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So What's Holding You Back?
And what are you going to do about it?
Issue: 9.6 (September/October 2011)
Author Bio: Bob is the owner of BKeeney Software. In addition to providing REAL Studio consulting, he provides REAL Studio training videos (currently over 30 hours worth), and sells software to consumers and developers alike. He is a founder and former President of the Association of REALbasic Professionals.
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Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can, or you can't, you're usually right." We are all capable of doing great things. We inherently desire and strive for greatness. Unfortunately, most of us never do great things because we hold ourselves back. So what's holding you back?
Entire books have been devoted to this topic. However, since this is a magazine for Real Studio developers, we'll narrow our focus on what's holding you back as a Real Studio consultant.
Lack of Education : There are not many educational opportunities to learn Real Studio. There are not a lot of books and other training materials available for Real Studio; with a small developer community and a product that puts out a new release every ninety day or so, there just aren't a whole lot of options.This means that it's up to you. You have to scour the documentation and other available resources (like back issues of the
Real Studio Developer Magazine and my own training videos), determine what you don't know and then figure it out by brute force or by asking the pertinent questions in the Real Software forums or on the NUG mailing list.I find the forums to be a great place to get answers to my questions. There's a good possibility that someone has had the exact same question that you have and it's probably been answered. The trick with the forum is learning how to query the system and narrow down the results.
Lack of Experience : I often get asked on how to start as a Real Studio consultant. Most people really have no idea how to start out and cite the lack of experience on why they don't start. We all start off inexperienced so start by learning as much as you can. See the point above with education. Then, take what you've learned and use it in a real world type of project even if you do nothing with it. The point is to get to a level of understanding with the tool that you know how to solve it, or at least know where to start your research.
...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.