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Issue 4.4


Thoughts from the Publisher

Issue: 4.4 (March/April 2006)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When RBD publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living! You may contact him at editor@rbdeveloper.com.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 3,088
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 4400
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Articles by the Pound

Have you ever wanted an individual article from REALbasic Developer but you didn't want the time or cost of ordering an entire back issue?

When I first launched RBD I had the idea of offering individual articles for sale, but I've been so busy the last few years I've never gotten the project off the ground.

Now I'm pleased to report that through an agreement with the folks at http://www.RBLibrary.com, the dream is realized: many RBD articles are available for purchase individually, delivered immediately in electronic format (PDF), with more being added all the time. The cost of each article is between $1 and $5 and varies according to length, publication date, and other factors.

Check out RBLibrary today -- it's a great way to satisfy that midnight craving for helpful RB instruction!

In This Issue

While it's unusual for our cover story and main feature to be an interview, once you meet Mike Woodworth and Dave Parker and hear their incredible story, you'll be as hooked as I was. Dave and Mike are the nutcases -- hem, excuse me, enthusiasts -- who decided to enter the DARPA Grand Challenge last year and create their own completely autonomous vehicle out of spare parts in their garage. Their genius, of course, was deciding to use REALbasic for all the vehicle programming. My interview with them is long and yet it barely scratches the surface of all their wild adventures creating a robot car!

In other features, we've got Christian answering some common beginner questions and Charles steps in to explain how to create scrollable lists of controls, an extremely useful tool.

Do you use third party RB plugins and classes? If you're like me, you don't use as many as you should because you're intimidated. Many classes are poorly documented or seem complicated and confusing. With this issue we launch what I hope will be a series of helpful instructions on how to use various third party products.

We begin with former RBD columnist Thomas Cunningham explaining how to use John Balestrieri's SuperSpriteSurface (SSS), a powerful alternative to RB's built-in SpriteSurface class.

Another Good-bye

Hank Marquis, author of the Optimzing REALbasic column, has decided he can no longer write for RBD after the demise of Slayfire Software. We're sorry to see Hank go but which him well.

End of article.