojo Time and Space—Into a Programming Black Hole: How converting durations and distances into human-readable form reveals a 32-bit problem at the heart of Xojo's 64-bit math module (Page 22)
Feature Filemaker-Like Checkboxes: Using a checkbox set to simulate the Filemaker checkbox (Page 47)
Feature Holy Cryptography, Batman!: Introduction to Cryptography with the Caesar Cipher (Page 52)
Feature Lost In the Woods: Is a Plugin or Xojo's Built-In MapLocation the Answer? (Page 60)
Column Drawing PDFs 2: New PDF Features in Xojo 2021r1 (Page 76)
Column Xojo 2021R1: Xojo thoughts, news and tips (Page 82)
Column Best of the Web: Great programming articles you may have missed (Page 86)


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