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Issue 7.4

Table Of Contents

Issue 7.4 (May/June 2009)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 8)
Review Book: Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X (Third Edition) (Page 10)
Review Book: Beginning iPhone Development (Page 11)
Review Times (RSS Newsreader) (Page 12)
Review Picture Button (Page 12)
Feature Postmortem: TickerMenu (Part 2 of 2): The story of a product's development (Page 13)
Feature A New Edition of REALbasic: Introducing REAL Studio (Page 19)
Feature Cross-Platform Printing: Printing Styled Text and Graphics (Page 20)
Feature Printing with Templates: Instead of making your simple app support complicated printing, why not use a pre-formatted template instead? (Page 24)
Feature Easy Charts and Graphs: Using the ChartDirector Plugin (Page 28)
Feature RegEx Revisited: An updated look at REALbasic's Regex classes (Page 37)
Column Typecasting: Working with datatypes (Page 46)
Column Graph Paper Maker, Part 3: Create your own customized graph paper (Page 50)
Column Reporting with REALbasic: RSReport (Page 52)
Column Naming Conventions: Bad naming is a giveaway for bad coding (Page 54)


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