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Table Of Contents
Issue 16.1 (January/February 2018)
Column New Year, New Book: Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5) News News (Page 8) Feature Byte Order Marker: How to Implement a Byte Order Marker (BOM) with Xojo (Page 12) Feature From FileMaker to Xojo and Back Again: Communicate Between Development Systems (Without Plugins) (Page 18) Feature MBS London Conference 2017: Marc visits England (Page eN) Feature A Model For Health: Designing and implementing a custom data model (Page 58) Column Knowing Scope: What's the difference between public, private, and protected? (Page r>) Column Disaster Recovery and Barman: An introduction to Disaster Recovery (Page 87) Column 2017r3, WinAPILib, Image Sets: What does a 64-bit IDE mean for you? (Page 91) Column Packaging with fpm: Creating Linux distributions of your Xojo software (Page 94) Feature Get Stock Prices with Xojo: Exploring two ways to get stock info (Page 42)
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