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Table Of Contents
Issue 20.5 (September/October 2022)
Column Off to Nashville: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5) News News (Page 8) Review The XUI Framework (Page 12) Feature Exploring Steganography, Part 2: Retrieving a Picture in a Picture (Page 15) Feature Evaluating Equations with XojoScript: A simple alternative to parsing a user's equation (Page 28) Feature What's Your Workflow?: xDev surveys Xojo developers about the best way to work (Page 40) Feature Calling XojoScript: Using XojoScripts in AppleScripts (Page 49) Column Encrypting PDFs: Using Xojo's new PDF Encryption Options (Page 63) Column Xojo 2022R2, Bug Bashing, and Xojo File Formats: Xojo thoughts, news and tips (Page 69) Column Create and Read Excel Spreadsheets: Using LibXL with Xojo (Page 72) Column ODBC (addendum): A Continued Discussion on using ODBC (Page 78) Column Best of the Web: Great programming articles you may have missed (Page 82)
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