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Issue 12.1 ('Smart Localization')
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Table Of Contents

Issue 12.1 (January/February 2014)

Column xDev Turns Twelve: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review Xippets (Page 12)
Feature Birmingham 2013: The Xojo Developers UK Conference (Page 15)
Feature Window Tricks: Building a Better Mac App (Page 21)
Feature Reporting Valentina: How to use Valentina Reports with Xojo (Page 33)
Feature Smart Localization: secondary headline (Page 47)
Column A Program's Structure: Part One: Events (Page 58)
Column Using AddHandler: Xojo has a way to connect events to handlers outside of a Window or sublcass. (Page 70)
Column OS Updates: Xojo and OS Compatibility (Page 72)
Column Database Standards: Databases are code too and should be treated that way (Page 75)
Column Eureka!: Tips and Tricks for the Xojo Developer (Page 78)
Column Brother, Can You Spare A Token?: Diving Into the Language of Regular Expressions (Page 83)


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