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Issue 3.4

Table Of Contents

Issue 3.4 (March/April 2005)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review ChitChat 1.1.3b (Page 8)
Review DeskDoodle (Page 8)
Review Front End Convert Drop 1.1 (Page 9)
Review Profile: Macabinet (Page 9)
Review Master Key 3.1.7 (Page 10)
Review SlayFire Reality (Page 10)
Feature Building the Better Spam Killer: Cross Platform Development Success Using REALbasic (Page 11)
Feature Advanced Serial Programming: Tips and tricks to get the most out of your connections (Page 14)
Feature Mouse Gestures (Page 16)
Feature REALScience: Using REALbasic to solve scientific problems (Page 19)
Column MessageDialog: Using the MessageDialog Class (Page 30)
Column SQL Management Tools (Page 32)
Column Associating a Window to an Object: An Introduction to Weak References (Page 33)
Column Polygon Hit Testing: Is a point inside a polygon? (Page 34)
Column Cross-Platform Issues: ActiveX and Conditional Compiling (plus the Project Converter) (Page 36)
Column Control Panel Library: Architecture (Page 38)
Column From Scratch: Networked TanGram (Page 40)
Column OLEContainer: A web control for the Windows version of REALbasic (Page 42)
Column The Case of the Forgetful Cult, Part II: Marsh and Sanders are still hot on the case of a missing detective... (Page 44)
Column A GUI designer (Page 46)


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