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Issue 4.4

Table Of Contents

Issue 4.4 (March/April 2006)

Column Thoughts from the Publisher (Page 5)
News News (Page 6)
Review DW Toolbar (Page 8)
Review Euro Converter Pro (Page 8)
Review iCash (Page 9)
Review Microsoft Authenticode Digital ID (Page 9)
Review Mozilla ActiveX Control (Page 10)
Review PhotoEdit (Page 10)
Feature Postmortem: UNC Jazz Press Online: The perfect opportunity for a REALbasic-made CGI (Page 11)
Feature Mike and Dave: Creating an autonomous vehicle with REALbasic for the DARPA Grand Challenge (Page 15)
Feature Beginner Q and A: Answers for Beginner's Questions (Page 24)
Feature Implementing Scrollable Control Lists (Page 27)
Feature Intro to SSS: A Gentle Introduction To The SuperSpriteSurface for REALbasic (Page 30)
Column Basic Data Structures, Part I: Finding for the most efficient data structure (Page 34)
Column Databases for Real: REALSQLDatabase (SQLite) (Page 36)
Column Window Objects: Visual Coding Is Not Just For Controls (Page 37)
Column Presto Chango!: Dynamic Textures (Page 38)
Column RSS Reader: The next RSS reader from start to finish. (Page 40)
Column Port Input/Output: Accessing the hardware ports (Page 42)
Column The Interface Quiz II: Revenge of the Geeks: Another bout of finely honed self-diagnosis. (Page 44)


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