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Issue 2.6

Table Of Contents

Issue 2.6 (July/August 2004)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review DxMidiX 1.2 (Page 8)
Review FTP Suite 3.2 (Page 8)
Review Profile: Roadworks (Page 9)
Review Book: AppleScript: The Definitive Guide (Page 9)
Review Net Clipper II (Page 10)
Review SuperSpriteSurface (SSS) Framework (Page 10)
Feature Interview: Joe Strout (Page 11)
Feature CODEBREAKER: Breaking the Code to Successful Commercial Software with REALbasic (Page 13)
Feature Data In: Using Vernier's LabPro to collect data from probes attached to your computer (Page 17)
Feature Art and Letters: Drawing Hexes (and Other Things) with Text (Page 24)
Feature Dealing with Databases: Learning SQL Part 2 (Page 27)
Column Welcome to the REALbasic Developer Magazine Beginners Corner! (Page 28)
Column Using RBScript: Creating plugins for your application (Page 30)
Column Performance Tips (Page 32)
Column Soundex and Metaphone: Algorithms for matching words based on sound (Page 34)
Column Better Dating (Page 33)
Column Further Mac OS Integration: Delving deeper into what the Mac OS offers (Page 36)
Column Path Animation: Tell your Object3Ds where to go! (Page 38)
Column From Scratch: More TanGram UI (Page 40)
Column Custom Window Shape: Round windows in Windows. (Page 42)
Column Help!, Part III: The fine art of documentation (Page 44)
Column IRC Bots: Easy! Part II: Part II (Page 46)


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