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Issue 12.2 ('Inefficiencies')
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Table Of Contents

Issue 12.2 (March/April 2014)

Column XDC is Almost Here: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Review ZirconSwitch for Xojo (Page 12)
Review ZirconBreadcrumbs for Xojo (Page 13)
Feature Inside Email: About the EmailMessage class and SMTPSocket (Page 15)
Feature Smart Reporting: Implementing a custom reporting system (Page 19)
Feature Xojo around the World: Meeting Xojo Developers in New Zealand (Page 29)
Feature The Dangers of Inefficiency: Users will hate your app if it slows them down (Page 33)
Feature Moving to AVFoundation: Leaving QuickTime behind (Page 43)
Column A Program's Structure: Part Two: Objects (Page 48)
Column We Are Xojo: Who are Xojo developers? (Page 54)
Column Build Automation: Automate tasks for each build (Page 60)
Column Xojo Talk: Development Hardware and Tools (Page 63)
Column Database Design Always Matters: You can spend a little more time upfront or a lot more time later (Page 66)
Column Eureka!: Tips and Tricks for the Xojo Developer (Page 72)
Column The Long and Short of It: Coding Without and With Regular Expressions (Page 76)


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