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Issue 4.5

Table Of Contents

Issue 4.5 (May/June 2006)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review FTPKit (Page 8)
Review ImagePlay 0.1.1 (Page 8)
Review Lingua (Page 9)
Review PS-AC4 AC Adapter for G4 PowerBook (Page 9)
Review REALbasic 2006 Release 2 (Page 10)
Review Zip 2 Secure EXE Creator (Page 10)
Feature REAL World 2006: The only REALbasic conference in the world gets better every year (Page 11)
Feature REALScience: Basic Planetary Motion (Page 21)
Feature Refactoring REALbasic Code: Improving the Design of Existing Code (Page 31)
Column Basic Data Structures, Part II: Discovering the Dictionary (Page 34)
Column Databases for Real: REALSQLDatabase (SQLite) (Page 36)
Column Avoiding NilObjectExceptions (Page 37)
Column Searching Arrays and Lists: The Virtues of Brute Force (Page 38)
Column RSS Reader: The next RSS reader from start to finish. (Page 40)
Column Process Priority: Change the priority of your process (Page 42)
Column The Case of the Pushbutton Menus: Our boys are hot on the trail of a controversy... how far will it take them? (Page 44)
Column Legacy code: why throw it away?: Objective (Page 46)


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