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Issue 3.4


The Case of the Forgetful Cult, Part II

Marsh and Sanders are still hot on the case of a missing detective...

Issue: 3.4 (March/April 2005)
Author: Toby Rush
Author Bio: Toby Rush is a music instructor, consultant, freelance programmer, web designer, husband, and Dad in Greeley, Colorado.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 9,645
Starting Page Number: 44
Article Number: 3420
Related Link(s): None

Excerpt of article text...

The "Genius" Bar, 2405 7th Street, 6:01 pm

"Gentlemen! Your usual, I'm assuming?"

The detectives sat down. "You know it, Jimmy." The bartender brought a diet soda and iced tea.

"What brings you two down here today?"

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.