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Issue 5.1

Table Of Contents

Issue 5.1 (September/October 2006)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review DropDMG (Page 8)
Review Book: Beginning REALbasic (Page 8)
Review iURL (Page 9)
Review Website: Really Really REALbasic (Page 9)
Review SuDoKu Master (Page 10)
Review WebDesign (Page 10)
Feature REAL SQL Server Released: REAL Software ships easy-to-use server product (Page 11)
Feature Joe Strout: The former REAL Software engineer's got a new gig (Page 12)
Feature Postmortem: Zombies: How I raised the dead with REALbasic (Page 15)
Feature Basic Random Numbers: Exploring randomness (Page 21)
Feature The StringUtils Module: Filling the Gaps in REALbasic's String Support (Page 29)
Feature An Elastic Window: Or, a different way to handle display resolutions (Page 34)
Column Dynamic Controls: Mastering Arrays of Controls (Page 36)
Column REALSQLDatabase (SQLite): Triggers and Views (Page 38)
Column Reconstituting Objects: Refactoring to Patterns (Page 39)
Column Comparing Arrays: Do two arrays share data? (Page 40)
Column Credits & Debits: Building a simple database application in REALbasic. (Page 42)
Column Detecting Rosetta: Are we running under emulation? (Page 44)
Column Wait For It: The Art and Science of Waiting (Page 46)


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