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Issue 6.2

Table Of Contents

Issue 6.2 (January/February 2008)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (Page 8)
Review Book: Designing with Web Standards (Page 9)
Review Osk 4.11 (Page 10)
Review SafariTabs and SourceList (Page 10)
Feature KISS: Often simple is best (Page 11)
Feature Crystal-Clear Code (Page 14)
Feature REALGraphics: Basic Image Processing (Page 20)
Feature RBApp Help: REALbasic Application Help (Page 28)
Column Database Servers for REALbasic: PostgreSQL (Page 31)
Column Hierarchical Listboxes (Part 2): Working with hierarchical listboxes (Page 32)
Column Swatter: A simple bug database (Page 34)
Column A TemplateString Class: Real-Life Parsing (Page 36)
Column A Delegate Sampler: Methods as Objects (Page 38)
Column Software Protection: The Battle Against Pirates (Page 39)
Column Windows User Interface: Differences between Mac and Windows (Page 40)
Column The Interface Quiz III: The Icons Strike Back: Think you're an interface ninja? Prove it. (Page 42)


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