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Issue 6.3

Table Of Contents

Issue 6.3 (March/April 2008)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review Book: Getting Real (Page 8)
Review ZyMail (Page 9)
Review Book: Sketching User Experiences (Page 9)
Review iChart 123 (Page 10)
Review iPhone (firmware 1.1.3) (Page 10)
Feature Meet John Callis: Chatting with the head of Clarity Legal Software (Page 11)
Feature Introducing Introspection: REALbasic 2008r1 takes up Navel-Gazing (Page 13)
Feature Loosely coupled systems (Page 15)
Feature Impossible Programming (Page 20)
Feature REALScience: Finite State Machines (Page 24)
Feature Subversion Version Control: Using Subversion and REALbasic for version control (Page 30)
Column Database Servers for REALbasic: OpenBase SQL (Page 33)
Column Generating PDF Files: Using Toby Rush's PDF classes (Page 34)
Column Swatter Part 2: A simple bug database (Page 36)
Column Fast Exponentiation: It's Not Just for Numbers (Page 38)
Column Module Properties: Not As Trivial As They Look (Page 40)
Column Differentiating Yourself: Making your services stand out (Page 41)
Column Calling conventions (Page 41)


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