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Issue 2.6


Welcome to the REALbasic Developer Magazine Beginners Corner!

Issue: 2.6 (July/August 2004)
Author: Thomas J. Cunningham
Author Bio: Thomas is a self-taught hobbyist programmer who enjoys sharing the RB loving with others. He makes his home in the 50th State on the island of Maui.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 10,578
Starting Page Number: 28
Article Number: 2613
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This month's column will continue with the theme I spoke about last time; that is, the creation of custom classes. In issue 2.5 I dealt with some of the rudimentary issues of classes and subclasses -- we used a StaticText control as an example. This month's example will use the all-powerful Canvas class. I was going to use a vector class as an example, but I would rather draw something!

As I've pointed out before, everything you see on a computer screen is nothing more than the pixels on your screen being illuminated. When it comes to showing something on the screen in REALbasic, the Canvas class is more often than not the place you want to do it -- its Paint event to be specific.

For our example project, we will see if we can create a simple alternative to the ImageWell class that comes with REALbasic. Many times on the RB New Users Group list someone will express that they want to use an ImageWell in their project, but it lacks certain features. This is not a shortcoming of the ImageWell class, it is merely the way it is designed. Its sole purpose is to display images and it is handy for this; however, many times you need to actually do some drawing. Since the ImageWell has no Paint event available to us, we're sort of stuck with what it does. Our example image well will be a bit crude, but hopefully the concept we are learning will not be!

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.