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Issue 5.6

Table Of Contents

Issue 5.6 (September/October 2007)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium (Page 8)
Review Book: Manage It! (Page 9)
Review Parallels Desktop 3.0 for Mac (Page 10)
Feature PostMortem: RBUnit: Unit Testing for REALbasic (Page 11)
Feature Opinion: Cocoa Frameworks on Windows?: Why Cocoa Isn't a Threat to REALSoftware (Page 14)
Feature iPhone Dev: Creating iPhone applications with REALbasic (Page 15)
Feature REALSecure: Vernam Cipher and E-mail (Page 23)
Feature Third Party Plugins: Statusitems: Getting an icon in the top right of the Mac OS X menubar (Page 31)
Column Dynamic RB, Part 1: Using RBScript for interactive action (Page 34)
Column iDater: A simple project to manage creation and modification dates (Page 38)
Column More About Multi-User Applications (Page 40)
Column Don't Use Strings: Use Classes That Express Your Design (Page 41)
Column An RPN Interpreter: "Hello World" For Compilers (Page 42)
Column Windows version: Asking for the correct Windows version from REALbasic Code using Declares. (Page 44)
Column Made in the Shade: Using Core Graphics in a REALbasic Project (Page 46)


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