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Thoughts from the Publisher
Issue: 5.1 (September/October 2006)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When RBD publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living! You may contact him at
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,451
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 5100
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Welcome to the "Joe Strout" issue of REALbasic Developer! Actually, it's just a coincidence that this issue features so much Strout--we've got an interview as well as a couple excellent articles. I originally planned the "StringUtils Module" article for the next issue, but Charles Yeomans had some unexpected delays in finishing part two of his "Visual Layout Editor," so I had to do some last minute shuffling. I apologize delaying the conclusion to Charles' piece, but we'll run it in issue 5.2.
A happy Birthday!
Speaking of volume/issue numbers, you might have noticed that this issue marks the beginning of our fifth year of publication! I still can't quite believe I've been doing this for so long (this is our 25th issue), but I'm enjoying it immensely and I hope to continue for many more years. Thanks to all who subscribe to RBD, and to all the excellent contributors--this labor of love continues because of your generous support.
In This Issue
As you can tell by our gory cover, we've got a Postmortem on Joe Strout and Jeff Quan's cool Zombies game (page 15). Find out how (and why) this game was created.
JC Cruz is back (page 21), this time explaining how random numbers work (or don't work), and we debut a new feature, "Third Party Tools," which profiles how to use a third party's class or module within REALbasic (page 34).
I also interview Joe Strout (page 12), exploring what he's doing now that he's left REAL Software, and we've got a brief intro- duction to REAL Software's new product, REAL SQL Server (page 11), written by new REAL Software employee Will Leshner.
Oh, and those of you wondering what's happened to Joe Nastasi's 3D column--it's on hiatus for a while, but hopefully Joe will be back in the future. We might also bring on a new columnist or two, so keep your eyes peeled for new things!
End of article.