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Issue 3.3

Table Of Contents

Issue 3.3 (January/February 2005)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review DVD Database X 1.4.1 (Page 8)
Review Footlights 1.2 (Page 8)
Review KidzMail 1.5 (Page 9)
Review Monkeybread Freeware (Page 9)
Review RB-ADoc 1.1.1 (Page 10)
Review Solve Elec 1.0 (Page 10)
Feature Getting Publicity for Your Product Announcement -- A Tactical Approach: Putting out the word (Page 11)
Feature Postmortem: HelpLogic: Developing an IDE Application with the REALbasic IDE (Page 13)
Feature Serial Programming For Beginners (Page 17)
Feature Storing RDF/XML in a Relational Database, Part 2 (Page 20)
Feature Update Yourself: Adding a self-updating feature to your application (Page 26)
Column Ports Ahoy!: How to port code (Page 30)
Column Analyzing the Performance of the Database Engines (Page 32)
Column Implementing Delegates in REALbasic (Page 33)
Column Huffman Compression: An application of binary trees (Page 34)
Column A Conversion Example: Simulating custom types in REALbasic (Page 36)
Column Control Panels: Combine Both Libraries (Page 38)
Column From Scratch: Finishing TanGram (Page 40)
Column From Mac to Windows: Questions of a Windows developer making his first Mac application. (Page 42)
Column The Case of the Forgetful Cult, Part I: Have Detectives Marsh and Sanders finally met their match? (Page 44)
Column IPC Sockets, Part 2: Producing a usable IPC socket framework (Page 46)


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