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Issue 5.2

Table Of Contents

Issue 5.2 (January/February 2007)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review Automator (Page 8)
Review SuperDuper! (Page 8)
Review The Pragmatic Programmer (Page 9)
Review Book: Refactoring (Page 10)
Feature How Far We've Come: Updating a RB2.1 app to RB2006 (Page 11)
Feature Experimenting with Fourier Series: A calculation-intensive graphics and benchmark application (Page 14)
Feature REALScience: Random Walks (Page 17)
Feature Bitwise Operations for Noobs: Working with bits (Page 26)
Feature The Secret Resource: Learn from the pros -- by asking them! (Page 30)
Column Text Styling: Working with styled text (Page 34)
Column REALSQLDatabase (SQLite): Triggers and Views (Page 36)
Column Automatic Transaction Rollback: Leverage REALbasic Memory Management (Page 37)
Column Sorting Arrays: Bring Order To Your Objects (Page 38)
Column CashFlow: Building a simple database application in REALbasic. (Page 40)
Column Mutex, Take 2: Allow only one application instance to run at a time (Page 42)
Column The Interface Calendar: Hey, baby, what's your sign? (Page 44)


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