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Issue 7.1

Table Of Contents

Issue 7.1 (November/December 2008)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Review Funtastic Photos (Page 10)
Review Google Chrome (Page 10)
Review SERank and Domainer (Page 11)
Review Kodak Zi6 (Page 12)
Review Milky Icons (Page 12)
Feature ARBP: An association for REALbasic professionals (Page 13)
Feature Meet Ray Barber: Marketing to the Press (Page 14)
Feature All About Toolbars: Using REALbasic's Cross-Platform Toolbar Control (Page 17)
Feature The Template-Method-Pattern: Motivation: Having some Algorithms, that differ in details, but not in Principle (Page 22)
Feature Scripting for Fun and Profit: The Advantages of RBScripts (Page 25)
Feature REALWord: Checking With Style (Page 28)
Column Containing Controls: Creating groups of controls for easy reuse (Page 38)
Column Reporting with REALbasic: What are the options? (Page 42)
Column Compiler Optimization: What the REALbasic compiler can do on optimization (Page 44)
Column Lessons in Contracting: You Have a Contract, Right? (Page 45)
Column Fade to Black: Using window transparency to add an extra touch of class (Page 46)
Column Yuma + Apache: Yuma Enterprise Server Apache Configuration (Page 48)
Column File Renamer: A quick and dirty file renaming utility (Page 50)
Column Side-Effect Free Functions: Write Code as Little Transactions (Page 54)


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